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Herald a tool for regime change, Kasukuwere reveal

by Mary Charamba
16 Jan 2017 at 12:58hrs | Views
Zanu PF national commissar  Saviour Kasukuwere has lashed out at state controlled Herald describing  the publication as "publicists for regime change agents".

Kasukuwere called for a change in the editorial team headed by editor Caesar Zvayi.

He said Zanu PF would not allow the publication to be abused for narrow interests.

The Herald today  in an article headlined "Elect substantive chairperson, Zanu-PF urged" said the "ruling party has nine of 10 hand-picked officials in an acting capacity".
Only Richard Moyo of Matabeleland North was elected and is substantive, the publication said.

However, Kasukuwere said for the avoidance of doubt, all 7 chairman are substantive and only three provinces  Masvingo, Midlands and Mashonaland East have acting chairpersons.

He took to twitter to vent his frustration.

He posted : "@HeraldZimbabwe ,Editorial team has to change . You defend Mutodi at the expense of the party and leadership !In yr view he was correct ?

"@HeraldZimbabwe ,we won't allow you to abuse the paper for narrow interests . If you have issues with the party come to ZANU PF Hq .

@HeraldZimbabwe They have become reckless & careless .We elected Pres Mugabe.They act as publicists for regime change agents".

He vowed to "stop this madness and firth columnist mentality".

Source - Byo24News