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Chamisa election rigging plot boomerangs?

by Staff reporter
16 Mar 2022 at 01:32hrs | Views
IN what could be a tip of the iceberg, Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) candidate in the upcoming March 26 by-elections, Herbert Gomba, has been arrested for fraudulently facilitating registration of people using his parents' address in contravention of the Electoral Act.

Apart from registering 19 people at his parents' home in the high-density suburb of Glen Norah, the former Harare mayor, who is dogged by corruption allegations, is also accused of registering as a voter using an address where he does not live.

In addition to the charges of contravening Section 37 of the Electoral Act, Mr Gomba also faces perjury charges for breaching Section 183 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act Chapter 9:23.

In an interview, police spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, said Gomba, whose party had initially claimed that he had been abducted, handed himself over to the police and stands charged on the two counts.

"Mr Gomba was arrested by officers at Harare Central police when he surrendered himself in the company of his lawyer. He is facing perjury charges and contravening the Electoral Act," Asst Comm Nyathi said.

His lawyer, Mr Harrison Nkomo, confirmed that his client will be appearing in court today but did not give details.

The CCC has a penchant for claiming abductions whenever there is an impending international event, and in this case, it claimed that Gomba had been abducted last Saturday as President Mnangagwa was set to market the country at the Dubai Expo.

However, like the proverbial deck of cards — the opposition party's wobbly claims fell apart when the former mayor resurfaced unscathed on Monday.

The spin from the Nelson Chamisa-led outfit was that he was found in the custody of his family, but no detail was given on his whereabouts during the weekend when the party claimed that he was missing.

On Saturday, CCC interim spokesperson, Advocate Fadzayi Mahere, the party's interim deputy chair Mr Job Sikhala and political activist Mr Hopewell Chin'ono posted on their Twitter handles claims that the former mayor had been abducted.

"#ALERT former Harare Mayor Herbert Gomba has gone missing. Unknown men stormed his home in Glen Norah C at around 14.30hrs. They used three unregistered white Isuzu vehicles. His whereabouts are unknown," Adv Mahere tweeted.

Presently, three CCC activists; namely Joana Mamombe, Cecilia Chimbiri and Netsai Marowa are facing charges of faking abduction.

Source - The Herald