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Bulawayo Zanu PF youth continue to pile pressure on provincial executive and Minister Sandi Moyo

by Stephen Jakes
12 Mar 2017 at 12:15hrs | Views

HUNDREDS of Zanu PF youth members have continued to pile pressure on   Bulawayo youth executive and Minister of State Sandi Moyo to stop their corrupt activities.

 Last week they demonstrated again at the party offices Davis Hall piling pressure for the suspension of the youth executive and calling for a disciplinary action against Bulawayo Provincial State Minister Eunice Sandi Moyo.

During demonstrations said  the problem is that they do not want to be told the truth. If we challenge them for wrong doing they claim that we are challenging President. Some of these people were imposed to use and they are faced with a dilemma of pleasing the youth and those who imposed them.  Anyone who challenges them has to be suspended or labeled as a factionalist.

They said this happens when they are preparing for elections and if we go for elections with such people we will lose dismally.

Tapera Zinyohwera of Hlangabeza District said during the 21 Movement, they had a serious problem of transport yet the party had allocated the district fuel coupons which were diverted by the executive and Sandi Moyo.  

His sentiments were echoed by Nomagugu Khumalo of Emthunzini weSizwe district who said the executive dumped them on the President's birth day and they struggled to get transport despite coupons being allocated to them.

Nkosilathi Ndlovu the Chairman of Chinamanho district in Pumula South said the leaders are no longer wanted as they refused to give them fuel on the day but took all coupons and went to sleep in hotels.

"They told us to come early so that we could get the regalia but all this we did not see," Ndlovu said.

Nyamande District Chair Joseph Chikwevo said there was serious flawed distribution of the food such hat as a chairperson of the district he was sidelined amid concerns there were corrupt activities by the same executive in collaboration with Minister Sandi Moyo.

Makhandeni Chair Beauty Sibanda said the distribution of food in the area was seriously flawed and recently several packs of maize seeds, rice, and fertilizers disappeared and she believes that the youth executive is involved.

Source - Byo24News