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Chief in trouble over tricksters Tsikamutanda

by Simbarashe Sithole
22 Apr 2017 at 15:24hrs | Views
The provincial assembly of chiefs in Mashonaland Central reportedly ordered Chief Makope to dismiss a witch hunter (Tsikamutanda) who are allegedly cleansing Chipanza farm.

Chief Makope (Jacob Mapirinjanja) confirmed the case saying he was ordered to remove them from his area of jurisdiction as it is regarded unlawful.

"I was told to remove them from my place in a meeting held in Bindura for Chiefs chaired by the Minister of State.

They will vacate my area with immediate effect since l do not have a hand in their shenanigans, instead my people were the ones who requested for them," said Makope. contacted Advocate Martin Dinha and he said he does not support Tsikamutanda and will not tolerate them.

Dinha said "I don't support Tsikamutandas at all. We have a clear  govt position spelt out clearly by Min of Home Affairs Dr ICM Chombo that we will not tolerate them."

He said Tsikamutandas are tricksters and fraudsters causing social conflicts and stealing from the people.

"No  to tricksters and fraudsters. Matsotsi haaite mbavha dziri kunyepera vabereki causing social conflicts and stealing hard earned people's goats and cattle and cash. We will have them accounted for and processed  i.e arrested and prosecuted," he said.

Meanwhile, Makope was accused of charging a $1 per house hold in order to invite the witch hunter but he strongly denied the allegations showing the publication the agreement signed in inviting the witch hunters.

"I am not that corrupt it's those against me spreading such rumours, my people actually requested for the Tsikamutanda to visit for the cleansing and they paid $5 for the stamp used on this agreement (showing the agreement to," he said.

One wonders what will happen to those that have been victims of these Tsikamutanda as one man told this reporter that he lost $700 as ransom for the goblins taken from him by them.

"I lost $700 after l was accused of having gondwa waturuka and a snake due to fear l paid inform of cattle," said the source.

According to section 97 of Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act Chapter 9:23, it is an offence to "accuse a person of witchcraft".

Recently, witch hunters were fleecing Guruve villagers and police had to intervene to stop the shenanigans

Source - Byo24News