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Open letter to Mnangagwa - Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied

28 Feb 2019 at 15:10hrs | Views
Dear HE E. Mnangagwa,

Your Excellence i write to you for the zenieth time, informing you of the dire plight of pensioners who are not only living in abject poverty but dying as paupers. Here is a generation that immensely contributed towards the economy of Zimbabwe only to be robbed by pension houses at their greatest hour of need. It is common knowledge that pension houses willingly undervalued pension contributions during dollarisation hence pensioners got virtually nothing. Yes Your Excellence, i know you belong to this generation but fortunately for you, you are still working and enjoying a mouth-watering salary.

All i ask you Your Excellence is to order IPEC to implement the recommendations of the commission of enquiry regarding the dollarisation of pension funds, immediately. These very old people cannot even afford a decent meal worse still medical bills and other basic things Your Excellence. Needless to say pension houses are still making super profits and their employees living large. As a lawyer yourself you know very well that justice delayed is justice denied.

Concerned citizen

Munya Shumba

Source - Munya Shumba
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