Columnist / @jamwanda2
Politics of sympathetic pregnancies
Politics of mimesis Opposition in Zimbabwe - not the Zimbabwean opposition - is in a deep mess. It is vainly looking for causes, models and examples. Our politics, it would appear, has entered a p...Published: 11 Aug 2024 at 18:27hrs | 89 | by @Jamwanda2 on Saturday
The death of coalitions
To drag out or not to drag Biden!What a disaster for the Democrats in United States elections!With little foresight or care, Democrats pitted a dead-man-come-to-life by the name of Joe...Published: 30 Jun 2024 at 18:16hrs | 3 | by @Jamwanda2 on Saturday
South African GNU and Zimbabwe economy
GNU as portfolio controlThis week, South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa was inaugurated for his second and last term in office under the current Constitution.What is now awaited is...Published: 22 Jun 2024 at 11:28hrs | 4 | by @Jamwanda2 on Saturday
The imbecility of Macron - 'Africa can't manage the world!'
Imbecility of MacronFollowing a wave of anti-French feelings across Francophone Africa, a former Economic Minister for France, one Thierry Breton, took to twitter and posted the following: "It...Published: 18 May 2024 at 10:43hrs | 242 | by @Jamwanda2 on Saturday
America: They kill us for sport!
My little story on American sanctionsOnly a few weeks shy of my sixty-first birthday, I have been, until late last week, on United States list of sanctioned Zimbabweans.I have been the...Published: 09 Mar 2024 at 09:12hrs | | by @Jamwanda2
Ngidlaliswe amatope mina?
Reading Edward GibbonWhere is God bakithi?Edward Gibbon is no writer for easy readers. Yet he is so important to Britain's governing myth. No wonder why every British-born Prime Minist...Published: 14 Oct 2023 at 07:21hrs | 1 | by @Jamwanda2
Why SADC is happy with the Mumba Report
Franz Kafka's worldFranz Kafka's art rests and runs on the bizarre and overawing grotesquery. Yet it is that de-familiarised, out-of-size world which he so ably colours which becomes the vehic...Published: 30 Sep 2023 at 07:36hrs | 2 | by @Jamwanda2
Zimbabwe: Chekhov's middle age monks
From a writer, critic, traveller, doctorI am reading selected letters of Anton Chekhov, the Russian writer, critic, traveller and medical doctor.The letters span a big chunk of his lif...Published: 17 Jun 2023 at 08:03hrs | 5 | by @Jamwanda2 On Saturday
Kasukuwere: Red herring, Chamisa's double
Becoming a political clichéGustave Flaubert of the 19th Century licentious novel, Madame Bovary, said this of language: "Language is indeed a machine that continually amplifies emotion."...Published: 10 Jun 2023 at 17:46hrs | 2 | by @Jamwanda2 0n Saturday
Zimbabwe politics: Lineaments of stock characters
What are stock characters?LET me be basic so I am accessible to many of my readers, whatever level of education, and from whichever discipline they hail.In literature we have what are ...Published: 22 Apr 2023 at 19:00hrs | 10 | by @Jamwanda2 on Saturday
Anything called the Zimbabwean GEIST?
Zimbabwe's GEIST?NATIONS have what Antonio Gramsci terms "particularity of their mind", GEIST in German language, or ESPRIT in French.Here in Africa, thinkers called the same variously...Published: 01 Apr 2023 at 07:32hrs | | by @Jamwanda2
Poor Pamela Tremont and Triple C: Politics without lawful issue
I have watched Pamela Tremont's hearing in preparation for her posting to Zimbabwe as US' next ambassador.Both the line of questioning by US Senators, as well as her responses, were, to say th...Published: 18 Mar 2023 at 06:32hrs | 1 | by @Jamwanda2
The mountain is high
Back in 1926, America witnessed the clash of two African-African American giants — then they were called Negroes — over the notion of Negro Art.Was Negro Art a separate creative tradition ...Published: 11 Mar 2023 at 06:35hrs | | by @Jamwanda2
Chamisa's politics of salving troubled consciences
Politics and poetryWilliam Butler Yeats, I think it was he who said out of our arguments with others we make politics, but out of arguments with ourselves we make poetry!We can forgive...Published: 03 Dec 2022 at 07:10hrs | 4 | by @Jamwanda2 on Saturday
Tips on rearing broilers
When you intend to start a poultry project, sometimes budget constraints may be very discouraging . That is not an excuse to shelve the project though. To cut on production costs, you can substitute a...Published: 19 Nov 2022 at 06:25hrs | 3 | by @Jamwanda2
Opposition: Politics and Pisgah sight fallacy
A student of CultureAT heart and at soul, I am a student of culture.This is why I opted to read Literature at college, much of it drawn from the Western World.But that was to g...Published: 20 Aug 2022 at 07:15hrs | 19 | by @Jamwanda2 on Saturday
Banks: If gold rusts, what will iron do?
Native Commissioner Oates, I presume!LORD Jonathan Oates' ambition is becoming a latter-day colonial Native Commissioner.Too late chum, both by age and history! Still both don't deter ...Published: 14 May 2022 at 06:22hrs | 4 | by @Jamwanda2 on Saturday
By-elections: The morning after
ZANU-PF's Wednesday St Mary's rally was a turning point in several ways. Of course, the most obvious marker were the numbers that attended, something even the blind could see and feel.I cannot...Published: 26 Mar 2022 at 06:14hrs | 2 | by @Jamwanda2
Chiwenga launches public procurement service centres
VICE President Dr Constantino Chiwenga has officially launched the public procurement service centres a partnership between the Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) and Zimbabwe Post Of...Published: 19 Mar 2022 at 06:38hrs | 5 | by @Jamwanda2 on Saturday
Chamisa: When the Goliath Complex Afflicts
My early days in primary school were dominated by the story of Goliath, the giant of Philistine.Goliath's name was onomatopoeic; this sonorous name heavily suggested physical hugeness afflicte...Published: 19 Mar 2022 at 06:38hrs | 2 | by @Jamwanda2 on Saturday
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