Columnist / A mbire
Zanu-PF must show patriotism
THE only thing new about the terrorism meted out in Murehwa on the poor elderly villagers is that someone who was part of the gang filmed and sent it to his bosses in Zanu-PF as proof that they could ...Published: 13 Jan 2023 at 20:00hrs | 2 | by A Mbire
Zanu-PF's terrorism should come to a stop
THE recent amendments to the Electoral Act are either the work of a stupid government or a government that thinks its citizens are stupid.The disqualification of a person who has been convicte...Published: 29 Nov 2022 at 05:20hrs | | by A Mbire
Blame Zanu-PF for causing sanctions
IT IS great to hear that so many countries are supporting us in the drive to have sanctions removed. But at the same time these countries and organisations don't appear to be putting any blame o...Published: 28 Oct 2022 at 06:27hrs | | by A Mbire
Zimbabwe needs respectable leaders
IN response to Vote Zanu-PF, Mohadi tells chiefs: Is Zanu-PF second secretary Kembo Mohadi displaying his complete ignorance of the law or is he displaying complete contempt of the supreme law of the ...Published: 25 Aug 2022 at 06:35hrs | 10 | by A Mbire
Under Mthuli Ncube, Zimbabwe going nowhere fast
FINANCE minister Mthuli Ncube is either a liar or suffering from selective amnesia.Either way he should not be involved in anything to do with the financial affairs of Zimbabwe.He has ...Published: 17 Jun 2022 at 08:30hrs | 2 | by A Mbire
Zec's 20-day voter registration blitz too short
THE Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) has earmarked 20 days only for the voter registration exercise and is calling it a blitz.It can hardly be called a blitz when Zec is only providing one ...Published: 20 Apr 2022 at 08:10hrs | | by A Mbire
Mwonzora's wings must be clipped
WHEN is MDC Alliance leader Douglas Mwonzora going to stop all these senseless recalls?By recalling elected members, Mwonzora is:- Denying citizens the right to be represented by those...Published: 11 Mar 2022 at 20:13hrs | | by A Mbire
Zanu-PF policies driving poverty, not sanctions
WITH the arrival of United Nations special rapporteur, Alena Douhan, to look into the impact of sanctions on Zimbabwe, there is a danger that looking on the surface it can easily be argued that sancti...Published: 20 Oct 2021 at 07:37hrs | | by A Mbire
Voting in Zimbabwe a waste of time
SPEAKER of the Nation-al Assembly, Jacob Mudenda wonders why there is so much voter apathy among voters in Africa with only 35% of populations voting. As a lawyer, he should be educated enough...Published: 19 Sep 2020 at 06:19hrs | | by A Mbire
Is Thokozani Khupe serious or just a spoiler?
EDITOR,Thokozani Khupe was conspicuous by her absence from MDC party business for some eight months but suddenly comes out guns blazing when our icon, Morgan Tsvangirai, died.I would l...Published: 02 Mar 2018 at 16:01hrs | | by A Mbire
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