Columnist / At kadada
Is the Permanent Secretary living in Mars?
A few days ago in the state paper, The Chronicle, appeared an article related to the massive hike in fees at our local universities.There was a public outcry over the fees pegged in US dollars...Published: 02 Sep 2023 at 06:58hrs | 2 | by AT Kadada
Welcome to the Ancient times in the 21st century
Who would have imagined seeing a proliferation of dug wells in urban areas?This is not happening in the villages but in the urban areas...Published: 21 Mar 2023 at 06:34hrs | | by AT Kadada
For such underperforming local authorities do they afford such luxuries?
The city of progress has failed to live to it's name unless "Progress" has another meaning.How does Gweru local authority afford such a luxurious car worth USD176,000.00 (over 3 million if con...Published: 27 Feb 2023 at 12:01hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
Zanu-PF and the opposition fooled by the vendors in virtually every urban area
Vendors have turned most urban centres into markets as they sell anything from food stuffs, clothing, cellphones and accessories. This is all done in the side walks commonly referred as pavements ther...Published: 01 Feb 2023 at 16:28hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
There is no main opposition party in Zimbabwe but opportunists!
When politics is discussed in Zimbabwe the focus is on the ruling party, Zanu pf, and their erstwhile rivals CCC led by Chamisa.CCC has its roots in the main MDC formed by the late Tsvangirai,...Published: 11 Jan 2023 at 18:08hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
Does the West, in particular, the US really respect human rights?
The continued incarceration of Job Sikhala, Gift Sithole and other CCC activists has become a global story as those in the political fray have waded in calling for their release.The calls have...Published: 30 Oct 2022 at 09:03hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
The different shades of the main opposition party in Zimbabwe
Does Zimbabwe still have a formidable opposition party in the mould of Zapu led by the late Dr Joshua Nkomo (before Unity government) or the MDC led by the late Dr Morgan Tsvangirai?This is no...Published: 14 Sep 2022 at 12:02hrs | | by AT Kadada
Service delivery is not a favour but a mandate for Gweru City council
The erratic water supplies in Gweru as well as non-collection of garbage in Gweru has exposed the local authority.The Midlands capital city is surviving on the edge and it's a miracle that no ...Published: 20 Aug 2022 at 09:36hrs | 4 | by AT Kadada
What really is the purpose of elections in Zimbabwe?
The usual threats that are made when Zimbabwe gears for elections have been made again, this was common during the "architect " of Zimbabwe's woes, the late Robert Migabe. However, this time the threa...Published: 25 Jun 2022 at 14:09hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
Government is right on not adopting American dollar as major currency
Calls on government to do away with our own currency, the Zimbabwe dollar/bond, should be ignored by the ED led government.Taking a look back at our neighbours, notably Zambia and Mozambique, ...Published: 09 Jun 2022 at 10:27hrs | 8 | by AT Kadada
The so-called main opposition is the instigator of voter apathy in so many ways
As the by-elections get closer and even the 2023 plebiscite gets nearer people ask, to participate or not to.Nelson Chamisa and his new branded party should blame neither ZEC nor unseen forces for...Published: 16 Feb 2022 at 13:05hrs | | by AT Kadada
Gweru local authority should get their house in order
It is now a normal thing to go for days without water in Gweru yet they expect the residents to religiously pay their water bills, service charges etc....Published: 26 Jan 2022 at 10:35hrs | | by AT Kadada
Is Mnangagwa blind to reality?
Life was hard under former Zimbabwe strongman, Robert Mugabe, but now it has got worse under the junta leader. There was a glint of hope that one day the nightmare would be over, now under Mnangagwa a...Published: 26 Aug 2019 at 11:31hrs | | by AT Kadada
The year Sadc lost its purpose and relevance
SADC, then known as SADCC, was formed in 1980 with a memorandum of understanding on common economic development. Among its goals were to introduce programs and projects which would influence the South...Published: 19 Aug 2019 at 12:19hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
Dear Mr President Mnangagwa
Dear Emmerson,I am writing this in response to your call on Zimbabweans to cherish the peace we are enjoying as you addressed members of the Defence forces.I would to like to bring to your...Published: 14 Aug 2019 at 22:41hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
There is no better dictator , one who comes after is worse
Comparisons between the junta leader and his predecessor have been made.People have come to the conclusion uncle Bob was better than his successor, the junta leader, Dambudzo Munangagwa. Dicta...Published: 09 Aug 2019 at 22:00hrs | | by AT Kadada
Accepting abnormality as normal in Zimbabwe
The ruling Zanu-PF party has mastered the art of destruction since the early 80s.The year 1980, when all Zimbabweans rejoiced for a country free from colonial oppression marked the path of destruction...Published: 01 Aug 2019 at 13:16hrs | | by AT Kadada
Smokescreen corruption arrests, spare us the drama
The arrest of Minister Priscilla Mupfumira is nothing but smokescreen to hoodwink the nation that the Junta leader has now heeded calls to fight head on corruption.The word corruption has now ...Published: 26 Jul 2019 at 08:03hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
Mthuli Ncube not different from the greedy MPs
If the unverified media reports on Finance Minister, Ncube's perks are true then why should we be surprised he is defending the MPs demands for vehicles. Scarce foreign currency will be made a...Published: 22 Jul 2019 at 19:55hrs | 2 | by AT Kadada
Zanu-PF: The thief screaming robber
Zanu-PF youths have decided to name and shame corrupt individuals within the party made news in past days .Not to be left out was Simon K Moyo promising the nation that the President has decided to ha...Published: 28 Jun 2019 at 23:21hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
What constitutes a youth in Zimbabwe politics?
I have always been intrigued by members of Zanu-PF that fall under their youth branch or wing. The leadership is made up of middle-aged men probably in middle life crisis no wonder they are not in syn...Published: 16 Jun 2019 at 19:10hrs | | by AT Kadada
Military crackdown: What have they achieved in Zimbabwe?
Where the military has been used against its own people, the results have been the opposite of the intended purposes. The authoritarian rulers behind use of force against their own people never seem t...Published: 07 Jun 2019 at 10:11hrs | | by AT Kadada
Zanu-PF and the football connection
The Zimbabwe senior national team will represent the nation at Africa,s greatest soccer showpiece in Egypt in 2019, which is no mean achievement for the team .The team made it despite numerous challen...Published: 24 May 2019 at 08:03hrs | | by AT Kadada
When will Zanu-PF admit that it has failed the people of Zimbabwe?
The narrative that economic sanctions have hurt Zimbabwe is a false notion, a fallacy .The only sanction is failure to access loans from The Bretton Woods Institutions by the government and purchase o...Published: 15 May 2019 at 05:18hrs | | by AT Kadada
Don't look at Chamisa through Zanu-PF lenses
Zimbabwe needs a young leader to take us away from this situation brought upon by Zanu-PF rogue elements.Chamisa, whether Zanu-PF or war vets come up with suggestions he is immature is wha...Published: 03 May 2019 at 07:56hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
Cowardice is using the army on your people Museveni
Have sanctions brought us to where we are as a nation or it is a scapegoat by the Zanu-PF led government? The economy started a spiral down long before ZIDERA came into effect. When war vets, ...Published: 28 Apr 2019 at 10:14hrs | 2 | by AT Kadada
Cowardice is using the army on your people Museveni
Have sanctions brought us to where we are as a nation or it is a scapegoat by the Zanu pf led government?The economy started a spiral down long before ZIDERA came into effect. When warvets, li...Published: 28 Apr 2019 at 08:03hrs | 3 | by AT Kadada
Of old folktales ...
A story has been told of how an old man came back to Zimbabwe rich from 'Mzansi' after years of sojourn in the streets of Johannesburg .He started a business in Zim but the business could not be susta...Published: 16 Mar 2019 at 08:55hrs | | by AT Kadada
Looking beyond Mugabe's advice to Mnangangwa
All of us could have been taken aback by Mugabe's advice to his "successor" against using the army on innocent civilians. This was Zimbabwe's only leader before he was unceremoniously removed by the m...Published: 27 Feb 2019 at 11:26hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
Zanu Pf divisions have contributed immensely to the collapse of our economy
Zanu-PF will never accept blame, this is one area they have mastered.It will always be the sanctions are hurting the economy , the truth being said those sanctions are targeted sanctions on Zanu-PF in...Published: 21 Feb 2019 at 21:11hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
Zanu-PF a sanctuary for thieves
If one is a convicted felony and wants to start on a new page then Zanu PF is the right place to go. Dexter Nduna's moment of revelation that he killed many people is enough to have him question...Published: 15 Feb 2019 at 14:15hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
While Mugabe likened Commonwealth to 'Animal Farm' ,what can be said of the African Union?
African Heads of State have now gathered for the 32nd Ordinary Summit of African Union Heads of State and Government in Addis Ababa,Ethiopia.An honest observation would be to say a gathering of ...Published: 10 Feb 2019 at 08:52hrs | | by AT Kadada
Silence is not empty, it is full of answers
Events in Zimbabwe can not just be ignored ,but this is what is happening. The whole world watched and celebrated the removal of Zimbabwe,s only post lndependance leader, Mugabe.Munangagwa buo...Published: 30 Jan 2019 at 13:14hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
Silence is not empty, it is full of answers
Events in Zimbabwe can not just be ignored ,but this is what is happening.The whole world watched and celebrated the removal of Zimbabwe,s only post lndependance leader, Mugabe.Munangagwa buoy...Published: 30 Jan 2019 at 10:03hrs | | by AT Kadada
Miles apart but so many similarities...
Zimbabwe and Venezuela might be thousands of miles apart but we share so much .Disgruntled citizens ,shortage of medicines,high cost of living,protests against the oppressing regimes.More than...Published: 26 Jan 2019 at 08:46hrs | | by AT Kadada
The political hypocrisy of the 'Crocodile'
If people are not careful they will be sympathetic to those oppressing them. The junta leader is a master of deception,soon after landing he shades his 'Crocodile tears' and tells those who care to li...Published: 22 Jan 2019 at 13:01hrs | | by AT Kadada
Africa And The Look East Facade
When former Zimbabwe despot Robert Mugabe was shunned and ostracized by the West he turned to the East. China in particular promised him funding which would be a slap in the faces of former erstwhile ...Published: 12 Jan 2019 at 11:00hrs | | by AT Kadada
Take off your mask Mr President
It is over a year now since the removal of Zimbabwe's architect of the economic mess we are in,and the entry of his Siamese twin.Munangagwa and the army took advantage of ,"Mugabe must go "people's se...Published: 05 Jan 2019 at 10:41hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
Can we hope when there is no hope?
The Zanu pf dominance in local politics became lesser after the emergence of MDC as a formidable opposition party . The opposition party appealing across all races, all tribes as well as all classes o...Published: 27 Dec 2018 at 18:38hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
War vets are worse than Zedera
The Secretary General of the former liberation fighters, Victor Matemadanda, is never short of coming with something ridiculous.What he smokes is a mystery .This time he is calling for a legislation t...Published: 20 Dec 2018 at 19:16hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
'New dispensation': Cosmetic democracy
It is one year since the so called 'new dispensation' became the new coined term from the same old guard. The internecine fights within Zanu pf were all about one group consolidating their grip on pow...Published: 18 Dec 2018 at 11:52hrs | | by AT Kadada
The people at the top must change first!
What did people really expect from the former South African president led Commission? Zimbabweans are at Zanu-PF's mercy, they have fooled us all these years yet we still believe in them!Commi...Published: 03 Dec 2018 at 20:01hrs | 2 | by AT Kadada
The tale of two societies
Legislation is being put in place as l write this to convict illegal money changers for up to 10 years in prison.One would thing our government has just woken up to discover there are now economy sabo...Published: 12 Nov 2018 at 19:08hrs | | by AT Kadada
The Zimbabwe Kakistocracy
A Kakistocracy is a government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power (Oxford Dictionary). This has been the case since 1980 when Zanu pf took over, a year ...Published: 04 Nov 2018 at 13:26hrs | | by AT Kadada
The two faces of Mnangagwa
President Emmerson Mnangagwa has been portraying himself as a reformer ,both to the political establishment as well as on the economy front.This would work only if he was sincere ,alas this is all an ...Published: 24 Oct 2018 at 21:00hrs | | by AT Kadada
No economic reforms without political reforms
There is no way our government can claim to be doing economic reforms whilst on the political things remain the same. This simply means they can bring one technocrat after another but changes will be ...Published: 09 Oct 2018 at 20:56hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
There is always a price to pay
Are elections a real mode of change in some African countries? Africa can not be painted now with one brush as some states have embraced democracy for real whereas in some states democracy is a myth ....Published: 26 Sep 2018 at 18:23hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
Is MDC really for the people or just opportunistic?
MDC on its inception was more of a Workers party formed by trade unionists led by the late Dr Morgan Tsvangirai. The party eventually grew into a formidable vibrant opposition party with the likes of ...Published: 17 Sep 2018 at 18:12hrs | | by AT Kadada
Should we keep having elections in Zimbabwe?
President of Zimbabwe elect Munangagwa promised free and fair elections, the just ended elections can not be regarded as such.A challenge at the courts can only mean that like all previous elections i...Published: 25 Aug 2018 at 19:46hrs | | by AT Kadada
Mnangagwa and Mugabe: A case of Siamese twins
Former Zimbabwe President, Mugabe, told the British Prime minister then Tony Blair, "Keep your England and l will keep my Zimbabwe ". A few months after assuming Presidency through the back door words...Published: 20 Aug 2018 at 15:20hrs | 1 | by AT Kadada
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