Columnist / Andreas wilson-späth
Founded on cruelty, fuelled by money
Are we about to see the end of one of South Africa's most infamous practices - Captive Lion Breeding (CLB) for hunting and trading of their parts? If Parliament adopts the recommendations of a hard-hi...Published: 22 Nov 2018 at 11:56hrs | 2 | by Andreas Wilson-Späth
Brutal methods for dealing with troublesome wildlife
Draft legislation proposes cruel and unethical methods for dealing with problem wild animals, including the use of poison, hunting dogs, gin traps as well as extermination in their burrows by flooding...Published: 05 Dec 2016 at 09:03hrs | 3 | by Andreas Wilson-Späth
Reducing ivory demand and poaching most effective for saving - Study
New Study released on World Elephant Day 12 August: Reducing ivory demand and poaching most effective for saving elephants, not legalising tradeA ...Published: 12 Aug 2015 at 07:05hrs | | by Andreas Wilson-Späth
SA doccie reveals the shocking truth behind lion breeding
Blood Lions, a new documentary film delivers a damning verdict on the rapidly growing South African industry that breeds, hunts and trades lions in captivity.'Blood Lions', a hard-hitting...Published: 24 Jul 2015 at 14:27hrs | | by Andreas Wilson-Späth
Unsavoury practices in canned hunting industry prompt government concern
Minister Edna Molewa has just met with stakeholders "to address widespread and mounting public concern" about the controversial practice of canned lion hunting. The meeting comes at a time whe...Published: 21 Jul 2015 at 11:47hrs | | by Andreas Wilson-Späth
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