Columnist / Andrew m manyevere
Political studies 101 on how Zanu failed itself, the country, and the masses
Politically I wonder if it is the morning, afternoon and evening in Zimbabwe, to Africa and, to the Diaspora community who watch yet emotionally as tangled in as anyone at home. The Christmas message ...Published: 27 Dec 2018 at 07:32hrs | 2 | by Andrew M Manyevere
Zimbabwe has no option other than a change of govt in order to progress
Let me begin this series of write ups with preamble that governance is not machine management but a human driven process responsive to good decision that minimizes corruption and give eminence to the ...Published: 26 Oct 2018 at 07:24hrs | 4 | by Andrew M Manyevere
Chamisa in the eyes of the outside world, could he be the face of the renascence of African democracy?
Too much publicity is being given to the western media styles and tastes of who is fit to become a leader and ruler of countries where they have huge historical investments and prospects for more inve...Published: 14 May 2018 at 08:57hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
Consider Zanu-PF, She Has Not Changed and No Change Is Coming
This paper could simply start with nothing ending up with nothing shows any differences between presidencies of Emmerson Mnangagwa from that of Robert Mugabe. The party is still Zanu-PF minus Kasukuwe...Published: 13 May 2018 at 21:44hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
See the Inside Heart of a Mercenary: Zanu-Pf campaign machinery unveiled
Are thirty-eight years of ruin not enough? To the extent the country lost its sovereignty as in holding her own money currency, could there be any crime bigger than that since the post-colonial era? E...Published: 08 May 2018 at 07:44hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
Zanu-PF is an obstruction to rule of law: The cost of dismissing nurses while people already die from lack of medicines in the c
One does not know what is best to believe in order to describe fully what Zanu-PF is. Sad, but however real, that Zanu is either tyrannical or outright in competed to run a country hence the state the...Published: 27 Apr 2018 at 05:41hrs | 3 | by Andrew M Manyevere
ZANU-PF casts death on sickness than finding permanent solution
We have just come out of a military coup six month ago when all human rights activists spoke well of coup drivers General C Chiwenga inclusive. It was difficult then, clouded in the harsh reality of M...Published: 24 Apr 2018 at 18:47hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
What is the most important virtue for Zimbabweans, be they politicians, businessmen, intellectuals, ordinary people, and peasant
New International Version: He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and ...Published: 20 Apr 2018 at 19:12hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
What changes can Zanu promise after elections?
Elections are soon to be held again in Zimbabwe in 2018 and perhaps for the ninth time opening pages of active democratic choices hopefully without fear of victimization from Zanu or her imagined innu...Published: 18 Apr 2018 at 20:43hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
What changes can Zanu-PF promise after elections?
Elections are soon to be held again in Zimbabwe in 2018 and perhaps for the ninth time opening pages of active democratic choices without fear of victimization from Zanu or her imagined innuendos thro...Published: 09 Apr 2018 at 22:08hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
AU has neither moral Courage nor political will to disapprove of what is wrong in African Nations: The Zimbabwe case
We examine in brief how Africa has failed correcting issues by adopting silent diplomacy as a strategy of dealing with each other even in times of extreme hardship on the masses of a particular nation...Published: 19 Mar 2018 at 22:22hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
A projection on a trajectory Jetson pathway: From here where to Zimbabwe?
Zimbabwe future demands best of everything at its best and not worst of everything at its worst unfolding in packages least expected. I use two words advisedly: Trajectory and Jetson. Jetson because i...Published: 30 Jan 2018 at 23:23hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Zimbabwe after the 2018 elections: is opposition politics strong or weaker after military coup?
No doubt the focus on Mr and Mrs Mugabe as the bad eggs in terminal cancer politics of Zimbabwe made many well-wishers miss the real issue. Have Zimbabweans mastered who their enemy is after thirty-ei...Published: 04 Jan 2018 at 07:44hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Beyond November 2017 coup, what is best for Zimbabwe: The army, president Mnangagwa or the people of Zimbabwe?
It is naturally a divisive question to show the integral component of what makes up nation building. In a nation and at any rate after the coup, the way forward is crucial to pull together until when ...Published: 18 Dec 2017 at 06:37hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Mnangagwa: Patriot or Zanu-PF pure breed?
On March 2, 1970 when Ian Smith the Rhodesian Front Party leader, then ruling in Rhodesia, made a bold statement in a speech that declared Rhodesia a Republic that the blacks will never rule Rhodesia,...Published: 01 Dec 2017 at 10:13hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Could Mnangagwa change himself to change the country economy around?
There are a few political lessons we need learn as Zimbabweans. To begin with, unlike South Africans, we regarded politics a business for the down trodden and were not so smart since we concerned ours...Published: 30 Nov 2017 at 00:15hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
Zanu-PF: A postmorteum after the military assistance of November 2017
Lest we forget the big march of the generation aged between 1980 and to 2017 on the 17 November 2017 was not to say we support Zanu rather to voice all the shortcomings Zanu caused through its greater...Published: 24 Nov 2017 at 07:04hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Zimbabwe in November 2017 and beyond the military temporary takeover
The dust is settling down regarding political anxieties over the roadmap on politics and governance in Zimbabwe, is it really? The nagging truth is that the military world over when faced with a dilem...Published: 21 Nov 2017 at 00:07hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
Zimbabwe is a secret book: Should ministers sworn to serve defrauding the nation?
Events in the last few days (12-15 November 2017) in Zimbabwe have already made a startling revelation and amazing on the person of the General and his loyalty to a friend and colleague Emerson Mnanga...Published: 17 Nov 2017 at 06:14hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Militarism in Zimbabwe: Which way forward Zimbabwe?
It will be amiss if we do not applaud the Zimbabwe military high command for cutting down on the length of suffering that people of Zimbabwe went through unnecessarily and the wasted opportunity the c...Published: 16 Nov 2017 at 05:14hrs | 2 | by Andrew M Manyevere
The failures of Zanu-PF and Robert Mugabe that are visible and indisputable
While African students specializing in social sciences that promote political studies on dictatorship is growing weaker than strong, ingratiative than advisorial; there is a strong world disapproval a...Published: 13 Nov 2017 at 23:08hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
Are Mugabes creating a political dynasty?: People in Zimbabwe need to exert their authority over Zanu Political decay
Media and social networks on Zimbabwe by Zimbabweans, in my opinion, has played silent role on who is who in Zimbabwe on politics, community building, discipline and prudent management objectivity inc...Published: 18 Oct 2017 at 12:48hrs | 2 | by Andrew M Manyevere
The Robert Mugabe poverty formula rooted in the Zanu-PF of Zimbabwe
The country of Zimbabwe has to take stock of behaviours displayed by Zanu Pf leadership: Neither in Mao Tse Tung China nor the Czar of the Soviet Union did party members and/or leadership have uniform...Published: 25 Sep 2017 at 18:48hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
Lessons learnt from the Kenyan electoral experience of 2017 visa vee Zimbabwe, Africa and the world
My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart (Proverbs 3:1 NIV) Robert Gabriel Mugabe has no lesson he can pass, either to his generation or that below him, when he fi...Published: 20 Sep 2017 at 20:07hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
The Mugabe/Mnangangwa battle is overdue and attractive to international politics: Is it in the National Interest Though?
"1 - Remember, O Lord, what is come upon us: consider and behold our reproach. 2 - Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our houses to aliens. 3 - We are orphans an...Published: 15 Sep 2017 at 10:06hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Is Zimbabwe 2018 presidential election a choice critical and why?
Zimbabweans need a leader. Better admit it now and put an advertisement. Similarities can be given to an example of having numerous accidents but keeping hiring unqualified drivers because in part the...Published: 03 Jul 2017 at 19:43hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
When it comes to African dictators the African Union is a toothless bulldog
Julius Malema the opposition leader of South Africa has made mistakes as a growing politician on the continent but his call on Mr. Robert Mugabe to retire immediately ought to be seen in the light of ...Published: 28 May 2017 at 13:11hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
Those who oppose Mugabe must be captured and beaten: a rejoinder
In the history of the country the liberation struggle has been personalized to the extent it has lost purpose, meaning and impact. Bearing in mind that the struggle was to liberate Zimbabweans in spee...Published: 17 Apr 2017 at 20:57hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Gropping, Gripping, Grapping or Grouping: the Politics of Developing Social Underdevelopment in Zimbabwe?
As 2016 closes we have to ask a question: What do ordinary or normal thinking Zimbabweans, without invested interest in this madness say regarding the country condition and its politics of sordid brut...Published: 30 Dec 2016 at 18:12hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
'I am smart individuals' masquerading as leaders are a disease time will cure: Zimbabwe experience, lessons and a tough way forw
1 Corinthians 1:26-27 (NIV) "For you see your calling brethren, that not many are wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble but God choose the foolish things of the world that he mi...Published: 12 Dec 2016 at 09:15hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Jonathan Moyo to expose corrupt Lacoste members
Under fire Higher Education minister Jonathan Moyo has vowed to expose alleged corruption by rival Lacoste Zanu PF members.Moyo claims to have impeccable evidence supplied by well-wishers....Published: 02 Nov 2016 at 12:15hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Changing cultural political mind set is required for Africa: the Zimbabwe case
BRIEF PREVIEW Apparently Africa is not conscious of the global political change processes transitioning in the world. Similarly, just as North America is blind to people behavioural change manifes...Published: 02 Nov 2016 at 12:13hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
Changing cultural political mind set is required for Africa: The Zimbabwe Case
BRIEF PREVIEW Apparently Africa is not conscious of the global political change processes transitioning in the world. Similarly, just as North America is blind to people behavioural change manifes...Published: 31 Oct 2016 at 22:18hrs | 2 | by Andrew M Manyevere
Zimbabwe Agenda 2016: to talk one issue, one focus and resolution
No doubt the world is somehow dazzled by a multifarious of individuals and faces that seek to be spokesperson for Zimbabwe people an/or groups for both at home and in the Diaspora. Always such people ...Published: 26 Oct 2016 at 23:59hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
Zimbabwe free election not feasible except after transition government setting succeeded
The United Kingdom Ambassador Catriona Laing is quite right and so is President Ian Khama of Botswana that Zimbabwe, cannot see free elections for as long as Zanu hierarchical ladder retains power irr...Published: 19 Oct 2016 at 09:49hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Mass rise that can deal a fatal blow to Zanu and Mr. Robert Mugabe: a Zimbabwe paradigm change scenario
INTRODUCTION Mass rising is the phenomenon naturally begun in some western capitalism nations brewed under watch of certain billionaire's who were bend on t...Published: 25 Aug 2016 at 07:48hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
Could it be that something is so grossly wicked about politics in Zimbabwe or is it about the people and their mentality?
INTRODUCTION More than three and half decades ago Zimbabwe economy was almost in the first world category and the very same United States dollar Zimbabw...Published: 05 Aug 2016 at 07:13hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Chameleon: Patterns in the Ubuntu and Aboriginal Culture
My name is Wisdom my sister is Respect.My last name is LOVE so is Respect.My life based on Truth gains me Respect.My cousin Honesty loves sister Respect very much.M...Published: 29 Jul 2016 at 07:23hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
Zimbabweans, we are learned but not learning
Anyone who is honesty will realize that traction for freeing Zimbabwe from inter conflicts based on greedy barely show signs of victory before too many people, media titled prominent, and with history...Published: 29 Jul 2016 at 07:16hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Citizens of Zimbabwe do not allow Mugabe to divide our resolve, our person and our freedom any longer!
No doubt today in Zimbabwe has proven that common man is sad to look at a past of torture, abuse, brutality, denigration, failure, exporting our citizens abroad away from soldier/police fanaticism....Published: 26 Jul 2016 at 09:01hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Zimbabwe and transition: Avoiding governance vacuum and complete breakdown of law and order
What masses are asking for does not need to be interpreted as a request for a vacuum in government if we do not share impressions on Transition. If impressions and plans are not forming to survive int...Published: 19 Jul 2016 at 17:25hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Zanu Mugabe distortions, half-truths and misrepresentations must be stopped
The hope that a sector of the population can rise over and above people voice and representation, irrespective of sacrifices and contributions, runs contrary to values of democratic norms and must be ...Published: 27 Apr 2016 at 00:11hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Mugabe in the eyes of Zimbabweans, the world and the media
If Robert Mugabe is counted a war veteran is it any wonder that ‘war veteran' word is losing meaning and sense of purpose among Zimbabweans as strongly aligned to corruption, adulteration of the wor...Published: 14 Apr 2016 at 20:07hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
President Mugabe the worst wasting asset for Zimbabwe
If it were not for weird legislation that seeks to punish people of Zimbabwe for criticising President Robert Gabriel Mugabe for being the worst wasting asset for the country, Zimbabweans countrywide ...Published: 31 Mar 2016 at 15:11hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Zimbabwe liberation process is a work in progress
War vets have no bigger or smaller stakes than any other Zimbabweans if their sacrifice was genuinely reflective of national interest. Issue nee...Published: 25 Mar 2016 at 07:34hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Zimbabweans: has the liberation struggle benefited the country and people?
I make this one confession, stand by it vehemently as one believing, and guided by scriptural injunction. A powerful pleading to people by God in ancient days still applies too to modern time children...Published: 03 Mar 2016 at 11:21hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
America Sino-Soviet relations and its implication to African foreign policy and development
Bearing in mind that at the signing of Sino-Soviet relations soon after the World War 11 China made a declaration: "After the founding of the People's Republic, the Chinese leadership was concerned ab...Published: 12 Feb 2016 at 10:27hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
Politics of Starvation and Decay: Zimbabwe and the Year Behind (2015) and Beyond (2016)
No doubt, Zimbabwe has emerged much poorer than before based on the politics of insensitivity, self-aggrandizement, decay and poverty in collective good will of leadership. In 1980, Zimbabwe obtained ...Published: 30 Dec 2015 at 06:14hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
Militarism and Corruption in Zimbabwe: Evidence of why Elections cannot be a free/fair tool
Militarism connotes predominance of military class, exultation of military values including force of violence and distancing of the army much further from the people for purposes of controlling power ...Published: 08 Nov 2015 at 18:35hrs | 1 | by Andrew M Manyevere
African governance: does it have steadfast love, justice and accountability?
I have lived to witness three military coups under my watch either in transit or while visiting a country. The experiences were unforgiving and very taxing. The doubt of whether you will ever be able ...Published: 30 Sep 2015 at 09:45hrs | | by Andrew M Manyevere
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