Columnist / Ashirai mtirikwi mawere
MDC-T MP conducts meeting over damaged roads
Harare West legislator for MDC-T Jessie Fungayi Majome has conducted a meeting with council officials at Mt Hampden in Harare to discouss over the damaged roads which have remained an eyesore for too ...Published: 17 Dec 2017 at 07:34hrs | | by Ashirai Mtirikwi Mawere
THE inhumane side of #CHIMURENGA .....memories of Kenneth Nyoka
Pasi with this. Pasi with that.. Some young people may not know the grave consequences that usually accompanied this slogan during the second Chimurenga. I do. Barely into my teens one night we were r...Published: 17 Dec 2017 at 07:30hrs | 3 | by Ashirai Mtirikwi Mawere
Open letter to the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education
REF: Dokora axing-a close look While the official version is saying Dokora's sacking as Minister of Primary and Secondary Education has to d...Published: 04 Dec 2017 at 11:54hrs | | by Ashirai Mtirikwi Mawere
General Chiwenga and your Impossed President where were you since 1980
Dear Chiwenga and ED, where were you? Zimbabwe list of individuals who disappeared and/or were killed for saying Robert Mugabe is too old to rule, for asking him to step down or for being asso...Published: 24 Nov 2017 at 20:35hrs | 1 | by Ashirai Mtirikwi Mawere
Chipinge Health Crisis : as Dr G Mugabe gets louder
For a moment everything was supposed to go on a standstill. Every man, woman and child was supposed to hold their breath in expectation until the last day of the upcoming ZANU-PF Congress. Life had to...Published: 22 Nov 2014 at 07:38hrs | | by Ashirai Mtirikwi Mawere
Zimbabwe's potential stuck in 1979
For the sake of progress one must move, not only that but move in the right direction. Zimbabwe is moving, but are we moving in the right direction?Are we moving towards a future where the cou...Published: 04 Aug 2014 at 10:13hrs | | by Ashirai Mtirikwi Mawere
A year on and we still have no idea what ZIMASSET is
The rich and powerful got to celebrate a year in the office, the poor and powerless commemorate a year of bhora mugedhi. The rich and powerful are so rich they can not be bribed and powerful enough to...Published: 01 Aug 2014 at 10:51hrs | 2 | by Ashirai Mtirikwi Mawere
The state of municipal police
Entrust a wise man with responsibility and they will convert it to power, but entrust it to a fool and they will mistake it with power.This has been the hallmark of municipal police officers ...Published: 31 Jul 2014 at 06:46hrs | | by Ashirai Mtirikwi Mawere
UMD did not join but it integrated with the Renewal Team
However noble the intent, a misrepresentation of facts can never be viewed as a noble deed. Regardless of the fact whether the lie was told due to neglect of duty in information gathering or whatever ...Published: 29 Jul 2014 at 15:42hrs | 1 | by Ashirai Mtirikwi Mawere
Even Mandela was Pro-Palestine
He who controls the media can commit war crimes and get away with it.Israel for one. On Sunday 20th of July they refused a 3 hour humanitarian ceasefire requested by the International Red Cros...Published: 20 Jul 2014 at 21:28hrs | 2 | by Ashirai Mtirikwi Mawere
Asijiki arrested: prerogative of entertainment
He's here. He's there. He is everywhere and everyone. The Zimbabwe Republic Police is looking very busy and efficient by the alarming rate at which they are turning up new suspects.Efficient c...Published: 26 Jun 2014 at 10:31hrs | | by Ashirai Mtirikwi Mawere
The second coming
Qiuck question before I get into my discussion: who owns the Sunday Mail and The Chronicle? Zanu PF or the government? And while we are at it, is the police part of a private company or what? And furt...Published: 20 Jun 2014 at 14:45hrs | | by Ashirai Mtirikwi Mawere
ZANU PF keeping all thou vintage
The timing couldn't be better. People still debating Jonathan Moyo's 'dislodging' from a seemingly sinecure position by being branded a weevil by the Zanu PF leader, the President of Zimbabwe, the Com...Published: 19 Jun 2014 at 07:42hrs | | by Ashirai Mtirikwi Mawere
Biti is sick and I have cancer... So?
In an age where people fight against pedestrian diagnosis in regards with medical health, we expect exemplary action from political leaders. To have a politician speak in public over another's health ...Published: 17 Jun 2014 at 19:30hrs | | by Ashirai Mtirikwi Mawere
Democracy beyond tsvangirai
One of the greatest shortcomings of the Zimbabwean state of mind is the worship of man.Religious worship for instance, I have heard christians claim 'mwari wanhingi ndibatsirei' (god of so and...Published: 16 Jun 2014 at 07:19hrs | 2 | by Ashirai Mtirikwi Mawere
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