Columnist / Brian maregedze
National Environment Cleaning Day gains momentum in Zimbabwe schools
Walking up and about Harare streets and beyond on every first Friday of the month has become a norm to see the young and old being actively involved in the National Clean-Up campaign. The first Friday...Published: 04 Aug 2019 at 16:44hrs | 1 | by Brian Maregedze
Living Your Purpose - book review
LIVING YOUR PURPOSEBook review by Brian MaregedzeVOLUME 1, FRANK NYAMUNDERO, ISBN: 978-0-620-69214, 2017Printed by: Media EssentialsCover Design: Media magnet advertising"I bel...Published: 04 Jul 2019 at 19:23hrs | | by Brian Maregedze
2019 Africa Day Celebrations @ Valley Crest Academy - 'What it means to be African'
The Interact Club at Valley Crest Academy (VCA) in Waterfalls-Park town in Harare hosted the 25th of May 2019 Africa Day celebrations in style. Huxton High school based in Waterfalls added the hive of...Published: 03 Jun 2019 at 07:29hrs | 9 | by Brian Maregedze
Mastering the art of public speaking with Felix Zinhara
Standing in front of people and delivering a speech, keynote address be it at a social gathering or professional setting remains equally "life-threatening" even to those folks who claim some audacity ...Published: 02 Jun 2019 at 21:08hrs | | by Brian Maregedze
Nature and function of 'Alien Spirits' in the Shona/Ndebele traditional religion
Explain the nature and function of Alien Spirits in the Shona\Ndebele Traditional Religion.The concept of God, divinities and spirits in African traditi...Published: 15 May 2019 at 08:19hrs | 63 | by Brian Maregedze
A' Level Family and Religious Studies: The Jerusalem Council (Acts 15)
Discuss the problems associated with the historicity of Jerusalem council in Acts 15:1ff This essay seeks to discuss the problems associated with the hi...Published: 15 May 2019 at 08:15hrs | 11 | by Brian Maregedze
A Level Family and Religious Studies: The Jerusalem Council (Acts 15)
Discuss the problems associated with the historicity of Jerusalem council in Acts 15:1ff This essay seeks to discuss the problems associated with the historicity of the Jerusalem Council. In d...Published: 12 May 2019 at 23:09hrs | 3 | by Brian Maregedze
Explain the nature and function of Alien Spirits in the Shona\Ndebele Traditional Religion
Advanced Level Family and Religious Studies: Nature and Function of Alien Spirits in the Shona/Ndebele Traditional Religion The concept of God, diviniti...Published: 12 May 2019 at 08:29hrs | 1022 | by Brian Maregedze
Advanced Level Family and Religious Studies: Parables
Two main objectives on Parables under this study are to;- define a parable- Practice question: ‘Jesus did not intend his parables to be easily understood'...Published: 23 Apr 2019 at 07:55hrs | 28 | by Brian Maregedze
Advanced Level Family and Religious Studies: Miracles and the New Testament
The word "miracle," is derived from the Latin word miraculum, which is so translated in the New Testament of the Authorized Version from two Greek words. On twenty-two occasions the word semeion is tr...Published: 17 Apr 2019 at 16:37hrs | 2 | by Brian Maregedze
Advanced Level Family and Religious Studies Analysis: Death of Jesus and the Brandon theory
Question: Critically analyse the Brandon theory on the causes of the death of Jesus.This paper seeks to analyze Brandon thesis on the cause of the death...Published: 17 Apr 2019 at 11:06hrs | 19 | by Brian Maregedze
Doing "History without Walls" at Seke One High School
Seke One High school, located in Chitungwiza District under the Ministry of Primary and Secondary has remained consistent with its motto, "flying high at Seke One High" with efforts to make sure that ...Published: 09 Apr 2019 at 12:03hrs | 3 | by Brian Maregedze
T.C Hardy High School Child MP hits the ground running
The newly-elected Goromonzi South Junior MP, Fadzai Makuvise of Terence Cecil Hardy High School in Ruwa, Mashonaland East province of Zimbabwe has hit the ground running, already leading other student...Published: 09 Apr 2019 at 09:05hrs | 8 | by Brian Maregedze
Unmasking the myths of decolonization in Zimbabwe through the lens of Cain Mathema
Cain Mathema's 2018 publication, "I Join The ZAPU Armed Struggle" captures stories of experiences and reflections of the young Thula at Cyrene Mission, an Anglican Church boarding school for boys. ZAP...Published: 25 Mar 2019 at 21:36hrs | 1 | by Brian Maregedze
Embracing ICT in Pedagogy of History and Heritage Studies in Zimbabwe
Three schools in Harare on 1st March 2019 converged at Seke One High school in Chitungwiza for the History Exchange program under the theme, Embracing Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the...Published: 04 Mar 2019 at 09:57hrs | 16 | by Brian Maregedze
A Guide to Islam: An Advanced Level Textbook on Islam
Shaibu Asali in, A Guide to Islam: An Advanced Level Textbook on Islam is a 2019 publication grounded on an insider's perspective on Islam as a religion. Shaibu Asali's eight chapter book of 95 pages ...Published: 03 Mar 2019 at 11:09hrs | 10 | by Brian Maregedze
Damnatio memoriae and Robert Gabriel Mugabe National Youth Day?
In the recent past few years, it had become a norm in February to see pomp and extravagance in Zimbabwe's state and independent media with preparations towards and celebrations on the birthday of "com...Published: 21 Feb 2019 at 21:18hrs | 2 | by Brian Maregedze
Mushava's valentine in austerity and Zimbabwe's political economy
A few weeks ago, I wrote on Stan Mushava's autobiographical poetry anthology, Rhyme and Resistance and it has become a habit for me to check on his Facebook page for any latest poetry. On this Valenti...Published: 14 Feb 2019 at 09:35hrs | 2 | by Brian Maregedze
Know your Authors in Family and Religious Studies: Wilson Zivave
The New Curriculum in Zimbabwe has seen students and teachers alike struggle to have access to teaching aids particularly reading material, thereby relying on internet sources. In a number of circumst...Published: 11 Feb 2019 at 09:30hrs | 5 | by Brian Maregedze
Seke One High School Rules the Roost in History Advanced Levels 2018 Zimsec Exams
Seke One High school in Chitungwiza defied the odds in the November 2018 public examinations under the Zimbabwe School Examination Council (Zimsec), under the tutelage of Shepherd Mundondo popularly k...Published: 07 Feb 2019 at 06:46hrs | | by Brian Maregedze
Know your authors: Profile of Costain Tandi
Advanced levels students undertaking Humanities subjects usually struggle with identifying authors who contribute to their academic well-being. Fortunately, today I have good news particularly to thos...Published: 28 Jan 2019 at 07:17hrs | 6 | by Brian Maregedze
The primacy of regime survival: State Fragility and Economic Destruction in Zimbabwe
The Zimbabwe crisis has been analysed from varying stand points among researchers. State fragility as analytical and conceptual framework is deployed by the duo of Mark Simpson and Tony Hawkins (2018)...Published: 03 Jan 2019 at 07:52hrs | 1 | by Brian Maregedze
The Historian Orator - Mr Muso
The pedagogue of History and historiography from primary to tertiary level remains an indispensable facet in our everyday life not only in Zimbabwe, but, the world over. To some, history as a subject ...Published: 13 Dec 2018 at 15:14hrs | 10 | by Brian Maregedze
Underestimated Way to Success
Aldreen T. Munyoro belongs to the generation of 'purpose driven' young people in Zimbabwe, who, despite awkward circumstances in life are full of optimism. The twenty-one year old National University ...Published: 13 Dec 2018 at 09:47hrs | 1 | by Brian Maregedze
Curtains: an anthology of poems
The Harare based poet and author, Takunda Chikomo made his first contribution to poetry with Curtains: an anthology of poems, published by TafaPrint Publishers Zimbabwe, 2018. Takunda recently finishe...Published: 12 Dec 2018 at 09:28hrs | 12 | by Brian Maregedze
The Cult of Rhodes: Remembering an Imperialist in Africa
Cecil John Rhodes (1853-1902) remains a controversial figure in colonialism and imperialism studies. Paul Maylam's 2005 publication is useful in confronting debates on his role in the colonization of ...Published: 04 Dec 2018 at 14:06hrs | | by Brian Maregedze
'No to continued plunder of our resources' - Marange: The Imprisoned Community
The discovery of diamonds in Marange in 2006 located in the Eastern part of Zimbabwe did not translate into the much anticipated benefits to the local inhabitants. The yearning for positive developmen...Published: 24 Nov 2018 at 08:12hrs | 1 | by Brian Maregedze
Mastering the Art of Public Speaking from an academic entrepreneur
It is now common in Zimbabwe to find many claiming to be professional public speakers, who, in most cases charge a fee in the name of 'public speaking.' The 2018 publication by an academic entrepreneu...Published: 19 Nov 2018 at 14:37hrs | 1 | by Brian Maregedze
Family and Religious Studies Advanced Level Analysis
Explore the lessons that can be drawn from Jesus ethics and demonstrate how they can be applied in a Zimbabwean society faced with problem of HIV and AIDS?...Published: 17 Nov 2018 at 17:22hrs | 14 | by Brian Maregedze
A year after Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwean politics appear to have changed due to the media reportage of the past twelve months since Robert Mugabe's ouster in the political scene. The question of a new Zimbabwe in the name of the n...Published: 15 Nov 2018 at 12:29hrs | 3 | by Brian Maregedze
Masiiwa Ragies Gunda, At the Crossroads: A Call to Christians to Act in Faith for an Alternative Zimbabwe
(University of Bamberg Press, 2018, pp. 113) Masiiwa Ragies Gunda's book is timely as the ‘Zimbabwe crisis' is traced from 1997 to 2018. Although the...Published: 06 Nov 2018 at 10:19hrs | 12 | by Brian Maregedze
Zimbabwe Struggle, The Delayed Revolution: an Autobiography
The need to account for multiple narratives in the history of the liberation struggle compelled Andrew Ndlovu's autobiography to proffer his narrative from the front. The book serves to demonstrate th...Published: 01 Nov 2018 at 12:29hrs | 23 | by Brian Maregedze
Learning Factory: studying History and modern technology in Zimbabwe
To those studying History at advanced level, there is a way of learning History using the most convenient way made possible. Manners Msongelwa, the current president for the Zimbabwe History Teachers ...Published: 23 Oct 2018 at 20:16hrs | | by Brian Maregedze
Learning Factory: studying History and modern technology in Zimbabwe
To those studying History at advanced level, there is a way of learning History using the most convenient way made possible. Manners Msongelwa, the current president for the Zimbabwe History Teachers ...Published: 23 Oct 2018 at 12:20hrs | 8 | by Brian Maregedze
The Church as seen by a Young Layman: Unmasking the darker side of modernity in Christianity
It is now forty one years since Steve Biko, the doyen of South African Black Consciousness Movement passed on. A part of this piece title is developed from Steve Biko's, I Write What I Like. Although ...Published: 23 Sep 2018 at 17:03hrs | 25 | by Brian Maregedze and Tedious Ncube
A decolonial response to 'The case of Colonialism’
It is over a year now since Bruce Gilley, the political imperial historian wrote his controversial article as an apologist to colonialism in Africa. More contentious from the article, was the call to ...Published: 07 Sep 2018 at 16:20hrs | 45 | by Brian Maregedze and Tedious Ncube
A decolonial response to 'The case of Colonialism'
It is over a year now since Bruce Gilley, the political imperial historian wrote his controversial article as an apologist to colonialism in Africa. More contentious from the article, was the call to ...Published: 07 Sep 2018 at 13:06hrs | 1 | by Brian Maregedze and Tedious Ncube
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