Columnist / Brian sedze
Zanu-PF-induced pain not ending anytime soon
THE Zanu-PF government is very playful. The State of Nation Address (SONA) be President Emmerson Mnangagwa is a signal that the perpetual evil and pain induced on the people is not going to end any ti...Published: 09 Oct 2024 at 07:43hrs | 170 | by Brian Sedze
CCC undoing is a strategy of innovating around the familiar
To put it bluntly, Zimbabwe's main political opposition party, the CCC, in its present construct, is wasting the people's time, resources and mostly emotions as they continue to prove through unbeliev...Published: 09 Dec 2023 at 18:56hrs | 15 | by Brian Sedze
Suspend duty and VAT for returning residents from SA
We call for total amnesty on duty and VAT for those forcefully removed from SA.Living and working conditions for Zimbabweans in South Africa are getting increasingly tougher.I think MPs must p...Published: 25 Aug 2022 at 20:21hrs | 9 | by Brian Sedze
Gold coins: Broadening and cementing economic confusion
THE Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe really loves to lie to the people and then start believing its own lies.This thing of gold coins to preserve value does not make any economic logic and I will say ...Published: 01 Jul 2022 at 07:24hrs | | by Brian Sedze
Mnangagwa needs correct advice from his team
DEAR President Emmerson MnangagwaYour Excellency, as things stand right now you have to make hard currency decision sooner than later as doing that in 2023 will cause so much economic pain tha...Published: 08 Jun 2022 at 09:06hrs | 2 | by Brian Sedze
Mnangagwa has to make bold currency decision or face political demise
The president has to make hard currency decision sooner than later as doing that in 2023 will cause so much economic pain that may cause a huge protest vote which may send him home.The country...Published: 06 Jun 2022 at 12:45hrs | 10 | by Dr Brian Sedze
Change in Zimbabwe is a big word and act
THIS country requires to make hard decisions and act in a radical manner for any sensible economic transformation to be upon us. However, we are expecting change of our economic fortunes using the sam...Published: 27 May 2022 at 06:48hrs | | by Brian Sedze
Goblin economy creating goblin wealth
Without change of government's way of leading the economy, its system of governance of closely-controlled economy, Zimbabwe continue to be a goblin economy that creates goblin-induced wealth.G...Published: 03 Feb 2022 at 05:43hrs | 95 | by Brian Sedze
Chamisa vehicle GoFundMe
Circumstances under which Morgan Tsvangirai BMW was impounded were that the law was breached because a vehicle on Temporary Import Permit or with foreign ...Published: 05 Dec 2021 at 06:36hrs | 11 | by Brian Sedze
MRP activist in court over public violence, theft charges
MTHWAKAZI Republic Party (MRP) activist Partone Xaba was on Monday remanded to December 9 by Bulawayo magistrate Rachel Mukanga, in a case where he faces public violence and theft charges.This...Published: 04 Nov 2021 at 06:30hrs | 1 | by Brian Sedze
Zanu-PF conference lacked strategic imperatives for economic growth
THE Zanu-PF conference is of strategic importance due to its potential of providing simultaneous and sequential signal on the general direction or economic trajectory of the country. It is also not fa...Published: 04 Nov 2021 at 06:30hrs | | by Brian Sedze
The degeneration of Zimbabwe is often cuased by lack of heroic acts by society to protect our institutions
Our representative democracy and constitution were made within the realm of moral and religious people. It therefore follows that the two are wholly inadequate to a government which may decide to be n...Published: 06 Jun 2021 at 13:14hrs | | by Brian Sedze
Unionisation of teachers a millstone in delivery of remarkable kids' performance
We all get it that teachers want to be compensated more.My brother was a teacher for more than 30 years; I have some experience in the daily life of a teacher. For a long time, for him, it has...Published: 28 May 2021 at 14:43hrs | 2 | by Brian Sedze
Chamisa impoverishing MDC members on the altar of political correctness
A "RATIONAL economic" Zanu-PF has been masterminding massive wealth transfers to their enlightened members since 2000. The ruling party members are winning on the economic front by creating wealth whi...Published: 23 Nov 2020 at 19:58hrs | | by Brian Sedze
Ideas, not money is what is in short supply in Zimbabwe
The economic challenges facing Zimbabwe are not about money. Our major issue is deficiency of a supportive government with competencies to design policies that enable innovation and value creation....Published: 12 Jun 2019 at 07:03hrs | 1 | by Brian Sedze
Congress will weaken MDC
THE MDC congress scheduled for next month will deliver a weaker party without strength in diversity.There is a significant number of articles expressing opinion that the subtle fights for posi...Published: 11 Apr 2019 at 07:19hrs | | by Brian Sedze
Government and parents complicity is creating a class of useless graduates
Government and parents are delinquently complicity in allowing our young people to pursue tertiary level qualifications that offer no value to either the country or to the graduate. The pursuit of aca...Published: 04 Mar 2019 at 10:06hrs | | by Brian Sedze
Mnangagwa risks capture by corporate leaders
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa's idea that the industrialists and bankers he met on October 29, 2018 should constitute and second some advisers from within their ranks to his office stinks of inviting c...Published: 16 Nov 2018 at 06:02hrs | | by Brian Sedze
Sound policies can win it for MDC Alliance
The MDC Alliance is showing dangerous traits of continuously proposing a welfare State and doing so without the consideration that the double entry of a welfare society is the taxpayers' burden. There...Published: 02 May 2018 at 07:58hrs | 3 | by Brian Sedze
Lets have a coalition of unlike forces
Welcome to the age of all you can eat cafeteria politics. No longer are we restricted to a set menu. No longer are we restricted to things that pair and complement each other, we can now consume i...Published: 08 Feb 2017 at 12:10hrs | 1 | by Dr Brian Sedze
Taxpayers and the youth will get a government they deserve in 2018
Are we truly equal to exercise the democratic right to vote and in determining government policy? The answer to that is clearly that we are not. It is judicious in the Zimbabwean context to opine ...Published: 14 Nov 2016 at 11:53hrs | | by Brian Sedze
How come our government doesn't get this?
There is no need to be a Nobel Prize economist to decipher that the economic pains ghost of 2008 is reincarnating at alarming speed. It equally doesn't need a prophetic calling to decipher that we...Published: 29 May 2016 at 19:29hrs | | by Brian Sedze
Zimbabwe dollar return a scare
There is a plethora of long term investments being sold to Zimbabweans including but not limited to pension funds, funeral, retirement, endowment, education and wealth funds. The future of these long ...Published: 20 Apr 2016 at 13:13hrs | | by Brian Sedze
Mines minister off side on Hwangwe Colliery Company
The Minister of Mines and Mining Development Honorable Walter Chidhakwa directives to Hwangwe Colliery Company (HCC) management shows a dismaying contempt of good corporate governance .The minister ha...Published: 07 Mar 2016 at 12:27hrs | 1 | by Brian Sedze
Tel-One debt assumption another act of government mischief
The institution of government in Zimbabwe has evolved [devolved?] over the years from a sacred duty to represent the people, protect them from abuses and to provide a good climate so that every citize...Published: 23 Oct 2015 at 17:13hrs | | by Brian Sedze
COMESA: We risk being a supermarket economy
The government often makes us believe that we are the blessed and lucky beneficiaries of serendipity and benevolence where correlation is actually causation such that economic policies we choose are n...Published: 13 Oct 2015 at 12:58hrs | 1 | by Dr Brian Sedze
Innovating around the familiar will be Zimbabwe opposition's downfall in 2018
In 2008, Zimbabwe almost elected a president largely because he gave people hope and he didn't fit the mold of traditional politics for he was promising change. He gave rousing, yet vacuous speeches t...Published: 21 Sep 2015 at 13:10hrs | 1 | by Brian Sedze
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