Columnist / Conway tutani
Crude oil big debate
The "crude" ignorance of opposition-minded people about the various usages and applications of the term "crude oil" is being exposed by the day. The "crude" ignorance posted by the oppositioni...Published: 08 Feb 2021 at 20:06hrs | 3 | by Conway Tutani
Even slaves refused to sell their souls
As the world marks 400 years since 1619, when Africans were first abducted and sold into slavery in America, this extract below from the book To Be A Slave by African-American author Julius Lester, pu...Published: 06 Sep 2019 at 07:16hrs | 2 | by Conway Tutani
Zimbabwe demonstrations - like sanctions - are not targeted
IT is hoped that several developments in the past week or so will finally open people's eyes to see that party politics is the only game in town; that politics is not the only thing worth concerning o...Published: 30 Aug 2019 at 08:22hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Let's not mistake gifting votes for vote-rigging
IT'S easy and convenient to shift blame from yourself.After losing two by-elections recently, the main opposition MDC has been pointing fingers in the direction of the ruling Zanu-PF party, al...Published: 26 Jul 2019 at 08:21hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Presuming 'no normal person votes Zanu-PF' is what makes MDC lose
Appearances can deceive big-time.Perusing the South African media before that country's general elections in May this year, one would have concluded that the ruling ANC was finished and would ...Published: 19 Jul 2019 at 07:19hrs | 1 | by Conway Tutani
Chamisa and allies: Don't start wars that you can't finish
To hide a lie, a thousand lies are needed.The main opposition MDC was caught totally off-guard when one of their own, the talkative Job Sikhala, revealed the party worst-kept secret: That they...Published: 13 Jul 2019 at 08:20hrs | 2 | by Conway Tutani
ZCTU can do better than demonstrate for redollarisation
No good deed goes unpunished.Normally, the doer of a good deed expects just a "thank you", but usually someone is adversely affected by the good deed. For example, saving someone's life from a...Published: 05 Jul 2019 at 08:10hrs | 1 | by Conway Tutani
It's up to us to make Zimdollar work
The record needs to be set straight that Finance minister Mthuli Ncube has done nothing outrageous and/or unprecedented by banning the use of foreign currencies in domestic transactions.Accord...Published: 28 Jun 2019 at 06:25hrs | 1 | by Conway Tutani
Unite against big business' deathly grip
THERE is a lot to criticise about what is going on, but not all price increases we are seeing are that inevitable because in many cases, these are contrived with many big retailers taking advantage of...Published: 21 Jun 2019 at 07:26hrs | 1 | by Conway Tutani
Tendai Biti: Infant trapped in adult body?
Those familiar with former Finance minister Tendai Biti’s track record were not exactly surprised by his latest outburst against current Treasury boss Mthuli Ncube.It seems insults come as s...Published: 14 Jun 2019 at 08:04hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Dishonesty now biggest threat to democracy
Two inter-related issues - highlighted in two feedbacks I have received over the past six months - should be addressed as a matter of priority and urgency.The first one is do with what one mob...Published: 07 Jun 2019 at 06:54hrs | 1 | by Conway Tutani
Mthuli Ncube is not a Professor for nothing
"Be careful what you wish for," is an English expression used to tell people to think before they say they want something and to suggest that they may not actually want it. There may be unforeseen and...Published: 24 May 2019 at 06:48hrs | 7 | by Conway Tutani
Fuel crisis has nothing to do with MDC unconstitutionalism
Some of the problems Zimbabwe is facing today are clearly due to faulty thinking resulting in people mixing issues —and not knowing what the idiom "fair game" means.For starters, if Presiden...Published: 17 May 2019 at 17:32hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Politicians mustn't get away with slandering judges
The habit of the main opposition MDC of getting itself into a mess and then some rabid elements in the party blaming everyone - from the government to the courts - except themselves has to stop....Published: 10 May 2019 at 14:13hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Africa has no divine duty to heed the West
IT'S quite refreshing that many Africans - both black and white - have refused to submit to Eurocentrism, where all things from the West are viewed in utopian terms in which everything is projected as...Published: 03 May 2019 at 06:48hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Religious imperialism? Count me out
I WAS pleasantly surprised when people from near and far, from within Zimbabwe and beyond the borders, white and black, Christian and non-Christian came to the defence of the Zimbabwe Bird after the n...Published: 26 Apr 2019 at 07:18hrs | 2 | by Conway Tutani
Zimbabweans will find Chamisa's Zimbabwe bird remark quite offensive
SOME people make it impossible for anyone to misquote them or exaggerate about them.Just when you thought politicians across the divide would tone down on rhetoric in the spirit of Independenc...Published: 19 Apr 2019 at 07:29hrs | 1 | by Conway Tutani
Time to stop mischief of bashing under guise of reporting
IN the first analysis and final analysis, newspapers — in spite of and despite their editorial slant — should — and must — be guided by accuracy. Accuracy is the be-all and end-all."Wh...Published: 12 Apr 2019 at 06:49hrs | 2 | by Conway Tutani
MDC violence: A noble cause can beget savages
THE MDC Alliance’s initial reaction to their defeat in the ward by-election held in Cowdray Park, Bulawayo, last week was a classic or textbook example of denialism — the human tendency to deny re...Published: 05 Apr 2019 at 06:42hrs | | by Conway Tutani
'A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination'
IT has reached the stage where, to be honest with each other, it is no more surprising that posting a most non-political and non-partisan message on social media praising Zimbabweans — one and all â...Published: 29 Mar 2019 at 06:28hrs | 1 | by Conway Tutani
These critics need more help than cyclone victims
CYCLONE Idai has brought out the good and the ugly in people.Many Zimbabweans have, commendably, risen to the occasion to assist fellow human beings, while others are using this as an opportun...Published: 22 Mar 2019 at 06:33hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Forcing countries to pay debt in currency it denies them - that's the US!
ONE thing for sure is that Zimbabwe is not short of real original thinking to counter the West's capture of some Zimbabwean minds.Because of donor funding, too many politicians (naturally more...Published: 15 Mar 2019 at 06:02hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Don't fall for sanctions denialists' lies and wiles
The worst-kept secret is out that the United States is determined to see the Zimbabwean government fall – just as it is doing in Venezuela. And denying that is like denying one's existence itself....Published: 03 Mar 2019 at 00:53hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Journalism needs overhaul
Zimbabwean journalist Haru Mutasa recently drew fire from some local journalists and social media couch potatoes - many of whom masquerade as experts on each and every issue - when she pointed out the...Published: 22 Feb 2019 at 09:06hrs | 12 | by Conway Tutani
We need complete thinkers, not compartmentalised ones
What does it mean to be a "complete thinker"? Complete thinking entails connecting apparently disparate or unconnected ideas.To further elaborate, it means being able to take on a variety of i...Published: 15 Feb 2019 at 08:47hrs | 2 | by Conway Tutani
It's most dangerous not to know where we are
It's self-evident that the situation in Zimbabwe is very much unsettled at the moment, but to go on to deconstruct it and reconstruct it to suit one's political narrative of the present is mendacious....Published: 08 Feb 2019 at 08:47hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Could it be more about money and less about Chiwenga?
"The joke is on you," goes an English saying.If you say that the joke is on a particular person, you mean that the person has tried to make someone else look silly, but has, in the process, ma...Published: 01 Feb 2019 at 09:37hrs | | by CONWAY TUTANI
Time to confront bloodsuckers wherever and whenever
THAT things could be on the verge of boiling over is not an overstatement, but for the "big boys" these are the best of times as they are making a killing.But it should be pointed out from the...Published: 11 Jan 2019 at 09:39hrs | 2 | by Conway Tutani
Tsvangirai family’s pre-emptive masterstroke the way to go
The funeral service in December 2018 for the late 41st President of the United States, George H Bush, who was in office from 1989 to 1993 (not to be confused with his son, George W Bush, the 43rd Pres...Published: 04 Jan 2019 at 09:23hrs | | by Conway Tutani
When politicians say things to make people angry, not to solve problems
Many of the people who appeared before the commission of inquiry into the events leading to the August 1 killings, the shootings themselves and then map the way forward, proved themselves to be invent...Published: 21 Dec 2018 at 10:53hrs | 1 | by Conway Tutani
Let the games begin - it's now jecha for jecha!
THE call by some in the ruling Zanu-PF party for the presidential age limit to be raised to 52 years from 40 has caused mixed reactions, but what is there to it?It should first be accepted tha...Published: 14 Dec 2018 at 06:14hrs | 1 | by Conway Tutani
Daylight robbery of pricing at 4:1, but giving change at 1:1
As economic recovery measures are implemented, let's discuss this wrong mentality - yes, wrong - that nothing works until everything works because in real life there are no quick and easy fixes....Published: 07 Dec 2018 at 06:30hrs | 2 | by Conway Tutani
Don't be left holding an empty bag
WHAT has emerged from the hearings into the events of August 1 has shown that the setting-up of the commmission of inquiry was the right step in the circumstances.The hearings have amply demon...Published: 30 Nov 2018 at 10:33hrs | 1 | by Conway Tutani
The Manyeruke, Komichi horror show
The commission of inquiry into the August 1 shooting of six people to death during a violent demonstration in Harare has its work cut out.But, looking at its composition, it is up to the task ...Published: 23 Nov 2018 at 05:46hrs | 1 | by Conway Tutani i
Zimbabweans' lives are not bargaining chips
TRUE to the base instinct of human nature - that subconscious urge or behaviour directed by primeval, animalistic, self-serving, and/or ignoble motivations - some people have quickly rushed to complet...Published: 16 Nov 2018 at 05:54hrs | 1 | by Conway Tutani
Supporting Mnangagwa without backing Zanu PF, backing MDC without supporting Chamisa
"Time flies. It's up to you to be the navigator," observed a sage.I am not into political prophecy, but this week last year - precisely November 6, 2017, the day then President Robert Mugabe s...Published: 09 Nov 2018 at 05:17hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Strive Masiyiwa never ceases to shame the devil
Strive Masiyiwa, the Econet Wireless founder, has always been his own man.With all his wealth, Masiyiwa does not get ahead of himself. His public persona is that of gentility — that social s...Published: 02 Nov 2018 at 06:12hrs | 3 | by Conway Tutani
Let's not indulge obstructionists
The more I see some categories of people who are stridently and rabidly opposing Finance minister Mthuli Ncube's economic stabilisation programme - as opposed to those offering measured and constructi...Published: 26 Oct 2018 at 07:10hrs | 1 | by Conway Tutani
ZCTU, why spare Bulawayo council over rates hike
That the United States has not seized a great opportunity to walk the talk on its human rights mantra shows that things are not what they appear to be.It was always too much to expect US Presi...Published: 19 Oct 2018 at 11:32hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Some Zimbabweans have poisoned themselves with spit
THE more one reads some reactions to the current upheavals in the economy, the more one sees that some people have poisoned themselves with spite.It's not only me who has observed that. Level-...Published: 12 Oct 2018 at 07:17hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Nothing wrong in principle with 2% electronic transfer tax
"In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes," observed presciently Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), one of the founding fathers of the United States, who was both a philoma...Published: 06 Oct 2018 at 09:14hrs | 1 | by Conway Tutani
Anyone still denying Zimbabwe is open for business?
Some people have to sharpen their lying skills, failing which they have to stop lying altogether.Last week, I had an encounter with one such less than skilful liar — a former opposition MDC ...Published: 28 Sep 2018 at 07:23hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Mthuli Ncube's '0% political skills' certainly working
While cholera is highly infectious, positivity can be as contagious too as a counter-measure along with medicinally treating the actual disease.Posted Finance minister Mthuli Ncube, who has a ...Published: 21 Sep 2018 at 07:05hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Coventry 'a mere swimmer'?
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, so says Murphy's law.Well, Murphy's law seems to following — nay, stalking — losing MDC Alliance presidential candidate Nelson Chamisa.If ...Published: 14 Sep 2018 at 07:55hrs | | by CONWAY TUTANI
Who is worse between manipulating politician and gullible follower?
AFTER the unnecessarily contentious elections, Zimbabwe could be about to reset and, thus, reboot itself on its journey from dysfunctionality to functionality.I say unnecessarily contentious b...Published: 07 Sep 2018 at 07:03hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Who can rescue MDC Alliance?
ONE of the biggest takeaways from the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) ruling last week against MDC Alliance presidential candidate Nelson Chamisa's application to have Zanu-PF candidate Emmerson Mnang...Published: 01 Sep 2018 at 09:09hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Zimbabwe not white man's burden
We are on the edge of an epoch in Zimbabwe.The nation could experience a new normal, so to speak, as the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) has only a matter of days to validate President-elect E...Published: 17 Aug 2018 at 06:21hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Time for Zimbabwe to move on
THE 2018 harmonised elections have come, but not exactly gone because the main opposition MDC Alliance has signalled its intention to approach the Constitutional Court to challenge the results, which ...Published: 10 Aug 2018 at 07:57hrs | | by Conway Tutani
Paying price of underestimating 'EDiots'
The tragedy which happened in Harare this week was not only completely unconscionable, but most preventable.The State, on the one hand, should not have unleashed soldiers on the streets, resul...Published: 03 Aug 2018 at 07:26hrs | 2 | by Conway Tutani
Zimbabwe must be the winner
For every winner there has to be a loser.But the more closely I look at Zanu-PF and MDC Alliance, the less I see differences in style and substance between them, with mere days before the elec...Published: 27 Jul 2018 at 08:21hrs | | by Conway Tutani
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