Columnist / Deborah harry
COP26 was a flop for Mnangagwa and everyone saw it
It's been almost a week now since the dictator of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa flew into the UK for the UN COP26 summit in Glasgow. Looking back ...Published: 08 Nov 2021 at 07:23hrs | 10 | by Deborah Harry
Zimbabweans need to alienate themselves from celebs that support the regime
For the last few years Zimbabwe has seen quite a rapid infestation of so called ‘celebs' and like with all celebrity culture, a lot of these people are famous for being famous, an example being peop...Published: 03 Sep 2021 at 07:04hrs | 7 | by Deborah Harry
Funding grassroots to register and guard the 2023 votes remains key
You can never do anything in politics so long as you don't have the funding. This is a statement uttered by many political observers. In party politics, in order to get public endorsement, a p...Published: 03 Sep 2021 at 07:03hrs | | by Deborah Harry
Funding the grassroots will make the difference in the 2023 elections
2023 is around the corner and if we do not start organising ward, town and city in Zimbabwe, we will heard into a shocking election just like what happened in 2013. Let's not be overconfident that peo...Published: 19 Aug 2021 at 08:55hrs | 3 | by Deborah Harry
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