Columnist / Dinizulu mbikokayise macaphulana
Robert Mugabe: An African Head of State and the State of an African Head
The political personality and historical project of Robert Mugabe is bound to arrest the attention of thinkers and writers for a long time to come. The Zimbabwean President has attracted extreme r...Published: 19 Dec 2014 at 10:27hrs | 3 | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
Inside Mugabe's sealed succession envelope: Fear, self assassinations and a coup
An observant student of power and its effects, the late French philosopher Michel Foucault noted that "we are subjected to the production of truth through power" and that "we cannot exercise powe...Published: 01 Nov 2014 at 08:36hrs | 2 | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
Baba Jukwa and the goblin that went rogue
EDITOR: This is the last part of Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana's 'Grace Mugabe, Baba Jukwa and the Olympics of Power in Zimbabwe' article.I ARGUE th...Published: 07 Aug 2014 at 07:31hrs | | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
Robert Mugabe 'a haunted and stressed octogenarian tyrant'
AT 86, and approaching 87 years of age, Robert Mugabe, the president of Zimbabwe is the world's oldest ruler.Depending on where one stands, the political life and historical legacy of Mugabe i...Published: 30 Jan 2014 at 07:01hrs | 1 | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
Mugabe: A good candidate for Egyptation
I am still looking and searching for the vocabulary and diction with which to name and describe what I saw in Bhengazi. After what I saw, I believe that God is the people and that the peopl...Published: 01 Mar 2011 at 07:24hrs | | by Dinizulu Mbikokayise Macaphulana
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