Columnist / Disgruntled parent
Corruption by a school head in Makoni
Dear Editor, As parents of children at Magura Secondary School in Makoni North, Manicaland province we are not happy with misuse of funds by our school head Thomas Murefu.We discov...Published: 09 Nov 2023 at 19:02hrs | 26 | by Disgruntled Parents
Latest on Murowa School saga as Provincial Minister flexes his political muscles
Dear ZimbabweansScandalous! That's the only word to sum up the action taken by the Provincial Minister in a case between parents and a teaching couple at Murowa School Zvishavane district. Whi...Published: 09 May 2023 at 12:22hrs | 9 | by Disgruntled parents
'Reign in on unprofessional school heads' - WhatsApp update
Please note that Bulawayo24 does not edit WhatsApp updates. We publish them as sent by our readers and we do not disclose the sender's telephone number.&nb...Published: 13 May 2014 at 10:36hrs | | by Disgruntled parent
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