Columnist / Don pinnock
US poll says NO to Botswana plans to hunt and cull elephants
As the Botswana government rumbles towards the lifting of the ban on hunting its famous wildlife, an authoritative poll in the United States, from which the second greatest number of foreign tourists ...Published: 29 Mar 2019 at 08:58hrs | 2 | by Don Pinnock
Big cats worldwide threatened by SA lion bone trade - EIA
Asian demand for tiger wine and other products is creating a crisis for big cats across the world, according to a study just released by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA). Titled Th...Published: 17 Jul 2017 at 15:33hrs | | by Don Pinnock Environmental journalist
Timbavati Reserve plan to hunt a super tusker may be a bridge to far
Private game reserves with open fences to Kruger Park have applied for permission to shoot 34 elephants, among them an iconic trophy bull, as well as 5 444 other animals, including rhinos, lions, leop...Published: 09 Mar 2017 at 12:14hrs | 2 | by Don Pinnock, Environmental journalist
We can sell rhino horn says SA Environment Minister Edna Molewa
According to the Department of Environmental Affairs, the time has come to sell rhino horn. Speaking in a Parliamentary portfolio committee on Tuesday, Minister Edna Molewa said there had been a morit...Published: 21 Feb 2017 at 20:13hrs | 1 | by Don Pinnock
SA Public has no time to contest sale of lion bones
South Africa is about to permit the export of lion bones to produce fake tiger wine but has given the public almost no time to object. The permit will allow an annual export of 800 skeletons to Asia....Published: 30 Jan 2017 at 11:14hrs | | by Don Pinnock Environmental journalist
Botswana bans elephant-back rides
From the end of this month, no elephants will be permitted to be ridden in Botswana. Abu Camp, the only facility that allowed elephant back riding in the country, has been directed to terminate its el...Published: 14 Dec 2016 at 09:48hrs | | by Don Pinnock Environmental journalist
South African arrested in Mozambique's Limpopo National Park on poaching charge
A South African, Pieter Jansen van Rensberg, has been arrested on a charge of poaching inside the protected buffer zone of the Mozambique's Parque Nacional de Limpopo (PNL), which abuts the Kruger Nat...Published: 13 Dec 2016 at 11:09hrs | | by Don Pinnock Environmental journalist
Elephant ambassador Charlie felled by poacher’s guns
Tracking collars and sophisticated telemetary are a good way to see where wild elephants roam. They can also lead grisly discoveries about where they die. ...Published: 06 Dec 2016 at 15:30hrs | 6 | by Don Pinnock
US ban canned lion trophy imports from South Africa
Because South Africa was unable to demonstrate the conservation value of canned lion hunting, the United States last week banned the import of all trophies from captive lion hunts in the country. ...Published: 24 Oct 2016 at 09:09hrs | | by Don Pinnock
Kruger animals becoming meat for starving neighbours
This is a story about too much hippo poo in the Kruger National Park, hungry neighbours and rain that just won't fall. It's also about culling, but the park doesn't like the word and prefers harvestin...Published: 06 Sep 2016 at 16:56hrs | 4 | by Don Pinnock
Counting elephants - Two-year, Africa-wide census finds alarming declines
It took two years, 81 aircraft and 286 crew flying 494 000 kilometres across 18 countries and the support of 90 scientists to count Africa's savanna elephants. The final tally was an extremely worryin...Published: 31 Aug 2016 at 11:51hrs | 1 | by Don Pinnock
Poachers kill 26 elephants in Chobe National Park
At least 26 elephants, their faces hacked off and their tusks removed, lay in congealing blood on Botswana's Chobe National Park floodplain. Poachers had killed them within sight of a Wilderness Safar...Published: 31 Aug 2016 at 11:42hrs | 1 | by Don Pinnock
SA government and US hunters plotting future for SA's wildlife
American hunters and SA's Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) are meeting behind closed doors at a resort near Polokwane today to plan the future use of SA's wildlife. The four day conference of...Published: 10 Nov 2015 at 06:48hrs | | by Don Pinnock
KZN Cheetah petting park closed to visitors after attacks
Following attacks on a child and two women by cheetahs at KwaCheetah 'petting park' in KwaZulu-Natal, Ezemvelo authorities this week suspended all non-staff access to the facility.On June 28 L...Published: 26 Aug 2015 at 16:45hrs | | by Don Pinnock
Killing of Cecil sparks calls to ban trophy hunting
The maiming with a crossbow and later killing of Cecil, the famous Hwange lion, by American dentist Walter Palmer has led to an international firestorm of protest and calls for the...Published: 03 Aug 2015 at 18:10hrs | 1 | by Don Pinnock
Emergency as elephant poached
An Emergency was declared as the first elephant was poached on western border of Kruger National ParkEach day, In Africa, around 100 elephants die at the hands of poachers. Almost all the kil...Published: 27 Jul 2015 at 13:19hrs | | by Don Pinnock
Microsoft billionaire to fund Pan African elephant survey
One of the founders of Microsoft, Paul Allen, has expressed his grave concern for the fate of Africa's elephants by adding his financial weight to their protection. He announced today [Dec 4] that his...Published: 04 Dec 2013 at 07:17hrs | | by Don Pinnock
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