Columnist / Dr gorden moyo
The Facts about the Cape Town Meeting
Several malicious and unfounded falsehoods have been deliberately peddled by Zanu-PF leadership and elements within the MDC Alliance. The motives for such falsehoods remain unclear but perhaps a sad e...Published: 11 Feb 2018 at 07:52hrs | | by Dr Gorden Moyo
PRC reaffirms Mujuru as Presidential Candidate of Choice for 2018 elections
PEOPLE'S RAINBOW COALITION (PRC) RESOLUTIONS OF THE 1st JOINT COORDINATING COMMITTEE HELD ON 15 DEC 2017.We are in it to win itThe First...Published: 18 Dec 2017 at 12:35hrs | 5 | by Dr Gorden Moyo
Celebrating 'Unity Day' is Celebrating Genocide: PDP
It is with a profound sense of patriotism and a deep sense of duty that on behalf of my party; the People's Democratic Party (PDP), I make the following remarks on the occasion of Zimbabwe's 'Unity Da...Published: 21 Dec 2015 at 20:28hrs | 1 | by Dr Gorden Moyo - Secretary General of People's Democratic Party (PDP) 21 December, 2015
The insanity of the Confucius Peace Prize - PDP
The People's Democratic Party (PDP) is utterly disgusted that Robert Mugabe was awarded the China's Confucius Peace Prize in the name of his management of the economy in Zimbabwe and promotion of peac...Published: 20 Oct 2015 at 18:21hrs | 38 | by Dr Gorden Moyo
Lieutenant General Sibanda is Offside - PDP
The People' Democratic Party (PDP) notes with concern the reckless and dangerous utterances attributed to the Zimbabwe National Army Lieutenant General Philip Valerio Sibanda in a statement read on hi...Published: 30 Sep 2015 at 14:15hrs | | by Dr Gorden Moyo
AU - ICC stand-off: Justice and Peace Paradigms
A Speech by Dr Gorden Moyo made at the Bulawayo Agenda Dialogue Series-23 June 2015The current stand-off between the African Union (AU) and the Interna...Published: 23 Jun 2015 at 20:47hrs | 10 | by Dr Gorden Moyo
Renewal Team Statement on June 2015 AU Summit
Renewal Team notes with concern the contradictions and frictions that emerged from the just ended 25th AU Summit held on the 7-15th of June 2015 at Sandton, SA as ...Published: 15 Jun 2015 at 18:39hrs | | by Dr Gorden Moyo
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