Columnist / Dr onesimus a. ngundu
Believing in ancestral spirits is a myth
At death the body and spirit or the material and immaterial separate. In African society the spirits of the dead, variously known in sub-Saharan Africa as amahlozi or amatongo (Zulu), Xhosa), balimo (...Published: 24 Feb 2024 at 17:59hrs | 1079 | by Dr Onesimus A. Ngundu
African education in Zimbabwe is credited to Christian missionaries
The history of Christianity and African education in Zimbabwe is the history of Christian missionary work and achievements. Dr David Livingstone, a member of the London Missionary Society, travelled e...Published: 27 Sep 2021 at 17:07hrs | 48 | by Dr Onesimus A. Ngundu
Mass weddings are unbiblical, unAfrican and unconstitutional
Just as a person cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born (John 3), so no African couple can claim to have had a ‘second' or ‘blessing' marriage ceremony with the same spouse ...Published: 02 Dec 2014 at 18:02hrs | | by Dr Onesimus A. Ngundu, PhD - University of Cambridge
Christmas Celebration
One of my childhood recollections, growing up in rural Masvingo, Zimbabwe, where Christian teaching and establishment had taken root, is Christmas celebration. As children, on Chri...Published: 23 Dec 2012 at 13:04hrs | | by Dr Onesimus A. Ngundu, ThD, PhD
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