Columnist / Dr tapiwa mashakada
Emergency recovery measures to stop Zimbabwe economic free-fall
This article will be brief and straight to the point. There is no need to continue to pontificate on the political-economy of the country because we all know that after the 30th July elections the eco...Published: 23 Oct 2018 at 14:00hrs | 2 | by Dr Tapiwa Mashakada
Bond notes dilemma
Next week which is the end of November, bond notes will start circulating in the financial system as legal tender provided Parliament passes the legislation this week. Bond notes were conceived as a p...Published: 23 Nov 2016 at 14:41hrs | | by Dr Tapiwa Mashakada MDC-T Shadow Minister of Finance
Analysis of the Mid-term fiscal policy review statement
Statement by the MDC Shadow Minister of Finance, Dr Tapiwa MashakadaThe Mid-Year Fiscal Policy Review Statement is a bankrupt statement which is anchored on a bankrupt Zimasset policy do...Published: 12 Sep 2016 at 11:31hrs | 1 | by Dr Tapiwa Mashakada
Joint statement by MDC-T and PDP on the IMF Visit
Only substantive political and economic reforms can save Zimbabwe Professor Erik Reinert, a well-known developmental economist, in his book titled-How t...Published: 16 Jun 2016 at 06:37hrs | | by Vince Musewe and Dr Tapiwa Mashakada
Failed Zanu PF government reintroduces Zim dollar
The cash-strapped ZANU-PF government has finally succumbed to its inevitable failure and has predictably decided to re-introduce the Zimbabwe dollar in the midst of an unprecedended liquidity crisis i...Published: 05 May 2016 at 10:10hrs | | by Dr Tapiwa Mashakada, MDC-T Shadow Minister of Finance
Why Civil Servants were not paid December salaries and bonuses
Zanu-PF should be condemned in the strongest terms for inflicting unprecedented pain and suffering on civil servants. We never imagined how far Zanu-PF could go with its cruelty. There are many social...Published: 02 Jan 2016 at 08:57hrs | | by DR Tapiwa Mashakada, Mp Hatfield
Zanu-PF stealing MDC ideas
ZANU-PF is good at stealing MDC ideas and run with them as if theirs. Zanu-PF is good at hijacking things. You will all recall that in June I moved a motion in Parliament on the state of the economy. ...Published: 03 Sep 2015 at 06:19hrs | | by Dr Tapiwa Mashakada
MDC-T Statement on Indigenisation
Thursday, 29 May 2014Statement by the Alternative Minister for Industry and Commerce, Dr Tapiwa Mashakada on Indigenisa...Published: 29 May 2014 at 15:56hrs | | by Dr Tapiwa Mashakada
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