Columnist / Eddie cross
85 000 Chinese nationals now living in Zimbabwe
I was astonished to hear the other day that there are now over 85 000 Chinese nationals living in Zimbabwe. I questioned this estimate and was told no, its real. What on earth are they doing here? The...Published: 30 Dec 2024 at 19:15hrs | 893 | by Eddie Cross
Why US sanctions on Zimbabwe 'have not worked'
The United States is a global superpower. Its political and economic reach is massive and global in character. Look back in history and you can see how the US has so often made real changes to the wor...Published: 19 Mar 2024 at 19:54hrs | | by Eddie Cross
Zimdollar future hangs in the balance
IT is imperative for every successful and expanding economy in the world to have its own currency and monetary policy. I make that statement because it is important for all Zimbabweans to understand t...Published: 12 Sep 2023 at 06:33hrs | | by Eddie Cross
Zimbabwe slowing getting back to its feet at 43
IN 1893 my ancestors raised the Union Jack in a place they called Salisbury, in the middle of what is now called southern Africa. That is 130 years ago and for the next 87 years this tiny group of whi...Published: 05 Sep 2023 at 06:19hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
Can Afrikaners save South Africa?
I AM not a South African, so I venture into their space with trepidation because I know how sensitive these things are. But I am an African and a keen observer of events that affect all of us who live...Published: 24 May 2023 at 06:03hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
Cowboy country
I DO not get away very often but right now I am in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, which is my wife's home base. We have not been here for seven years and the changes and challengers are very visible....Published: 13 May 2023 at 18:26hrs | 14 | by Eddie Cross
Family crisis in the West
I KNOW this is sensitive ground and most people avoid commenting on, but I think it is too important to the world and our own families and society to just brush it aside as another feature of a ...Published: 03 May 2023 at 06:07hrs | 2 | by Eddie Cross
Understanding the collapse of Zimbabwe
THE first two decades that followed the independence of Zimbabwe in 1980 were characterised by a number of major developments. Government expanded social services such as health and education — the ...Published: 10 Mar 2023 at 05:20hrs | 11 | by Eddie Cross
Southern African power crisis stems from post-liberation history
THE electrical power crisis that has enveloped southern Africa has its roots in our post-liberation history. Prior to that, the utilities created by the States of southern Africa exhibited considerabl...Published: 08 Dec 2022 at 05:10hrs | | by Eddie Cross
The importance of parastatals
WHEN State-managed institutions work well they are often not recognised or rewarded and are taken for granted. When they fail, everyone suffers the consequences.At independence in 1980, 40% of...Published: 27 Sep 2022 at 05:53hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
The destructive force of corruption
IN my business life I have handled several billion dollars of revenue and expenditure over a period of 65 years. In that time, I have been blatantly approached and asked for a bribe once — by a loca...Published: 07 Sep 2022 at 06:46hrs | 4 | by Eddie Cross
Zimbabwean failure
LOOKING back over the past 40 years in Zimbabwe, I am surprised we are still here.In 1980, I was playing a small part in the transition from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe in that I was selected as one ...Published: 23 Nov 2021 at 05:57hrs | 12 | by Eddie Cross
Govt needs to stabilise bread and butter prices
THE looming increase in bread price will pile pressure on the country's citizens already battling a wildly inflationary environment aided by poor monetary policies by Treasury.To say that the ...Published: 12 Oct 2021 at 06:00hrs | 10 | by Eddie Cross
The impact of US sanctions on Zimbabwe
WHEN the American government passed the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Amendment (Zidera) Act 20 years ago, it argued that the Act was not intended to punish ordinary Zimbabweans but to targ...Published: 12 Oct 2021 at 06:00hrs | 11 | by Eddie Cross
'People of Zimbabwe have become sanctions collateral damage'
WHEN the American government passed the Zidera Act 20 years ago, they argued that the Act was not intended to punish the people of Zimbabwe but to target those individuals and organisations that, in t...Published: 11 Oct 2021 at 05:54hrs | 2 | by Eddie Cross
Africa is not as bad as is portrayed by media
I AM really concerned about the role of mass media in this century. Firstly, because there is so much of it, secondly, because it can easily distort perceptions and understanding of what is really goi...Published: 20 Aug 2021 at 07:14hrs | | by Eddie Cross
Challenges facing Zimbabwe's foreign exchange auction
IT is clear that the auction for foreign exchange is in trouble. The arrears now stand at over US$200 million. That is equivalent to nearly Z$18 billion and the delays are having a serious impact on c...Published: 27 Jul 2021 at 07:16hrs | 9 | by Eddie Cross
Ministry to splurge US$1m on cars
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa's cash-strapped government is set to splurge at least US$1 million on 35 new off-road double cab Toyota vehicles for top bureaucrats in the Home Affairs ministry.I...Published: 28 May 2021 at 08:08hrs | | by Eddie Cross
What are we really worth?
Recently I had breakfast with three friends and we were charged at the rate of ZW$115 to US$1 for our food, which was priced in US dollars.later I had coffee with another group of friends and ...Published: 28 May 2021 at 08:06hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
Birthday greetings, Zimbabwe
Like yesterday, I remember the day that the late former Rhodesian prime minister Ian Smith declared independence from Britain.I was driving down what was North Avenue in Salisbury (now Harare)...Published: 23 Apr 2021 at 07:28hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
Land tenure reform to transform Zimbabwe rapidly
Two historical notes confirm the importance of land tenure and secure property rights. In the world today, only 18% of all agricultural land is privately-owned under freehold title. Yet this small are...Published: 16 Apr 2021 at 07:58hrs | | by Eddie cross
Paltry taxes cripple recovery
SHOCKING evidence of tax leakages hogged the limelight this week, with Finance and Economic Development minister Mthuli Ncube saying the informal sector, which makes up 70% of Zimbabwe's gross domesti...Published: 01 Apr 2021 at 07:24hrs | 9 | by Eddie Cross
Paltry taxes cripple recovery
SHOCKING evidence of tax leakages hogged the limelight this week, with Finance and Economic Development minister Mthuli Ncube saying the informal sector, which makes up 70% of Zimbabwe's gross domesti...Published: 01 Apr 2021 at 07:24hrs | | by Eddie Cross
Private sector-led growth
Two years ago, the new Minister of Finance in Zimbabwe, Mthuli Ncube brought together a small group of local business persons in an informal advisory group.I was privileged to be included. our...Published: 01 Apr 2021 at 07:23hrs | | by Eddie Cross
Zimdollar to remain stable
TWO years ago, the new Minister of Finance in Zimbabwe brought together a small group of local business persons in an informal advisory group. I was privileged to be included.Our meetings were...Published: 29 Mar 2021 at 18:10hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
Understanding the Zimbabwe economy
I OFTEN say to visiting experts and diplomats that, if you say you understand Zimbabwe, you have not been here long enough.We are a tiny blip on the global radar but we punch well above our we...Published: 26 Mar 2021 at 05:52hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
Was November 2017 a false start for Zimbabwe?
THEN there was the incident in New York on 9/11, I drove into the garden of my daughter and her husband and they shouted at me to come and see what was happening.I walked into the house and sa...Published: 17 Feb 2021 at 20:19hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
The issue of Zimbabwe debt
THIS past Sunday, our church sermon was taken from Nehemiah Chapter 10 and focused on the instructions given to the tribes of Israel which had returned to Israel from exile in Babylon about 400 years ...Published: 21 Oct 2020 at 21:50hrs | | by Eddie Cross
This Zimbabwe situation simply cannot go on
THIS is a message to those who currently hold power in Zimbabwe. I do not really care about how you got into this position, but now that you are there, we need to ask you what you are going to use tha...Published: 16 Aug 2019 at 08:25hrs | | by Eddie Cross
Zimbabwe: It is time to panic, a little
I THINK it was 1992, the season started badly and as it progressed the heat increased until we were experiencing temperatures over 50 degrees Celsius in the lowveld. We had a business there and my son...Published: 22 Jul 2019 at 08:15hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
Getting Zimbabwe back on track
IT is extremely frustrating to sit on the sidelines of this game we are all playing called "getting Zimbabwe back on track".We are doing so many of the right things, our team is looking much b...Published: 12 Jul 2019 at 09:16hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
The perfect storm is coming
I do not know what we have to say or do to get those in authority here to get them to understand that if they do nothing, Zimbabwe is headed for a political storm which could change everything or even...Published: 11 Jul 2019 at 11:56hrs | | by Eddie Cross
Zimbabwe - Where did that come from?
Statutory Instrument 142 - Monday June 24, 2019 will go down as one of those days you remember.I have just read the Zimbabwe Independent for this week, it was all about the "return of the Zimb...Published: 02 Jul 2019 at 08:27hrs | | by Eddie Cross
Mnangagwa, Mthuli Ncube must 'unscramble the egg and go back to the basics'
I THOUGHT we had seen everything that this country of ours could throw at us, but the situation right now looks like nothing we have seen before.Prices have quadrupled and continue to rise ine...Published: 21 Jun 2019 at 07:26hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
Eddie Cross turns against Mnangagwa
I thought we had seen everything that this country of ours could throw at us, but the situation right now looks like nothing we have seen before. Prices have quadrupled and continue to rise inexorably...Published: 19 Jun 2019 at 11:39hrs | | by Eddie Cross
Strategic planning, management needed in our electrical energy sector
Just after the Second World War, political leaders in what was Southern Rhodesia started to think about how they would meet the needs of the country for electrical energy.After that, the debat...Published: 10 Jun 2019 at 07:19hrs | | by Eddie Cross
Zimbabwe economic update with Economist Eddie Cross
We are now 9 months into the Transitional Stabilisation Program and a great deal has been achieved. Let's summarize:* We have eliminated the Fiscal deficit that was the main driver in the past...Published: 04 Jun 2019 at 16:56hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
RBZ sabotaging Zimbabwe economic recovery
WHEN Mthuli Ncube was appointed Finance and Economic Development minister, he quickly took charge at the ministry, appointing a new permanent secretary and several directors and publishing a Transitio...Published: 29 Apr 2019 at 07:10hrs | | by Eddie Cross
Where is Mnangagwa taking us to?
I DROVE up the window of the tollgate and the man on duty asked me: "Eddie, where are we going?" He was not asking what my destination was, but where did I think the country was going.Last nig...Published: 22 Apr 2019 at 08:40hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
Zimbabwe needs a weak currency to stimulate production, exports
Shortly after the government was sworn in August 2018, they agreed to an economic and monetary reform programme. Since then, much of this ambitious plan has been implemented and the consequences have ...Published: 17 Apr 2019 at 07:15hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
Light is shining at the end of the Zimbabwe tunnel
Today Zimbabwe reminded me why I think this is such an amazing place to live. I woke just after 5am, outside it was crisp, dew on the grass and the birds just waking up with me – a pair of Robins se...Published: 03 Apr 2019 at 08:29hrs | 2 | by Eddie Cross
People of Zimbabwe deserve a new day
ON Wednesday this week, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) governor John Mangudya presented a long-awaited monetary policy statement.This had been expected in January and was postponed several tim...Published: 22 Feb 2019 at 09:10hrs | 6 | by Eddie Cross
How not to win hearts and minds
In a country that is used to turmoil, the month of January will go down as a period when we literally shot ourselves in the foot.The 2017 November coup brought to a close 38 years of dic...Published: 06 Feb 2019 at 08:33hrs | | by Eddie Cross
The crisis in world leadership
We all have very short memories. Looking back over the 20th Century, we can see how a global conflict like the First World War can break out over what seems like a tiny, inconsequential incident in Au...Published: 08 Jan 2019 at 09:26hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
Many of our leaders are just like that baboon
We seem to have been putting up with a lousy government, forever besetted corruption, nonsensical monetary and macroeconomic policies forever. First, we had the Rhodesian government from 1960 onwards,...Published: 01 Jan 2019 at 11:21hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
The Outlook for 2019 is Dismal - unless?
I was called by a major local newspaper this past week and asked what my view of 2019 was? I laughed at the question because right now I do not think anyone could tell you what is going on, let alone ...Published: 22 Dec 2018 at 17:05hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
Exchange control is the central problem facing Zimbabwe at present
BY introducing exchange control via the Reserve Bank, the State has done the following: Created a system to ‘sweep’ some US$3 billion in direct foreign earnings int...Published: 19 Dec 2018 at 06:41hrs | | by Eddie Cross
Which fundamentals require attention?
There is a real sense of despair in the country. Perhaps it is a left over from the heady days when we celebrated the final departure of former President Robert Mugabe from office and welcomed a 'new'...Published: 10 Dec 2018 at 06:09hrs | | by Eddie Cross
Eddie Cross mourns George Bush
George Bush senior died this morning. I met him once, when as Vice President he visited Harare and I was invited to a reception for him. My other indelible memory of the man was watching the GOP Conve...Published: 03 Dec 2018 at 11:31hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
Biti is a clever lawyer - but no match for Mthuli in the economic sphere
AFTER weeks of conjecture we had the first budget of the new government on Thursday. Finance minister Mthuli Ncube was not thrown by the chaos that resulted when the MDC members refused to respect the...Published: 26 Nov 2018 at 06:20hrs | 1 | by Eddie Cross
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