Columnist / Enos denhere
Remote Work trending
Bulawayo - Remote work (also known as work from home [WFH] or telecommuting) is a type of flexible working arrangement that allows an employee to work from remote location outside of corporate offices...Published: 04 Oct 2021 at 19:25hrs | 9 | by Enos Denhere Freelance Journalist
The youngest billionaire on the planet is from Germany
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe - Proverbs 13:22: "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children." (NKJV) This verse keeps our life goals, our vision and our legacy front and centre when we're choosi...Published: 20 Sep 2021 at 17:21hrs | | by Enos Denhere Freelance Journalist
LET's Advocacy for Agribusiness in Africa
The forefathers in Africa survived from the same agriculture and minerals. All needed is to preserve the African culture ways of farming diluted with innovative ways .The main challenge is on trying t...Published: 11 Oct 2020 at 09:55hrs | 1 | by Enos Denhere
The Truth about Jesus on Believers and Church of Today
Jesus came to earth to forgive our sins, break down those barriers and restore the peace and unity that Adam and Eve lost in the Garden of Eden. He made Himself of no reputation. He laid aside the glo...Published: 06 Sep 2020 at 07:51hrs | 7 | by Enos Denhere Freelance Journalist and Pastor
Your Mindset determines your Success
The mindset - a person's way of thinking and their opinions. The mind has three basic functions: thinking, feeling, and wanting. The three functions of the mind – thoughts, feelings, and desires –...Published: 27 May 2019 at 11:56hrs | | by Enos Denhere
Open letter to prophet Magaya
It all started in Nigeria when prophetical wave came on international radar . The church in Nigeria is one of the biggest foreign currency earners attributed to millions of foreign visitors seeking di...Published: 05 Jul 2017 at 14:23hrs | 1 | by Enos Denhere
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