Columnist / Isaac nkomah
Zimbabwe's Education-Economy Nexus
Zimbabwe's Education-Economy Nexus: Evaluating the Impact of Education on Graduate Employment and Economic GrowthIntroductionZimbabwe's educatio...Published: 23 Oct 2024 at 20:19hrs | 161 | by Isaac Nkomah
Leaders should lead by example
The much-talked scandal of our vice president is less expected of him. While vice president's social life should be separated from his office I personally finds it very disheartening to find someone f...Published: 22 Feb 2021 at 21:13hrs | 2 | by Isaac Nkomah
Zimbabwe, a land of controversy
Chief Justice Malaba said if you are not satisfied with the justice system of our courts follow the legal routes. Which legal routes chief justice? Can I take it to the same controversial courts....Published: 01 Feb 2019 at 09:11hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
War vets, stop milking an already dying cow
In a predicament such as this, where government's effort is all channeled toward reducing the ballooning expenditure its shocking and hard to believe that real citizens especially those who masquerade...Published: 18 Dec 2018 at 11:05hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Finance Minister - its you who caused this nonsense
The response by our Finance Minister to the demands by striking doctors and other civil servants to be remunerated in forex reflects the highest level of selfishness and inconsiderable government. Com...Published: 18 Dec 2018 at 11:03hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Bootlicking politics is our major problem
Zimbabwe has for the 37 years bedeviled by politics for the stomach, especially in the ruling party. Political jobs that comes by appointment leaves the appointees and those who have a potenti...Published: 08 Dec 2018 at 18:14hrs | 2 | by Isaac Nkomah
Chamisa must show maturity
The previous comments by the opposition leader Nelson Chamisa is indicative of deficiency of capacity to occupy the apex office. How dare a president of a party who is aspiring to usher this g...Published: 16 Nov 2018 at 07:44hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Controversial Zimbabwe
In Zimbabwe, the use of live bullets to kill civilians is according to our Army General 'an appropriate force'. This is the minimum best option available in Zimbabwe to maintain order, 'to kil...Published: 13 Nov 2018 at 09:55hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
KweseTv PR must be clear to their clients
Sudden termination of KweseTv services to their customers came as a shock. This move should have been communicated clearly to customers in understandable jargon as to whether this closure of c...Published: 03 Nov 2018 at 08:04hrs | 2 | by Isaac Nkomah
Why did you fire Lumumba?
Zimbabweans are asking the ZANU-PF government why did they fire Lumumba. Is it employment procedures or what he did after hired? If employment procedures were not properly followed, why did yo...Published: 25 Oct 2018 at 09:34hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Drop another bomb Acie, they have gone into hiding
It's now crystal clear that the ZANU pf chefs are behind the current economic quagmire and are unwilling to resolve it. Thumbs up to Lumumba. Although Lumumba's dignity is marred by grey spots here an...Published: 24 Oct 2018 at 14:39hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
My question to Finance Minister - I smell a rat!
My question to you Prof Ncube is: if the RBZ of Zimbabwe is not the source of our problems, as you confidently defends, can you explain how these brand new bond notes end up in the hands of those who ...Published: 22 Oct 2018 at 07:10hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
RBZ stop illegal forex dealings
We have already plunged into 2008 demise where RBZ is printing out the bond notes and exchange them for foreign currency at black market. May I challenge Panonetsa Mangudya to respond to t...Published: 17 Oct 2018 at 17:36hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Open Letter - My 2c advice to H.E E.D and Hon. M. Ncube
Dear comrades Well i trust you will find time to read and consider my sincere advice to you.I'm not an economist or a financial guru but i think my 2c advise will wipe out the prevaili...Published: 14 Oct 2018 at 20:06hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
How many times do you tax me?
It's disheartening to believe that when someone's salary is deposited into his bank account, the bank will as usual tell me that they do not have cash. I am left with no alternative than to tr...Published: 14 Oct 2018 at 20:04hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Zimbabwe a nation of contradictions
If Zimbabwe was a patient on a hospital bed we the relatives of the patient would have been expecting nothing less than being told by the doctors that the hospital has tried all we could do and we hav...Published: 10 Sep 2018 at 18:57hrs | 4 | by Isaac Nkomah
Too much roadblocks is not a solutiom
Even if we put 50 roadblocks within 100km, the unlicensed drivers will still pass from one roadblock to another. There is too much corruption being practiced by your boys Matanga. You are fail...Published: 10 Sep 2018 at 07:23hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
New cabinet should fight corruption
The new look ED's has brought new dawn to highly expecting Zimbabweans. The corrupt ministers who had been looting the government resources should be given a rest and one impression exhibited ...Published: 08 Sep 2018 at 08:15hrs | 2 | by Isaac Nkomah
Open Letter to Makandiwa and Mahiya
It came not as surprise to Zimbabweans to hear the words of Makandiwa denouncing USA concerning sanctions to Zimbabwe. Your prophesies are fake. Remember you were to vocal in support of introd...Published: 06 Sep 2018 at 09:01hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Zanu-PF madness must stop
One wonders whether ZANU pf really has something to offer or whether their two third majority in parliament is of any use. Instead of hitting the ground running trying to solve the nation's economic c...Published: 31 Aug 2018 at 20:56hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Kwese TV providers lied
Kwese TV has lied to the nation and subscribers. They programming team of Kwese Tv promised to provide more channels by the beginning of of 2018. They even promised the subscribers there will ...Published: 26 Aug 2018 at 17:41hrs | 2 | by Isaac Nkomah
Matemadanda is a national insult
Utterances by Matemadanda to the press leaves the whole nation, even his relatives appalled. This has also raises questions concerning the credibility of his status as a war veteran. The doctrine uphe...Published: 21 Aug 2018 at 19:18hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Mwonzora must show political maturity
Actions by Douglas Mwonzora shows that he is immature in politics. He is quick to blame his comrades in a way that may cause division. He quickly finds audience with the state media that shows...Published: 06 Aug 2018 at 09:47hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Khupe, Masarira, and Gutu bad loosers
Dr Khupe, Masarira and Obert Gutu failed to achieve their sponsored mission to distract the course of democracy. This is a party that claims to have the mandate of the people which failed to w...Published: 05 Aug 2018 at 18:56hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Another gukurahundi in the making
If these bloody thirsty soldiers are not stopped, we are going to loose more civilian lives in Harare, Chitungwiza and Bulawayo where Zimbabweans have voted for the opposition. Zimbabwe is wel...Published: 04 Aug 2018 at 20:22hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Military again against unarmed citizens
Does the Zimbabwean government know when to call out army out of barracks? The Zimbabwean army is headed by 'Pyongyang' who unleash it against own people who are crying for transparency in the way ele...Published: 02 Aug 2018 at 15:34hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Zimbabwe is open for killing
1 August has become a Black Wednesday as the gallant sons and daughters of Zimbabwe perished in the streets of Harare as they exercised their constitutional right to demonstrate to show their displeas...Published: 02 Aug 2018 at 07:03hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Election Observers please be fair
The Indian observer team were quick to endorse elections whose results are being disputed. Endorsement of of election which 21% of V11 forms are not accountable. Opposition have ...Published: 01 Aug 2018 at 08:29hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
ZEC, a joke of the decade
When ZEC were asked by a journalist why are you not giving all the results. They replied that some are not readily available as they are physically brought from afar places. ZEC was th...Published: 01 Aug 2018 at 07:27hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Open Letter to SADC and AU
SADC and AU, We have reached a point again where Zanu-PF refuse to release the results of an election which is no longer a secret that they lost. We don't have a polling stations that is still...Published: 31 Jul 2018 at 17:08hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
ZEC do your job, Zimbabweans are waiting
ZEC, please do your constitutional job. Zimbabweans have the results, posted on every polling stations.Now we are waiting for you to officially announce them. Otherwise unofficial personnel wi...Published: 31 Jul 2018 at 09:35hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Vote for Chamisa former president
Everyone has a right to vote for a candidate of his own choice and former president is no exception. If Mr Mugabe had voted for Munangagwa would you have not accepted it. The former fi...Published: 29 Jul 2018 at 21:18hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Alliance means taking aboard all
ZANU pf is itched by an alliance of different political parties against it. This party easily forgot that on November 17, 2018 this party combined with other parties to dislodge former president. ...Published: 28 Jul 2018 at 19:45hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Caution! - Zimbabwe is at a critical moment
Zimbabwe is at a critical moment. I want to warn politicians, ZEC, churches, courts, lawyers, and the military to respect the will of the people. The voice of the people is the voice of God. Politicia...Published: 28 Jul 2018 at 16:47hrs | 2 | by Isaac nkomah
Don't be a disgrace to Africa
I appeal to African Observer teams to take our elections seriously. The world is watching. Sham elections must be condemned in the strongest terms. It's high time democratic values are upheld ...Published: 27 Jul 2018 at 07:10hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Mwananga's type of freedom
I am not surprised when someone from DRC, a country that is yet to hold free and democratic elections comments that Zimbabweans have too much freedom which is being abused. Mr observer, when o...Published: 26 Jul 2018 at 19:23hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Reasons why ZEC and Chigumba should not run 2018 elections
Here are the reasons why Zimbabweans are crying for the removal of Chigumba as the referee in the this year's harmonized elections.1. Justice Chigumba together with Mutsvangwa (who is a specia...Published: 24 Jul 2018 at 10:05hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
Beware of postal ballots
Rigging of elections since 2013 was through the postal voting. This is done during the middle of the night when postal ballot papers are put into the ballot boxes. Most of the party observers ...Published: 22 Jul 2018 at 14:29hrs | 1 | by Isaac Nkomah
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