Columnist / Israel dube
Bloodthirsty demon of war currently in Eastern DRC will visit Zimbabwe
The bloodthirsty demon of war and destruction currently operating in DRC will proceed to Zimbabwe on invitation by the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe. The unresolved issue of Matabel...Published: 19 Feb 2025 at 21:12hrs | 1782 | by Israel Dube
SADC must kick out Zimbabwe for kiling and oppressing Matabeles
It is quite disturbing that members of the SADC region are falling over each other to condemn Israel for the war against Palestine while they wine and dine with the black apartheid government of Zimba...Published: 23 Jul 2024 at 17:00hrs | 904 | by Israel Dube
Mnangagwa must stop abusing Matabele genocide victims and pay US$ 100 billion compansation
It is very unfortunate that Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa pretends as if he did not see the Notice of Demand For The Restoration Of Matabeleland State delivered to the President's office by MLO President Cde ...Published: 17 Jul 2024 at 06:44hrs | 1217 | by Israel Dube
Mohadi's life and health does not matter in Zimbabwe?
In Zimbabwe, when Emmerson Mnangagwa, President of Zimbabwe and his 1st VP, Constantino Chiwenga, get sick, all panic and emergency buttons are pressed. In a matter of urgency, they are swiftly airlif...Published: 18 Jun 2024 at 14:11hrs | 22 | by Israel Dube
Now that Mnangagwa has attacked King Lobengula, he must brace for Matabeleland breakaway
"If you come for the king, you best not miss. This was a brilliant observation by "Ralph Waldo Emerson. Now that the President of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa who enjoys belittling, dehuminising, demo...Published: 17 Jun 2024 at 20:38hrs | 6 | by Israel Dube
Mutsvangwas are dummy sucking cry babies!
It is intriguing to see how loud the cruel and oppressive wail when they are given the taste of their own medicine.We have seen the tears of the savagery late President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mug...Published: 27 May 2024 at 20:03hrs | 8 | by Israel Dube
Why is Zanu-PF opening branches and office in South Africa?
Out of all liberation parties in Africa, Zanu PF is the only one that is opening offices and branches in all major South African cities and beyond. For an independent country like Zimbabwe, an embassy...Published: 17 May 2024 at 13:45hrs | 28 | by Israel Dube
Smith & apartheid regimes were angels compared to 44-Year-Old 'independent' Zimbabwe
Talking in terms of segregation, oppression and savagery towards those considered as foreigners or political undesirables, no present or past government in Southern Africa matches the black Shona supr...Published: 15 Apr 2024 at 15:56hrs | 27 | by Israel Dube
Shona youth that attack Matabele possessed by the demon of gukurahundi
Shona youth that drive all the way from Mashonaland to Matabeleland armed with machetes and fire arms to invade Matabeleland and violently attack and kill...Published: 11 Mar 2024 at 23:53hrs | 51 | by Israel Dube
Chamisa a fleeing lily- livered wannabe dictator that should not be taken serious
His pictures, photoshopped to give them a heavenly appearance, displayed on the stages to promote his unknown political outfit, reminded us of Mobutu Seseseko, Zaire/DRC corrupt dictator who forced TV...Published: 24 Feb 2024 at 20:08hrs | 2 | by Israel Dube
Nelson Chamisa is Zimbabwe's political antbear (Isambane)
It takes a few seconds for an animal called an antbear (Isambane) to dig a barrow and abandon it in seconds to start a fresh one. Like a controversial antibear, Nelson Chamisa has mesmerized Zimbabwea...Published: 01 Feb 2024 at 09:36hrs | 3 | by Israel Dube
Tribalistic ZBC presenters humiliate Mnangagwa
A divided house cannot stand so is a divided country. Since time immemorial, anti-Matabele Shona supremacists have been popping up everywhere in Zimbabwe to express their tribal hatred for Matabel...Published: 12 Jan 2024 at 22:53hrs | 15 | by Israel Dube
Hands off King Lobengula, he was not a Zimbabwean!
Unformed, ignorant and reckless Zimbabwe satirists, journalists, whatever they call themselves, should be advised that His Majesty, King Lobengula of Matabeleland was not a Zimbabwean. Ingqungqulu Ema...Published: 24 Dec 2023 at 09:46hrs | 20 | by Israel Dube
July Moyo statement on Matabeles in South Africa false dangerous, smacks of tribal hatred
The statement by the Minister of Labour and Child Welfare, July Moyo that the majority of more than 400 children that were intercepted by South African authorities at Beitbridge border were from Matab...Published: 07 Dec 2023 at 08:26hrs | 11 | by Israel Dube
Sengezo Tshabangu, Welshman Ncube and fellow Mthwakazi, come let's declare Matabeleland independence!
"Be sure to appoint over you a king the Lord your God chooses. He must be from among your fellow Israelites. Do not place a foreigner over you, one who is not an Israelite."Blocked by a thick ...Published: 20 Nov 2023 at 09:37hrs | 12 | by Israel Dube
CCC faction threatening to kill innocent Matabele children in bad taste
Reports in the media that a CCC faction led by Nelson Chamisa is threatening to murder innocent children of Matabele MPs and councillors that have not been recalled by CCC Interim General Secret...Published: 03 Nov 2023 at 17:58hrs | 15 | by Israel Dube
Zimbabwe will cause political instability in Southern Africa
Without modicum of doubt, failure to run the economy and political affairs of the Zimbabwe government due to over four decades of unfettered large scale looting, corruption, economic mismanagement, Ma...Published: 11 Oct 2023 at 22:12hrs | 2 | by Israel Dube
Chamisa using David Coltart to play dangerous tribal political games in Bulawayo
Where is Welshman Ncube, where is Thokozani Khupe, where is Mqondisi Moyo of MRP, where is Sibangilizwe Nkomo of ZAPU? As for Cde Paul Siwela, I know he is pained and ashamed of what is happening in M...Published: 25 Sep 2023 at 06:29hrs | 6 | by Israel Dube
Karangas crush Zezuru-Korekore Alliance again
To Zezurus, politics of tribalism has become the Frankenstein's monster that destroys its own creator. Unless Zezurus find allies outside their small Zezuru- Korekore clan, it may take many years if n...Published: 19 Aug 2023 at 17:17hrs | 51 | by Israel Dube
CCC Mthwakazi: kick out Shona supremacist Chamisa and declare Matabeleland independent, ignore Welshman apology
Nothing pains us more than seeing fellow Matabeles being humiliated, dehumanised, abused and used as voting cattle in the Zimbabwe election booths by opportunistic Zimbabwe opposition parties that do ...Published: 07 Aug 2023 at 19:46hrs | 14 | by Israel Dube
'Drunk' Christopher Mutsvangwa denies that Zimbabwe is a province of South Africa
Whatever ZANU-PF mouth piece, Christopher Mutsvangwa, was drinking from a white cup during his interview with Newzroom Africa, it is a highly intoxicating substance like alcohol. No sober person can d...Published: 28 Jul 2023 at 17:37hrs | 13 | by Israel Dube
Kasukuwere US$ 1 billion cheque towards Matabeleland genocide compensation mind blowing
We note that Saviour Kasukuwere has made history by becoming the first Zimbabwean politician of Shona origin to find it appropriate not only to recognise Matabeleland genocide but to pay reparations t...Published: 16 Jul 2023 at 09:09hrs | 11 | by Israel Dube
Paranoid Chamisa feels politically threatened by Job Sikhala
The political persecution of Job Sikhala by the Zimbabwe government should be condemned by all progressive and democratic forces in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe and the world. We have first hand exp...Published: 01 Jul 2023 at 19:39hrs | 16 | by Israel Dube
Kasukuwere: Ndebeles amongst noise makers in Zimbabwe?
A wannabe Zimbabwe President who turns a blind eye on Matabeleland restoration cause is making a fatal political miscalculation which may lead to unprecedented political upheaval.As we navigat...Published: 28 Jun 2023 at 14:46hrs | 2 | by Israel Dube
We are Ndebeles, don't force us to be patriotic to Zimbabwe
We are Matabele. To be referred to as Zimbabweans is a huge embarrassment on its own but to be forced to be patriotic to Zimbabwe through a piece of draconian bill is an insult.We are not Zimb...Published: 06 Jun 2023 at 21:30hrs | 3 | by Israel Dube
Mohadi ambition to be Zimbabwe President caused tribal chaos in the presidency
If he had his way, Kembo Mohadi could have been the first Zimbabwe President of Matabele origin after 43 years of Zimbabwe independence. But his repeated statement in which he expressed his wish to su...Published: 28 May 2023 at 15:51hrs | 3 | by Israel Dube
Chiwenga will never rule Zimbabwe while Karangas watch
"Dunderhead", is how the biggest Zimbabwe gold smuggling syndicate describes Zimbabwe Vice President Constantino Chiwenga. It is fascinating that even the criminals are aware of this fact. His below p...Published: 12 Mar 2023 at 08:12hrs | 579 | by Israel Dube
Unsettled Chamisa spies on all Matabeles in the CCC top leadership
Many people in Zimbabwe were shocked when news filtered that Nelson Chamisa recently acquired intelligence gathering equipment and busy spying on top CCC leaders more than his purpoted ZANUPF rivals. ...Published: 27 Feb 2023 at 14:41hrs | 2 | by Israel Dube
Job Sikhala for CCC President
If tribalist CCC members are serious about replacing the terrorist ZANU PF government, they must, as a matter of urgency, install firebrand, Job Sikhala or Tendai Biti as CCC President. But if...Published: 24 Jan 2023 at 08:57hrs | 4 | by Israel Dube
Mnangagwa a 'Mthwakazi agent'
Like a busy bee in the process of pollination, Mnangagwa is now a Mthwakazi agent. Albeit death threats and intimidation, he is spreading the gospel of Matabeleland restoration in Mashonaland. The rev...Published: 15 Jan 2023 at 09:10hrs | | by Israel Dube
ZANU PF to elect Ndebele President in the coming congress?
Should a Matabele, through a miracle, be elected as ZANU PF President in the coming congress, that man or woman would be very lucky to come out of Harare alive.You have heard how MDC aka CCC s...Published: 12 Oct 2022 at 13:54hrs | 2 | by Israel Dube
Oppression of minorities has caused the split of Zimbabwe into two states
We are surprised that the President of Zimbabwe, Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa, has the guts to lie to the world with a straight face that his administration respects the rights of minorities in the fac...Published: 26 Sep 2022 at 09:27hrs | 9 | by Israel Dube
Matabeles not Zimbabweans: the sooner Zimbabweans accept this glaring fact the better
Matabeles are not Zimbabweans, they have never been and will never be Zimbabweans. On the same breath, Matabeleland is not Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe is not Matabeleland. This should sink into the ...Published: 23 Sep 2022 at 11:17hrs | 1 | by Israel Dube
Well done Phophi Rhamathuba for calling a spade a spade!
It is surprising that the most cruel, genocidal, segregative and oppressive government in Southern Africa, has come out guns blazing in attack of the Limpopo MEC, Phophi Ramathuba for exposing t...Published: 29 Aug 2022 at 21:36hrs | 3 | by Israel Dube
Point of correction: Chiwenga not son in law of Matabeleland
We know that having a husband who holds a high position in Zimbabwe or any other country can be exciting for others. And having a better half of your choice from any country or nation is any woman or ...Published: 09 Aug 2022 at 08:46hrs | | by Israel Dube
Ian Smith was an archangel compared to Mnangagwa
No one must come to Matabeleland bragging that they fought in a war that brought about Zimbabwe independence. The Zimbabwe independence struggle produced the tribal Shona supremacist government that i...Published: 05 Aug 2022 at 09:47hrs | 13 | by Israel Dube
Of Joshua Nkomo and the raging fires of Matabeleland independence
"The fly that does not heed advice follows the corpse to the grave", goes the Igbo proverb. MLO is happy that Matabeles refused to follow the Joshua Nkomo political corpse to the grave.It must...Published: 16 Jul 2022 at 20:15hrs | 11 | by Israel Dube
Mnangagwa officially recognises Matabeleland independence cause, talks about it daily
Just imagine UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, threatening to shorten the lives of all Scottish people who are calling for the independence of Scotland from UK or Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez...Published: 11 Jul 2022 at 09:19hrs | 12 | by Israel Dube
Mliswa tasked with finding a Ndebele puppet that will replace Kembo Mohadi?
The position of 2nd vice president that is imposed on Matabele people in Zimbabwe is a symbol of capture, oppression, mockery and an insult to Matabele nation. The children of the stars and the sons a...Published: 14 Jun 2022 at 07:15hrs | 12 | by Israel Dube
Zimbabwe a safe haven for wanted genocidists
The Zimbabwe government is known for deploying the Zimbabwe National Army 5th Brigade in Matabeleland to commit genocide in which over 40 000 Matabele civilians including women and children were dasta...Published: 07 Jun 2022 at 11:54hrs | 9 | by Israel Dube
Boardroom coup to topple Matabele leader backfires on Chamisa
When it comes to tribalism in Zimbabwe, CCC aka MDC and ZANU-PF lead. To put it in other words, ZANU-PF is the first anti- Matabele Shona project and first home for Shona supremacists in Zimbabwe and ...Published: 21 May 2022 at 16:12hrs | | by Israel Dube
Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo: are Matabeles co-owners of Zimbabwe?
It is of utimost importance for Matabeles to comprehend the true meaning of deceptive catchy phrases coined by the dubious Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe and ZANUPF since the days of the Zim...Published: 08 May 2022 at 12:33hrs | 14 | by Israel Dube
Matabeles not interested in Zimbabwe independence celebrations in Bulawayo
From on set, let us set the record straight. Matabeleland is not Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe is not Matabeleland. Zimbabwe/ Mashonaland, which voluntarily gave away its independence to the BSA Co on 13 Sept...Published: 15 Apr 2022 at 08:32hrs | 9 | by Israel Dube
Oppressive Zimbabwe govt to blame for Elvis Nyathi's death
While we do not condon the killing of foreigners in SA by South African mobs that have taken the law into their own hands, the death of Elvis Nyathi at the hands of vigilantes in South Africa and many...Published: 09 Apr 2022 at 13:22hrs | | by Israel Dube
Matabeles reject Zimbabwe unitary state through election boycott
Through the boycott of the recent voter registration and by- election boycott, the the people of Matabeleland especially the youth, have ditched the oppressive Zimbabwe unitary state for the Republic ...Published: 03 Apr 2022 at 10:21hrs | 11 | by Israel Dube
Mnangagwa finally recognises Siwela's demand for Matabeleland to break away from Zimbabwe
MLO is happy to announce that the Zimbabwe President, Emmerson Mnangagwa, although still scared to engage MLO, has finally recognised our demand for Matabeleland to break away from Zimbabwe and restor...Published: 21 Mar 2022 at 07:03hrs | | by Israel Dube
Chamisa agrees to pay US$ 100 billion as compensation for Matabeleland genocide?
In his own words, Chamisa told a rally in Tsholotsho 3 days ago, "there is this issue of Gukurahundi. I told the late former President Robert Mugabe and the current Zanu-PF leadership that you cannot ...Published: 16 Mar 2022 at 11:32hrs | | by Israel Dube
Matabeleland does not need leaders from Mashonaland, we have our own
"The buzz word "change" in Zimbabwe has generated hope and excitement that will deliver gloom and doom only to be felt and experienced after the elections. Removing Zanupf and E.D Mnangagwa is not Cha...Published: 15 Mar 2022 at 06:01hrs | | by Israel Dube
So the Zimbabwe govt can murder innocent Matabeles, bury, exhume & rebury just like that?
So the government of Zimbabwe can deploy Zimbabwe National Army 5th Brigade in Matabeleland to murder more than 40 000 Matabele civilians, bury them in shallow graves, rape more than 100 000 Matabele ...Published: 12 Mar 2022 at 09:39hrs | 1 | by Israel Dube
Tribalist Chamisa flies into a storm in South Africa
Soon after launching his anti- Matabele party in Zimbabwe, President of the so called Citizens Coalition for Change, Nelson Chamisa ran to the South African media to put a threat, telling SABCTV in an...Published: 01 Feb 2022 at 17:31hrs | 13 | by Israel Dube
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