Columnist / John sigauke
Divisions brew in MDC-Alliance over party name
The rebranding of the MDC-Alliance in response to the MDC-T's decision to use the same name (MDC-Alliance) in future polls, including the forthcoming by-elections, has triggered an in-house spat featu...Published: 22 Sep 2020 at 12:31hrs | 2 | by John Sigauke
Sports Clubs under siege
A syndicate of MDC Alliance councillors, some sports club members and council employees are targeting sports clubs around the country for sale with a larger chunk of the proceeds allegedly going into ...Published: 01 Sep 2020 at 07:39hrs | 2 | by John Sigauke
Details of the Tanzanian plot bared
A senior official working for the Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD) has bared details of how the civic society organisations had planned to stage a demonstration on the sidelines of...Published: 22 Aug 2019 at 16:26hrs | | by John Sigauke
MDC tug of war rages on
The tussle for power between the MDC leader, Nelson Chamisa and his loud mouthed deputy continues unabated with the youthful leader introducing a plethora of standing orders to ring fence his position...Published: 22 Aug 2019 at 12:05hrs | 1 | by John Sigauke
Signs of economic resuscitation rattle MDC
Indications of economic stabilisation currently being witnessed in the country have distressed the MDC, which for a long time has been using the challenges as their trump card, a Namibian based econom...Published: 21 Aug 2019 at 13:59hrs | 1 | by John Sigauke in Namibia
Plot to embarrass Mnangagwa at SADC exposed
A plot has been hatched by an international civic society organisation in collaboration with the MDC, to stage demonstrations against President Emmerson Mnangagwa at the on-going 39th SADC Ordinary Su...Published: 08 Aug 2019 at 17:31hrs | 3 | by John Sigauke
Biti thrown into ZACC's jaws …as Chamisa unleashes Varakashi on him
The bickering within the MDC Alliance presidium continues to crescendo with that party's leader, Nelson Chamisa hurling every weapon he bumps into, to his fiercest rival, Tendai Biti.The Harar...Published: 30 Jul 2019 at 16:04hrs | | by John Sigauke
MDC to probe reasons for by-election defeats
The MDC has set up a panel led by its security department to probe into the embarrassing losses in a series of by-elections held so far.The probe comes amid accusations being levelled against ...Published: 24 Jul 2019 at 14:19hrs | | by John Sigauke
Tour Chimanimani with a clean intention
In times of bereavement, people of different political and social persuasions, even those who do not see eye to eye bury their hatchets and converge to comfort the bereaved.The devastating Cyc...Published: 19 Mar 2019 at 12:29hrs | 1 | by John Sigauke
Equilibrium of the exchange rate needs holistic approach
After being kissed by the devil, one must not be over excited. Instead, they have to count their teeth, lest one or two are missing.Businessman and cleric, Shingi Munyeza was showered with pra...Published: 06 Dec 2018 at 12:26hrs | 1 | by John Sigauke
Madamombe is an attention seeker
While speaking to VOA Studio 7 last night, the coordinator of the demonstrations against President Mugabe at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), Savana Madamombe revealed unwittingly the real ...Published: 21 Sep 2017 at 15:33hrs | | by John Sigauke
Swift action needed to bail ZESA
If there is anything that the people of Zimbabwe would like to quickly forget, worse still to experience once more, is the dark period in the recent past that saw load-shedding stretching for 18 hours...Published: 24 May 2017 at 15:06hrs | | by John Sigauke
The Gukurahundi issue is a closed chapter
THE 21st February Movement celebrations have come and gone, leaving some misguided secessionists elements with eggs on their faces.Prior to the annual event that marked the 93rd birthday of re...Published: 02 Mar 2017 at 05:42hrs | 3 | by John Sigauke
President has the freedom of expression too
Following President Mugabe's comments on the court order handed by the High Court Judge, Hlekani Mwayera on 26 August 2016 which interdicted the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) from interfering with, o...Published: 08 Sep 2016 at 11:14hrs | 1 | by John Sigauke
Demonstrations had impact on the economy
The business community in Harare lost millions of dollars in income while the central and local Governments lost substantive amounts in tax during the violent demonstrations that rocked Harare last we...Published: 30 Aug 2016 at 09:03hrs | 1 | by John Sigauke
Cde Chimene could have done better
For once this writer totally concurs with the Minister of Welfare Services for War Veterans, War Collaborators, Political Detainees and Restrictees, Cde Tshinga Dube on how he perceives President Robe...Published: 28 Jul 2016 at 17:13hrs | | by John Sigauke
A lie cannot live forever
Dr Martin Luther King, the late American Baptist minister and activist who was a leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement was on the nose when he noted that "a lie cannot live forever."...Published: 08 Jul 2016 at 08:32hrs | | by John Sigauke
Chinese envoy visit: A reassurance on mega deals
The recent visit to Zimbabwe by a special Chinese envoy has reignited hope that the Asian economic giant is still committed to implementing the mega-deals signed between the two all-weather friends in...Published: 24 Jun 2016 at 09:36hrs | | by John Sigauke
Chinese envoy visit: A reassurance on mega deals
The recent visit to Zimbabwe by a special Chinese envoy has reignited hope that the Asian economic giant is still committed to implementing the mega-deals signed between the two all-weather friends in...Published: 24 Jun 2016 at 09:08hrs | | by John Sigauke
Gukurahundi will not translate into votes
There have been frantic efforts by the opposition, civil society organisations and some section of the media to politically profit from on the Zanu PF internal tiff. They have overdone it to an extent...Published: 14 Jun 2016 at 16:42hrs | | by John Sigauke
Zanu-PF has a clear succession plan
The headlines in certain tabloids tell a big story of how some journalists have thrown the ethics of their profession in pursuit of partisan politics. A reader can hardly draw a line between a...Published: 08 Jun 2016 at 09:56hrs | | by John Sigauke
Zanu PF youths must shame the devil
The One Million-Man March that Zanu PF's youth league is set to stage on 25 May has rattled the opposition parties which seem to believe that they have an exclusive right to organize marches and demon...Published: 23 May 2016 at 18:06hrs | | by John Sigauke
You cannot fool all the people all the time
The opposition political parties and their allies in various sectors, have, for the umpteenth times, attempted to trigger national panic through sounding a false alarm of a collapsing economy. ...Published: 12 May 2016 at 14:32hrs | | by John Sigauke
War time rebels will constitute ZPF war vets body
Zimbabwe People First (ZPF) leader, Joice Mujuru urged youths during the weekend in her independence speech to shun the million men march being organized by the Zanu PF youths in solidarity with Presi...Published: 21 Apr 2016 at 13:17hrs | | by John Sigauke
Tsvangirai admits he is clueless
This writer is one of the people who thought the level of education does not matter much in political leadership. The belief was wisdom is all that one needs to acquit themselves well in a political o...Published: 14 Apr 2016 at 14:18hrs | 1 | by John Sigauke
Detractors attempt to set agenda for War Vets Indaba
President Mugabe, who is the patron of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans' Association (ZNLWVA), is set to meet ex freedom fighters in the capital today. Amid this expectation, there have b...Published: 06 Apr 2016 at 13:54hrs | | by John Sigauke
ZimPF will not run the whole race
Several headlines in various papers asked if Joice Mujuru's Zimbabwe People First (ZimPF) party would last the distance. It was a difficult question to answer until recent developments within that par...Published: 05 Apr 2016 at 12:40hrs | | by John Sigauke
Heal Zimbabwe Trust is not for peace
The mission statement of Heal Zimbabwe Trust (HZT) reads: "To rebuild national cohesion through promotion of tolerance and peaceful co-existence in communities." Its vision is to see a peaceful Zimbab...Published: 21 Mar 2016 at 16:48hrs | | by John Sigauke
Matemadanda has lost bearing
On 16 March 2016, this writer gave lift to two young men from Kamfinsa to town. The two were so consumed in a heated debate on a headline in the Daily News of that day, so much consumed that they didn...Published: 17 Mar 2016 at 15:31hrs | | by John Sigauke
They are just sour grapes!
Former Zanu PF youths leaders who were recently given the chop are wasting their time in trying to vent their anger on President Robert Mugabe whom they believe is the sole force behind their expulsio...Published: 10 Mar 2016 at 19:16hrs | 2 | by John Sigauke
Hands off our Chiefs
It's now over ten months since Tendai Biti and colleagues left a seemingly hopeless Morgan Tsvangirai-led MDC-T to form the People's Democratic Party (PDP). However, PDP has not inspired any hope and ...Published: 03 Mar 2016 at 10:52hrs | 1 | by John Sigauke
Warped eyes see Zanu PF shadow everywhere
I read a story from my home province of Manicaland that was quite disturbing on two fronts. Firstly the behavior of the youths who abducted the Vapositori members was indeed very deplorable. However, ...Published: 19 Feb 2016 at 08:53hrs | 1 | by John Sigauke
NGOs must stick to their mandate
We are not lost to the immense contributions being made by Non-Governmental Organizations in Zimbabwe. Since independence, NGOs have incredibly assisted in the humanitarian field and the socio-economi...Published: 05 Feb 2016 at 08:17hrs | | by John Sigauke
Eng Zvobgo's suspension dead right
The Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing, Cde Saviour Kasukuwere has proved very practical in pursuit of the restoration of sanity in Harare and other urban areas. Cde Kasuk...Published: 16 Dec 2015 at 12:06hrs | | by John Sigauke
We are contented with our own Mugabe
The Zimbabwe Independent columnist, a Stewart Chabwinja this week had a piece in his candid comment column which I think should not go unchallenged. He headlined his piece- 'Zim crying out for Maguful...Published: 15 Dec 2015 at 12:07hrs | | by John Sigauke
Megaphone diplomacy on deals harmful
China is undisputedly our greatest trading partner and as Zimbabweans, we cherish that economic relationship. Our all weather friendship dates back to the 1960s when Zimbabwe was engaged in a bitter w...Published: 01 Dec 2015 at 15:50hrs | 1 | by John Sigauke
Dr Dokora's radical changes in education not necessary
Dr Lazarus Dokora, the minister of primary and secondary education will go down in history as a government official who introduced controversial policies which elicited the loudest outcry from stakeho...Published: 30 Nov 2015 at 19:07hrs | | by John Sigauke
Maridadi is a dishonourable MP?
As 2018 is beckoning, the electorates must take stock of the contributions made by the people they voted into parliament to represent them. This should be done with a view to assuring quality represen...Published: 26 Nov 2015 at 12:49hrs | 1 | by John Sigauke
Poitics is for the thick-skinned Dr!
The axed Vice President, Dr Joice Mujuru was this week given an acre of space in the private media over a statement she released imploring Zanu PF to stop maligning her.Dr Mujuru's statement w...Published: 26 Nov 2015 at 12:45hrs | | by John Sigauke
Mliswa, the Tezvara of our time
Temba Mliswa was recently in The Saturday Herald where he poured out his deeper feelings about his expulsion from Zanu PF. Of interest was his explicit pleading for re-admission into the revolutionary...Published: 18 Nov 2015 at 09:49hrs | | by John Sigauke
Revisit the price of houses
As a fifth grader way back in the eighties, one of the most familiar question in Social Studies subject was and still is a question on basic human needs. Even the dull pupils in our class would also k...Published: 27 Oct 2015 at 14:22hrs | | by John Sigauke
MDC-T seeks relevance through Demonstrations
The MDC-T has become so predictable that whenever it opens its mouth to speak, they talk about either mass protests or election boycott. True to that, the party recently announced its intention to eng...Published: 22 Oct 2015 at 16:02hrs | | by John Sigauke
Grace Mugabe is spot on, farm utilisation is needed
Among the critical issues that the First Lady Amai Dr Grace Mugabe is preaching at her rallies is the need to normalise the agricultural sector, especially the optimum use of the farms acquired during...Published: 19 Oct 2015 at 18:22hrs | | by John Sigauke
Politicisation of the power crisis will not help
As usual, the MDC-T attempts to capitalise on the power crisis dogging the country for its political expediency. It has become the tradition of the MDC-T to thrive on crisis as this.Of course,...Published: 01 Oct 2015 at 15:41hrs | 2 | by John Sigauke
Mugabe's detractors were too excited when he made a speech mix-up
President Mugabe's detractors were too excited when he made a speech mix-up during the official opening of parliament on Tuesday. The MDC-T went to an extent of demanding his resignation citing mental...Published: 22 Sep 2015 at 14:35hrs | | by John Sigauke
Mnangagwa Interview: Much ado about nothing
I am one such a reader who was fascinated by the interview that Vice President Emerson Munangagwa generously gave to the London-based magazine, The New African Magazine.He spoke on a variety o...Published: 08 Sep 2015 at 13:42hrs | 1 | by John Sigauke
Dangote investment rattles MDC-T
The ongoing remarks by the MDCs and other opposition elements in the civil society and the media over the indication by Aliko Dangote to invest in Zimbabwe expose them in a big way.The richest...Published: 04 Sep 2015 at 09:10hrs | | by John Sigauke
Fighting Zanu-PF no longer lucrative
There was a time when everybody who wanted to lure Western funding would venture into the business of fighting Zanu-PF. Cunning people made money out of this business through siphoning the gullible we...Published: 24 Aug 2015 at 11:03hrs | | by John Sigauke
Squabbling will not bring food on the table comrades
In September last year, at Nyamhunga Stadium after commissioning the construction of Kariba South Power Extension, President Robert Mugabe discouraged senior ZANU PF officials from taking their fights...Published: 12 Aug 2015 at 13:00hrs | | by John Sigauke
Mutasa has many people to apologise to
When I was growing up in the nineties, my dream was to become a lawyer. I esteemed the profession so much that I would spend long hours in court chambers in Mutare listening to several trials....Published: 06 Aug 2015 at 09:37hrs | | by John Sigauke
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