Columnist / John mbizvo
Tamborinyoka's Corruption List: Fact or Fiction?
Luke Tamborinyoka is a name that sunk into political oblivion with the passing of Morgan Tsvangirai. Emmerson Mnangagwa in a display of love and putting country over political differences granted Morg...Published: 05 Mar 2025 at 16:03hrs | 1761 | by John Mbizvo
Smear Campaign Against Chiwenga
Vice President Chiwenga sparked the wrath of corrupt individuals when he warned people against corruption and likening them to zvigananda. Chiwenga speaking at the heroes acre said "We can onl...Published: 07 Feb 2025 at 20:20hrs | 1355 | by John Mbizvo
GMB contradicts government on grain supplies
Government and its parastatals are known to pull in the same direction and speak with one voice or sing from the same hymn book. The President , the Minister of Agriculture have all said that ...Published: 09 Feb 2024 at 08:07hrs | 3 | by John mbizvo
Baba Harare vs Jacaranda
The Jacaranda tree is known to represent The tree represents wisdom, rebirth, wealth and good luck as such when most artists see the Jacaranda Music brand they think wealth and all good things....Published: 15 Jul 2022 at 10:23hrs | 11 | by John Mbizvo
ZANU PF MPs want 2023 elections postponed
With the party popularity nosediving from 51% in 2018 down to below 30% at present due to poverty, unemployment and poor economic policies, ZANU PF Members of Parliament (MPs) are sensing danger and w...Published: 25 May 2022 at 10:26hrs | 1 | by John Mbizvo
ZANU-PF MPs want 2023 elections postponed
With the party popularity nosediving from 51% in 2018 down to below 30% at present due to poverty, unemployment and poor economic policies, ZANU PF Members of Parliament (MPs) are sensing danger and w...Published: 21 May 2022 at 16:05hrs | 10 | by John Mbizvo, Political Analyst
Embarrassing moment as Jacob Mudenda fails to join Africa in mourning Ugandan Speaker of Parliament
The new dispensation has been busy building relations at a global level. It comes as a surprise that Uganda lost its Speaker of Parliament, several Speakers of Parliament across Africa sent their cond...Published: 06 Apr 2022 at 09:44hrs | 2 | by John Mbizvo
Who will replace SB Moyo?
ZIMBABWE is a landlocked nation which relies heavily on its sisters in the SADC region.To the East Zim has Mozambique. A troubled neighbour who happens to be dealing with a growing insurgency ...Published: 03 Feb 2021 at 17:26hrs | 1 | by John Mbizvo
Open letter over illegal immigrant Indians in Zimbabwe
The borehole drilling industry is a lucrative industry that has the capacity to transform Zimbabwe's agricultural sector.It is unfortunate that illegal Indians are running this industry and ta...Published: 25 Sep 2020 at 16:44hrs | 2 | by John Mbizvo
Mnangagwa told to appoint new Minister of Industry
The Reserve Bank and the entire monetary policy team have done well towards stabilising the local currency. A stable currency forms the foundation for a strong economy. The country now needs an ...Published: 14 Sep 2020 at 13:49hrs | 1 | by John Mbizvo
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