Columnist / Jonathan moyo
When 'change champions' want to play and win through Zanu-PF players
Some things never cease to amaze. It is common cause that the loudest opposition politicians in Zimbabwe and their mouthpieces are given to presenting themselves as "the only change champions" and cla...Published: 05 Feb 2025 at 16:02hrs | 823 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Politics 101
The thing about politics is that while its study is scientific - which explains why political science is the original science found in such early iconic sources as Plato's Dialogues - its practice is ...Published: 16 Dec 2024 at 11:02hrs | 425 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Zimra goes after public transport operators
The government of Zimbabwe is desperate to raise money for the Fiscus. Public transport operators will no longer be able to buy Insurance unless they can prove they are Tax Compliant.The Zimbabwe ...Published: 13 Dec 2024 at 19:35hrs | 1071 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Tshabangu redeployments cannot be stopped by a court application
Should or could the court application by Welshman Ncube and 4 others have stopped or interdicted the announcement of the redeployments or reassignments of the leadership responsibilities of CCC MPs ma...Published: 13 Dec 2024 at 18:18hrs | 707 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Indiginisation by Spazafication for black South Africans
The African National Congress' secretary general says the 'largest' and 'most sophisticated' economy in Africa is learning from around the continent purportedly in countries like Ghana and Zimbabwe to...Published: 08 Dec 2024 at 13:29hrs | 493 | by Jonathan Moyo
After all, there's no common wealth in the Commonwealth
When it comes to Zimbabwe, UK's Labour does not work. It was Labour led by Harold Wilson, which duplicitously aided and abetted the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) by Ian Smith's Rhodesia...Published: 05 Dec 2024 at 16:28hrs | 715 | by Jonathan Moyo
Biden exposes politicisation of the US judiciary
Professor Welshman Ncube biting the hand that fed him?
HIGH COURT YET TO DECIDE WHICH IS THE LAWFUL CCC IN HCH 6872/23: ONE WHOSE MAIN DEPONENT IS JAMESON TIMBA OR ONE WHOSE ONLY DEPONENT IS SENGEZO TSHABANGU.Will the real or lawful CCC please sta...Published: 26 Nov 2024 at 14:38hrs | 1100 | by Jonathan Moyo
Will Namibia be next on 27 November 2024?
THE GODS MUST BE CRAZY: what for former US President Bill Clinton was "It's the Economy, Stupid" in his 1992 election campaign for the White House; is playing out for the Brenthurst Foundation - found...Published: 02 Nov 2024 at 15:01hrs | 1286 | by Jonathan Moyo
The US does not cease to amaze
In a terrible case of the pot calling the kettle black, the US government is shamelessly CRIMINALISING a Russian media house RT for allegedly attempting to influence the 2024 US presidential election ...Published: 05 Sep 2024 at 09:47hrs | 589 | by Jonathan Moyo
Data from Freeman Chari is neither surprising nor new
ALTHOUGH INEXPLICABLY COMING OUT INCOMPLETE AND TOO LATE, data from Freeman Chari is neither surprising nor new. Tellingly, it vindicates ZEC and explains why:1. Nelson Chamisa did not m...Published: 24 Aug 2024 at 15:11hrs | 633 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
US elections have literally become a problematically violent affair
It's rich and absurd for the new US Ambassador to Zimbabwe - Pamela Tremont - to start her first day in her office in Harare by recklessly charging that the US has "problems with elections" in Zimbabw...Published: 19 Jul 2024 at 06:42hrs | 825 | by Jonathan Moyo
'Don't kill Chris Hani, again'
There's some ray of hope from Gauteng Premier Cde Panyaza Lesufi's cryptic message: "Don't kill Chris Hani Again." The White Monopoly Capital behind the Codesa negotiations to 'end apartheid' ...Published: 04 Jul 2024 at 13:04hrs | 11 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Joe Biden at 81 versus Robert Mugabe at 81: No match
AS HAS BECOME ITS ENTRENCHED TENDENCY, a characteristically thoughtless and delinquent segment of the political opposition in Zimbabwe has been busy using old-age to make asinine comparisons between t...Published: 02 Jul 2024 at 09:17hrs | 50 | by Jonathan Moyo
ANC becomes first liberation movement to hand power back to white minority
On the eve of Cyril Ramaphosa's inauguration as South Africa's president for an uncertain second term he's unlikely to complete; a term certain to be remembered as the lowest moment for the ANC since ...Published: 19 Jun 2024 at 08:27hrs | 5 | by Jonathan Moyo
Transcript of 'Russia-Zimbabwe talks' between Putin and Mnangagwa
The penchant for frivolous bluster in Zimbabwe's public discourse has once again reared its ugly trappings after the widespread circulation on social media platforms of a 2.42-minutes video clip poste...Published: 10 Jun 2024 at 08:37hrs | 26 | by Jonathan Moyo
South Africa has a Zuma problem
Here's a copy of the intellectually embarrassing judgment handed down today by the Constitutional Court of South Africa, politically disqualifying former President Jacob Zuma from standing for electio...Published: 27 May 2024 at 15:59hrs | | by Jonathan Moyo
First it was Chamisa, now it's Biti, who is next?
WHEN THE KITCHEN GETS HOT, THEY UNCEREMONIOUSLY BOLT OUT: FIRST IT WAS NELSON CHAMISA, NOW IT'S TENDAI BITI, WHO IS NEXT?The recent state of the conduct of leadership ranks in the Zimbab...Published: 10 Apr 2024 at 21:17hrs | 3 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Reunification sought by Tsvangirai 5 months before he died now in tatters
The implosion of CCC in Nelson Chamisa's hands is telling not only because it puts paid to Morgan Tsvangirai's widely publicised [see attached videos] last-ditch efforts - just five months before his ...Published: 19 Feb 2024 at 12:48hrs | 3 | by Jonathan Moyo
Which is which: Face symbol or party logo?
So, how did a face symbol, which ended up breeding the cancerous one-man syndrome witnessed in CCC, end up trumping the party logo that was adopted by the collective leadership in January 2022?...Published: 18 Feb 2024 at 09:29hrs | 3 | by Jonathan Moyo
Mount Pleasant and Harare East constituencies declared vacabt
The Speaker of Parliament, Advocate Jacob Mudenda, announced in the National Assembly that vacancies exist in the membership of Parliament in respect of Mount Pleasant and Harare East constituencies, ...Published: 16 Feb 2024 at 15:07hrs | 1 | by Jonathan Moyo
Chamisa Praise and Worship' political circus
If a picture tells a thousand words, then these pictures of Nelson Chamisa displayed by Gift Ostallos Siziva and Amos Chibaya today at McDonald Community Hall in Mzilikazi township in Bulawayo tell th...Published: 11 Feb 2024 at 21:24hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Ostallos and Chibaya told to go and tell Chamisa that Manicaland says 'NO'
Gift Ostallos Siziva and Amos Chibaya had a torrid time this afternoon in Manicaland when they were told off by a charged crowd; in their ill-fated push for Nelson Chamisa's latest solo campaign to fo...Published: 04 Feb 2024 at 19:36hrs | 11 | by Jonathan MOyo
Tshabangu's legal team continues winning streak
The High Court in Harare has this afternoon granted CCC and its Interim Secretary General - Sengezo Tshabangu - leave to execute pending an appeal ex-CCC recallees in the Supreme Court in case Number ...Published: 02 Feb 2024 at 17:03hrs | 6 | by Jonathan Moyo
Promise Mkwananzi turns Chamisa's ship-jumping into a circus
When Nelson Chamisa wrote his resignation statement from Triple C last week on 24 January 2024, a day he should have been commemorating the party's second anniversary, he effectively dissolved his CCC...Published: 29 Jan 2024 at 19:29hrs | 1 | by Jonathan Moyo
Is today a birthday, a funeral or a resurrection for CCC?
On this 24th day of January in 2022, the then MDC-Alliance unveiled Triple C, which the National Council of the MDC-A had founded two days earlier on 22 January 2022.The unveiling of Triple C ...Published: 24 Jan 2024 at 20:15hrs | 2 | by Jonathan Moyo
A chitchat ain't an interview
It's been quite a spectacle to witness people – who since 3 October 2023, have been painting Sengezo Tshabangu as a Zanu-PF tortoise that has allegedly caused the mayhem which has ravaged CCC throug...Published: 20 Jan 2024 at 17:00hrs | | by Jonathan Moyo
High Court case to expunge 23 CCC recalees from ballot box
HIGH COURT CASE TO EXPUNGE 23 RECALLEES FROM BALLOT PAPER FOR 3 FEBRUARY BY-ELECTIONS SET FOR TOMORROWThe Urgent Chamber Application by CCC and its interim secretary general, Sengezo Tshabangu...Published: 17 Jan 2024 at 05:12hrs | 2 | by Jonathan Moyo
Mature Zambian leader suspends SADC conclusion on DRC elections
SADC'S DRC ELECTORAL OBSERVATION MISSION 2023 PRELIMINARY REPORT SUSPENDS ITS CONCLUSION ON RECENT DRC ELECTIONSIn a rare but refreshing display of the ...Published: 29 Dec 2023 at 09:18hrs | 12 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Rival CCC candidates nominated to face a Zanu-PF candidate
The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has published an Election Notice with the names of local authority candidates nominated in some 28 wards for the 3 February 2024 by-elections.Some highlights:...Published: 28 Dec 2023 at 18:12hrs | 10 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Tshabangu's colleagues can recall CCC MPs
Some lunatics here are asking me if I've seen what they claim is the "latest" judgment by Justice Chitapi allegedly on Tshabangu's 'legitimacy', and if so, what's my opinion on it.The so-calle...Published: 27 Dec 2023 at 08:52hrs | 13 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Chamisa's facial image belongs to CCC founded by MDC Alliance
RIGHTS TO NELSON CHAMISA'S FACE IMAGE AS AN ELECTION SYMBOL BELONGS TO CCC FOUNDED BY MDC-A ON 22 JAN 2022, NOT TO CHAMISATHROUGH ONE OF THE LEGION OF THE LAWYERS acting for him and his beleag...Published: 19 Dec 2023 at 13:37hrs | 12 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
CCC banked on ZRP blocking the Chitungwiza rally?
CCC'S MIDNIGHT POSTPONEMENT OF NELSON CHAMISA'S RALLY DUBBED, "PATHWAY TO LEGITIMACY", which had been slated for today in Chitungwiza has raised eyebrows and set tongues wagging in and outside the two...Published: 17 Dec 2023 at 20:53hrs | | by Jonathan Moyo
Was the Emperor a Zanu-PF tortoise on some post
AND THE EMPEROR TOO, is also into stories of tortoises that have allegedly wreaked havoc in CCC?Well, well. Interesting. It is of course a refreshing break from the daily verses on the hour bu...Published: 17 Dec 2023 at 18:24hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Members of MDC Alliance standing committee launched CCC
JOB SIKHALA, AS VICE NATIONAL CHAIRMAN OF THE MDC-ALLIANCE, chaired the National Council meeting of the MDC-ALLIANCE, which on 22 January 2022 formed and founded CCC.About that day and that me...Published: 15 Dec 2023 at 09:27hrs | 2 | by Jonathan Moyo
Chamisa's CCC borrows poor language from Nerves Mumba
IN A WHAT COMES ACROSS AS A POOR CASE OF BORROWING poor language from Nerves Mumba's controversial Sadc Electoral Observation Mission on Zimbabwe's 2023 harmonised general election, Nelson Chamisa's C...Published: 03 Dec 2023 at 18:23hrs | 10 | by Jonathan Moyo
Chamisa, Tshabangu emissaries in crunch 'interparty' talks
There have been at least two formal meetings between Nelson Chamisa and Sengezo Tshabangu "parties", on 15 November 2023 and 16 November 2023, both in Bulawayo.The meeting on 15 November was a...Published: 30 Nov 2023 at 20:37hrs | 8 | by Jonathan Moyo
Jonathan Moyo exposes Mahere's 'big fat lie'
EXPLAINER: Fingerprints of the MDC in the "Edited" CCC Constitution filed by Tshabangu in Chamisa's Interdict Court Case to halt Further Recalls not Fraud but Proof of MDC Paternity of Lawful CCC...Published: 25 Nov 2023 at 18:06hrs | 13 | by Jonathan Moyo
Constitution of Chamisa's CCC - Wapusa Wapusa finally unveiled
AT LONG LAST, herewith below is a link to the 2023 CONSTITUTION of CCC - Wapusa Wapusa, the new party led by Nelson Chamisa, which he first announced on 23 September 2023 at a public meeting in Chinho...Published: 20 Nov 2023 at 21:55hrs | 4 | by Jonathan Moyo
Recalled CCC MPs served their court application on Tshabangu at the CCC offices
Recalled CCC CHAMISA MPs Served their Court Papers on Tshabangu at CCC's Administrative Office in Bulawayo, Yet they Deny Knowing Him They say Sengezo Tshabangu is an "imposter", a "tortoise o...Published: 02 Nov 2023 at 20:30hrs | 10 | by Jonathan Moyo
Chamisa sneaks into SA
CHAMISA SNEAKS INTO SA TO SEEK FUNDING AND DIPLOMATIC SUPPORT FROM THE EU AMBASSADORS FOR HIS EMERGENCY CONGRESS NELSON CHAMISA has today quietly sneaked into South Africa to meet with and see...Published: 01 Nov 2023 at 14:12hrs | 11 | by Jonathan Moyo
Embattled Nelson Chamisa sneaks into South Africa
Nelson Chamisa has today quietly sneaked into South Africa to meet with and seek urgent diplomatic, financial and logistic support from EU ambassadors accredited to that country to help him stem the s...Published: 01 Nov 2023 at 13:42hrs | 12 | by Jonathan Moyo
General PV Sibanda is entitled to make political choices freely
APPOINTMENT OF THE COMMANDER DEFENCE FORCES [CDF] GENERAL PV SIBANDA AS AN EX OFFICIO MEMBER OF THE ZANUPF POLITBURO: A CRITICAL REVIEWThe bottom part of this announcement of appointments to t...Published: 31 Oct 2023 at 16:32hrs | 1 | by Jonathan Moyo
Chamisa has learnt nothing from the MDC etal vs Mashavira etal court judgement
CHAMISA HAS LEARNT NOTHING FROM THE MDC ET AL VS. MASHAVIRA ET AL 31 MARCH 2020 SUPREME COURT JUDGMENT NELSON CHAMISA:"We have not officially launched the Triple C in terms of the structur...Published: 16 Oct 2023 at 11:53hrs | | by Jonathan Moyo
SADC Electoral Observation Mission [SEOM] on Zimbabwe final report out
The final report of SADC Electoral Observation Mission [SEOM] on Zimbabwe's 2023 harmonised general election has been released. The final conclusion of the report will undoubtedly disappoint those who...Published: 12 Oct 2023 at 20:44hrs | 2 | by Jonathan Moyo
Chamisa's kneejerk publicity-stunt after horses have bolted
FIRST: it is a kneejerk publicity-stunt which is neither strategic nor a strategy to disengage when the horses have bolted less than 24 hours after the recall of some of your MPs and the banning from ...Published: 11 Oct 2023 at 19:45hrs | 1 | by Jonathan Moyo
Chamisa's letter to Parliament was sent after Tshabangu's letter
FOR THE RECORD: It turns out that while the attached letter sent to Parliament by Nelson Chamisa is dated 11 September 2023, it was actually sent to and received in Parliament on 5 October 2023. ...Published: 11 Oct 2023 at 19:36hrs | | by Jonathan Moyo
FULL TEXT: Jonathan Moyo speaks on Chamisa's 11 September letter
A lot, in fact far too much of a lot, is being said and made about and expected from an unprecedented and manifestly improper and out of order letter that Nelson Chamisa sent on 11 September 2023 to t...Published: 11 Oct 2023 at 07:53hrs | 5 | by Jonathan Moyo
Dear SADC - CCC now invents false excerpts from the Mumba SADC Preliminary report
Dear SADC,DESPERATE CCC NOW INVENTS FALSE 'EXCERPTS' FROM THE MUMBA SADC PRELIMINARY REPORTThis reply to the above post by the CCC official spokesperson, Promise Mkwananzi, is addresse...Published: 03 Oct 2023 at 18:58hrs | 9 | by Jonathan Moyo
CCC boycott of opening of Parliament risks boomeranging as only a news headline stunt with no reform headway
While CCC is well within its rights to boycott today's opening of the First Session of the 1Oth Parliament by Emmerson Mnangagwa, the boycott could in fact boomerang on CCC; and ultimately leave the p...Published: 03 Oct 2023 at 13:39hrs | | by Jonathan Moyo
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