Columnist / Knowledge moyo
2018: A year of progress!
2018 started with high hopes. Just a few weeks on from the greatest political shock our country had seen in almost four decades, we went into the New Year full of belief that our salvation was...Published: 18 Dec 2018 at 13:04hrs | | by Knowledge Moyo
My son, eating vegetables and building a better Zimbabwe
My son, like most other kids, does not like to eat his vegetables. He also doesn't like to brush his teeth nor to take medicine when he is sick. He is a bright child, a good learner, and brings a lot ...Published: 15 Oct 2018 at 07:16hrs | | by Knowledge Moyo
Rooting out corruption one arrest at a time
There is an old philosophical question that asks when exactly a certain amount of grains of sand turn into a heap. Where is the border – two grains, 100 grains, 1000 grains? We can witness something...Published: 05 Oct 2018 at 09:16hrs | | by Knowledge Moyo
A bus ride to Masvingo? Separating Fact from Fiction after the election
Fact: Nelson Chamisa's watch is worth more than an entire village's wages in certain parts of our countryFiction: The MDC could not afford to send agents to all the polling stationsFac...Published: 23 Aug 2018 at 10:55hrs | | by Knowledge Moyo
Why Nelson Chamisa must concede now
With the parliamentary results in and presidential results on the way, the writing is on the wall. Nelson Chamisa put up a brave fight, but in the end, the ZANU rural base just proved to hard to defea...Published: 01 Aug 2018 at 09:19hrs | | by Knowledge Moyo
A new and prosperous Zimbabwean future is in our hands
The last nine months have been very symbolic as they signify birth and renewal. Together, all of us have helped create a new Zimbabwe, a nation renewed and rebirthed.Just like the labour and d...Published: 29 Jul 2018 at 10:45hrs | | by Knowledge Moyo
Nelson, whose side are you on?
With less than a week to go, its now decision time for Nelson. And the decision could not be simpler.Whose side are you on?Are you on the side of the workers? The everyday men and wome...Published: 24 Jul 2018 at 11:12hrs | | by Knowledge Moyo
Who is stealing your vote?
Recently, the MDC, led by its leader, Nelson Chamisa, has almost completely stopped campaigning for your vote and have switched tactics to attacking the election system, run by the constitutionally-ap...Published: 22 Jul 2018 at 10:34hrs | 4 | by Knowledge Moyo
Where the election currently stands: The Facts
I know we are in the midst of a heated election campaign, but for a second, please let's put emotions aside. Let's put down the red and the green, the 'ED Pfeeee' and the ‘Chamisa Chete Chete', and ...Published: 20 Jul 2018 at 12:21hrs | | by Knowledge Moyo
Unlike Trump, Chamisa's lies won't work
In an American election campaign riddled with exaggerated claims, half-truths and outright lies, Donald Trump famously promised to Make America Great Again. 18 months in, how much he has succeeded is ...Published: 15 Jul 2018 at 10:22hrs | 1 | by Knowledge Moyo
Chamisa - The devil's advocate
Today's press conference of the Zimbabwean Workers for Justice is an important moment for all Zimbabwean workers. It is a wake up call.An organization battling the high profile Zuva Petroleum ...Published: 11 Jul 2018 at 10:43hrs | 2 | by Knowledge Moyo
Chamisa, don't turn your back on us!
In November, we witnessed something quite remarkable. We witnessed something many of us, indeed most of us, never believed we would ever witness. This was not merely a magnificent moment of freedom fo...Published: 05 Jul 2018 at 17:11hrs | 1 | by Knowledge Moyo
Mugamisa: The Mugabe-Chamisa Monster Is Real
I don't believe people are born monsters. I don't believe in pure good or pure evil. I believe people are driven to do bad things by evil temptations. One of those evil temptations is the lure of powe...Published: 03 Jul 2018 at 11:51hrs | 1 | by Knowledge Moyo
Chamisa should stop spreading 'fake news'
As we get nearer to the elections, the lies get stronger and more outlandish.One example is Nelson Chamisa's recent pronouncement that his opposition was making attempts on his life."I...Published: 22 Jun 2018 at 16:57hrs | 1 | by Knowledge Moyo
The MDC want to run the country, but they can't even run their party
The MDC is proving to be quite an incompetent and disorganised party under Nelson Chamisa's rule.They have alienated allies and brought in enemies, like Robert and Grace Mugabe's proxy party t...Published: 20 Jun 2018 at 20:05hrs | 1 | by Knowledge Moyo
MDC Founding Member calls upcoming elections fair and reasonable
The Nelson Chamisa-led MDC Alliance has been dealt a devastating blow to their long-standing attempts to brand the upcoming July presidential elections as illegitimate by one of their own. In fact, th...Published: 19 Jun 2018 at 10:39hrs | 1 | by Knowledge Moyo
The youth must make the right decision for Zimbabwe's future
"The voice of the people is the voice of God". How often have we heard that mantra over the last few months? But there is something to it. Something deep which should ring loudly in the hearts of all ...Published: 14 Jun 2018 at 13:25hrs | | by Knowledge Moyo
Chamisa, listen to the numbers!
Over the past few months, Nelson Chamisa has been full of bombastic and grandiose claims about the upcoming election.He began by claiming that "if we don't get 70% of the vote, then they would...Published: 11 Jun 2018 at 09:29hrs | | by Knowledge Moyo
What else is Nelson Chamisa lying about?
Nelson Chamisa is trying to pick up and collect legacies, like a child collects things. He uses people no longer with us and tries to paint himself as their ideological heir, knowing full well that th...Published: 12 Apr 2018 at 18:30hrs | | by Knowledge Moyo
A leader versus a politician
Around the world there are politicians trying to gain potential voters by telling them they will place their nation first. Unfortunately, in Zimbabwe, we have a politician who has said openly that he ...Published: 08 Apr 2018 at 16:51hrs | | by Knowledge Moyo
Mnangagwa govt's approach realistic
Despite President Emmerson Mnangagwa's rather scary nickname of "the crocodile", his warm smile can make him both appealing and approachable.However, recently he has clearly begun to feel the ...Published: 09 Mar 2018 at 12:29hrs | | by Knowledge Moyo.
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