Columnist / Kufakunesu mawira
Let's Preach Abstinence to the Nation!
The Editor, May you please allow me space to tell the nation the truth, nothing else but the living reality through this educative and informative newspaper that Abstinence and monogamy is the...Published: 05 Apr 2019 at 22:29hrs | | by Kufakunesu Mawira
The black man must unite in one grand racial hierarchy!
A Tribute to Africa Day: Africa My Mother Land The time has come for the Black man to forget his hero worship of other races, and to create and emulate ...Published: 27 May 2018 at 08:51hrs | 1 | by Kufakunesu Mawira
Explanation for the origins of the Aborigines in Australia
"The origins of the Australian Aborigines has never been a mystery to Africans." As far as Africans are concerned, the Australian Aborigines, Trobian Islanders and Melasesians are all part of ...Published: 27 Jan 2016 at 12:57hrs | 2 | by Kufakunesu Mawira
Who Are TRUE Africans?
The definition of an African is very simple; however, the social and cultural implications of that definition are complex. In Africa's ancient history, the term 'African' would have had no meaning, pe...Published: 02 Jul 2014 at 16:05hrs | 4 | by Kufakunesu Mawira
Who Are TRUE Africans?
The definition of an African is very simple; however, the social and cultural implications of that definition are complex. In Africa's ancient history, the term 'African' would have had no meaning...Published: 27 Jun 2014 at 07:26hrs | 1 | by Kufakunesu Mawira
Proud to be African
Dear EditorI get ridiculously annoyed, yet amused by the narrow-minded and condescending attitude most people in the Western world have about Africa. Their perception is skewed by non-obje...Published: 26 Jun 2014 at 10:36hrs | | by Kufakunesu Mawira
Equality:- A Never-Ending War between Men And Women
The politically-correct aim for 'equality' between 'men' and 'women' is not achievable.It is absolutely impossible.It will never be found.It will never be discovered.It will ne...Published: 25 Jun 2014 at 06:44hrs | | by Kufakunesu Mawira
Lets preach abstinence to the Nation
The Editor, May you please allow me space to tell the nation the truth, nothing else but the living reality through this educative and informative newspaper that Abstinence and monogamy is the...Published: 24 Jun 2014 at 13:20hrs | | by Kufakunesu Mawira,
Let's Preach Abstinence to the Nation!
The Editor, may you please allow me space to tell the nation the truth, nothing else but the living reality through this educative and informative newspaper that Abstinence and monogamy is the ans...Published: 24 Jun 2014 at 06:56hrs | | by Kufakunesu Mawira
Same Sex Marriage is Satanic
The Editor may you allow me space in your widely read informative and educative magazine to tell the people of this world the living reality and nothing else about the issue of same sex marriage....Published: 20 Jun 2014 at 07:15hrs | 1 | by Kufakunesu Mawira
The Origins of the baNambya People of the Present Day Hwange Area
It is of paramount importance for a person to know where he or she come from, the past and that is the reason why I was forced into this kind of research, to enlighten my fellow colleagues about ...Published: 20 Jun 2013 at 09:28hrs | 29 | by Kufakunesu Mawira
The black man must unite in one grand racial hierarchy
The time has come for the Black man to forget his hero worship of other races, and to create and emulate Heroes of his own. We must canonize our own Saints, create o...Published: 02 Jan 2013 at 07:45hrs | 1 | by Kufakunesu Mawira
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