Columnist / Learnmore zuze
The irony of re-engagement, dying democracy
IMMEDIATELY after the ouster of Robert Mugabe from power as President in November 2017, Zimbabwe was gripped by euphoria and a flood of positive expectations.The nation had endured the worst u...Published: 03 Sep 2019 at 08:07hrs | 1 | by Learnmore Zuze
The high cost of being a repressive regime
IT is an inescapable fact that America, as the most influential State in the world, lays claim to the world's most powerful military.But military might is nothing compared to the repercussions...Published: 27 Aug 2019 at 07:42hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
Zimbabwe democratic space has shrunk
IT is indisputable that the little democratic space that existed during ex-President Robert Mugabe's tyrannical era has now even shrunk further.I write this article with a bleeding heart, as s...Published: 21 Aug 2019 at 07:48hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
Heroes' Day eclipsed by new lows
It is sad that the relevance of Heroes' Day has been obliterated by the new levels of suffering going on in Zimbabwe.It seems incomprehensible that any other matter can overshadow the levels o...Published: 13 Aug 2019 at 07:19hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
It's not that Mugabe was a better leader
It's an illusion that former Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe was a better leader than his successor, Emmerson Mnangagwa.The ex-President was not as competent a leader as the world would wan...Published: 06 Aug 2019 at 07:39hrs | 1 | by Learnmore Zuze
Zimbabwe now worse off after Mugabe
ABOUT a month from today, Zimbabwe marks about 20 months after the departure of former President Robert Gabriel Mugabe, the liberator once upon a time, who turned an oppressor of his own people. In No...Published: 23 Jul 2019 at 08:23hrs | 1 | by Learnmore Zuze
Zimbabwe economic crisis a silhouette of the political crisis
The enduring crisis in Zimbabwe presents a conundrum to a lot of people.To the generality of Zimbabweans,whose only desire is the pursuit of a dignified existence, the debilitating liquidity c...Published: 09 Jul 2019 at 07:30hrs | 1 | by Learnmore Zuze
Mopa: In pursuit of a fallacious democracy
RECENTLY, America gave us a rare tonic on its actual view of Zimbabwe, under the new government. It is a given that, in most of its statements, the United States prefers to give cryptic political mess...Published: 25 Jun 2019 at 07:41hrs | 1 | by Learnmore Zuze
An economy cannot be managed by propaganda
AN economy cannot be managed through propaganda. Back in high school, the term "propaganda"used to tickle us as students of history.The famed Oxford Dictionary defines propaganda as informatio...Published: 11 Jun 2019 at 07:13hrs | 2 | by Learnmore Zuze
4 'mysteries' of Zim'babwe's economic crisis
Zimbabwe continues to groan under the crushing weight of an economic disaster rapidly manifesting through hyper-inflation, capital flight and a crippling energy crisis, among other symptoms of economi...Published: 04 Jun 2019 at 07:12hrs | 1 | by Learnmore Zuze
Zimbabwe economic crisis has shifted to another level
THE ascendency to power of the incumbent President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa, on November 24, 2017 was a genesis to the generality of Zimbabweans; a genesis – or so it seemed, ...Published: 28 May 2019 at 07:59hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
Chamisa's popularity dwarfs the law
NELSON Chamisa's adversaries across the broad political spectrum ululated at the pronouncement of the High Court ruling trashing the legitimacy of his presidency last week. The High Court rubbished th...Published: 14 May 2019 at 07:34hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
Long walk to Zimbabwe GNU
ONE thing is apparently undeniable about the Zimbabwean situation; the economic paralysis that began soon after the disputed presidential elections of July last year has morphed into a threatening cri...Published: 07 May 2019 at 07:49hrs | 1 | by Learnmore Zuze
MDC congress: Does real democracy exist?
ALL through history, the word democracy has been immortalised and evidently viewed as the greatest desire of the political world. Democracy is worshiped and viewed as sacred and sacrosanct. Virtually,...Published: 23 Apr 2019 at 07:12hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
Real democracy calls for Chamisa to be contested
There may come a time in life when emotions, personal feelings, hunches and perceptions have to square up with reality. The skirmish between these two (facts and feelings) is never easy to handle for ...Published: 10 Apr 2019 at 06:58hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
In times like these, political posturing must give way
There can be no denying the compelling power of politics the world over.Whether one decides to dump local news for world news, they would surely meet with the contentious subject of politics i...Published: 26 Mar 2019 at 06:24hrs | 1 | by Learnmore Zuze
Situation in Zimbabwe hospitals a damning indictment on government
A signature characteristic of former President Robert Mugabe (pictured)'s administration was silence in the face of crippling crises. Zimbabweans, at the height of Mugabe's rule, had become resigned t...Published: 18 Mar 2019 at 06:48hrs | 1 | by Learnmore Zuze
History doesn't seem to be on Mwonzora's side
There is a stubborn truth that stands majestically at the centre of opposition politics since time immemorial that one wonders why many do not see the lesson and continue to fall headlong into the sam...Published: 12 Mar 2019 at 06:07hrs | 1 | by Learnmore Zuze
Zimbabwe fuel crisis: Can someone please say the truth?
Here is a folklore allegory: imagine a man with a huge rural family of 10 children and a wife to take care of.The family knows that the man, as the breadwinner, goes on several hunting expedit...Published: 05 Mar 2019 at 07:26hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
A partisan military: The most potent weapon against democracy
That Zimbabwe has become the proverbial cursed nation, which simply can't unshackle itself from an economic abyss and political crisis that has rankled for decades, is beyond doubt.The highly-...Published: 06 Feb 2019 at 08:32hrs | 1 | by Learnmore Zuze
Zimbabwe: In pursuit of a never-coming democracy
IT is nearly four decades after Zimbabwe broke free from the shackles of colonial rule. The bulk of African countries that were under the yoke of colonialism either from the British or the Portuguese,...Published: 21 Aug 2018 at 06:51hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
Beyond mad politics, the economy is waiting
A lot has happened since the July 30 harmonised elections. There are plenty of things that made sense and many other things that cannot be comprehended. Some results made sense while others hardly did...Published: 07 Aug 2018 at 07:27hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
May the will of Zimbabweans prevail, finally
IT is not far from the truth that the will of the people has been suppressed in the last four decades in which Zanu-PF, under Robert Mugabe, ruled the country heavy-handedly.From the day which...Published: 24 Jul 2018 at 07:00hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
It's time to rise above politics of the belly, Zimbabweans
IT is extremely sad seeing as it is that Zimbabweans, for all their heralded education, cannot see beyond political clowns and charlatans who only seek to use and abuse them during election time. The ...Published: 03 Jul 2018 at 07:03hrs | 1 | by Learnmore Zuze
MDC Alliance cannot afford clashes at this hour
I WISH I could write the following statement across the sky in giant and fiery capital letters: The MDC has held plenty parliamentary seats since 2000, but apparently, no change has come. The oppositi...Published: 12 Jun 2018 at 06:59hrs | 2 | by Learnmore Zuze
Chamisa's overconfidence worrying
THE great sage of the mid-nineteenth century, Anon, who wrote thoughtful and inspiring pieces used today by the motivation industry, once said something that is as true for Zimbabwe today as it was in...Published: 05 Jun 2018 at 07:33hrs | 3 | by Learnmore Zuze
BBC HARDtalk does not influence electorate
Perhaps nothing, in the past week, set tongues wagging as the BBC HARDtalk interview that had MDC Alliance presidential candidate, Nelson Chamisa, as a guest.It would appear a lot is now being...Published: 15 May 2018 at 07:17hrs | 3 | by Learnmore Zuze
Zanu-PF manifesto clearest indicator nothing will change
For sometime it remained foggy in the minds of Zimbabweans whether or not the government that took over from former despot, Robert Mugabe, would deliver and make life better for the long-suffering gen...Published: 08 May 2018 at 07:49hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
Is Mnangagwa hostage to an invisible hand?
THE question keeps popping up: Is incumbent President Emmerson Mnangagwa a real lawyer? Does he have intimate knowledge on things legal?Could it be that he has mastery of the law, but is hosta...Published: 24 Apr 2018 at 08:20hrs | 2 | by Learnmore Zuze
Zimbabwe cash crisis that won't go away
If there is one common theme that ran throughout Zanu PF's election strategy under former President Robert Mugabe is that it had a litany of high sounding and astounding promises that never got fulfil...Published: 03 Apr 2018 at 06:55hrs | 19 | by Learnmore Zuze
Khupe's departure unfortunate, but necessary
I recall vividly the year 2000, when the Movement for Democratic Change broke onto the political scene scaring the hell out of a complacent Zanu-PF. It had never happened in the annals of Zimbabwean h...Published: 27 Mar 2018 at 06:49hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
Mugabe, the real disgrace happened when you lost in 2008
ONE cannot help but feel pity for the aged former Zimbabwean president, Robert Mugabe. It would appear those who deceptively spoke glowingly about him prior to his demise last year are still speaking,...Published: 20 Mar 2018 at 06:17hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
Mugabe must preserve the little left of his dignity
DEVELOPMENTS in the last few weeks may be the clearest indicator yet that the world has not seen the last of the obstinate former Zimbabwean President, Robert Mugabe.The bulk of people had env...Published: 13 Mar 2018 at 05:39hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
Khupe, Mudzuri must accept winds of change
IN this article I make the case that politicians in the main opposition movement, MDC-T, must have the intelligence to feel the vibes of the winds of change and adjust accordingly in order to maintain...Published: 06 Mar 2018 at 05:19hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
Feel it, economic turmoil is here
IT happened so fast; so fast that no one can honestly claim they saw it coming.Just between Thursday and Friday the impact was everywhere.Shops felt it.The transacting public w...Published: 27 Sep 2017 at 06:27hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
Zanu-PF mindgames
Events currently besetting Zanu-PF read like a horror movie script in which film watchers can see clearly how victims in the movie are being mowed one by one by a horrific and mysterious creature whil...Published: 19 Sep 2017 at 08:38hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
Tsvangirai's MDC risks losing relevance
THE turn of the century saw the emergence of a new-fangled and red-hot political opposition. The new party, with a strong labour backing, could be described earnestly as a total package; it had it all...Published: 09 Feb 2016 at 09:42hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
'Women must also know their limits'
If ever there is one litigious question that can arise for discussion, it is the question of what passes for propriety in dressing.There are as many opinions on the subject as there are grains...Published: 22 Jan 2015 at 12:21hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
Zimbabwe Warriors: No room for error in Prophecy
"A true prophet will be 100% accurate. There is no margin for error."There is no time in history that Africa in general and Zimbabwe in particular hav...Published: 03 Feb 2014 at 21:17hrs | 3 | by Learnmore Zuze
The case against the prosperity gospel
A story is told of a dog that died. The owner loved his dog so dearly that he went to his pastor and said, "Pastor, my dog has died this morning. I have one request which, if you grant, I would be gra...Published: 01 Jul 2013 at 13:08hrs | | by Learnmore Zuze
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