Columnist / Lenox mhlanga
Data pricing crisis nearly floored Econet
We all watched in horror as the Zimbabwe version of the #datamustfall campaign went ballistic.Much of it was played out in the social media space.People were shocked by the sudden ...Published: 22 Jan 2017 at 12:29hrs | | by Lenox Mhlanga
The newspaper is going nowhere
I JUST read an article that says that the writing is on the wall for newspapers in Zimbabwe. The technology website, TechZim, quotes statistics released by the Zimbabwe All Media Products Survey (Zamp...Published: 30 Mar 2012 at 17:52hrs | 2 | by Lenox Mhlanga
Zimbabwe going down the drain... again?
There are some of us who have entered 2012 with a sense of trepidation. They believe this is the year when a decadent earth will collapse into itself. I predicted the same for Zanu PF, but Mother Ear...Published: 08 Mar 2012 at 08:31hrs | | by Lenox Mhlanga
None card carrying members, SHUT UP and SHIP OUT!!
NDUMISO Ngcobo, a columnist for South Africa's Sunday Times newspaper, has got me thinking. Ngcobo has some pretty strong views about membership of any entity, particularly that of a political party....Published: 31 Jan 2012 at 06:03hrs | | by Lenox Mhlanga
National budget a load of bull?
Why do we dread budget time? Is it because there is little good news new, if any, that comes out of such an exercise, particularly when it comes to relief in times of economic hardship.The nat...Published: 28 Oct 2011 at 09:28hrs | | by Lenox Mhlanga
Obama, you can choose your friends BUT not your relatives
ONE of the irrefutable, yet unwritten, laws of nature is that in spite of earth being so vast, there are some things that you can't hide. The most powerful man in the world discovered this very rece...Published: 08 Sep 2011 at 13:37hrs | 2 | by Lenox Mhlanga
In Zimbabwe, its absurd to be in paid employment
FINANCE Minister Tendai Laxton Biti (who coincidentally was my roommate at the University of Zimbabwe) recently presented his mid-term budget review. The gist of that presentation to an expectant na...Published: 03 Aug 2011 at 10:25hrs | | by Lenox Mhlanga
Raising the flag not the fist in Zimbabwe
I MET Boyd Maliki the other day in Bulawayo. Sure, the same one, the cartoonist famous for the Nyati and Taikuni characters that tickled us for decades in the Chronicle.I know that most of yo...Published: 26 Jul 2011 at 10:32hrs | 1 | by Lenox Mhlanga
In the Diaspora: The Truth and the Lies
Ever wondered what it was REALLY like going to the UK to look for the proverbial pot of gold? A friend of mine called Vusi Moyo gave me this piece which is a no holds barred, blow by bl...Published: 13 Apr 2011 at 13:52hrs | 1 | by Lenox Mhlanga
When is a rumour a Wiki-rumour?
The Zimbabwean press has been on a feeding frenzy of late. It reminds me of the English literature exam passage that nearly cost me an √¢‚...Published: 15 Dec 2010 at 18:02hrs | | by Lenox Mhlanga
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