Columnist / Mlo
New currency without public confidence won't solve crisis
The government of Zimbabwe through the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) has launched a new currency, which it calls the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG).We have been here before and it is key to understand i...Published: 07 Apr 2024 at 10:29hrs | 5 | by Mlondolozi Ndlovu
Mnangagwa third term bid, what does the law say?
ON February 21, 2024, some leaders of the Zanu-PF party in Masvingo province declared that they wanted President Mnangagwa to go beyond 2028, contrary to the Constitution of Zimbabwe.But what ...Published: 27 Feb 2024 at 04:41hrs | 2 | by Mlondolozi Ndlovu
Religious leaders must pray for bloodless separation of Matabeleland and Zimbabwe
China's revered revolutionary, Mao Zedong, was spot on when he said, "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun". Zimbabwe is the product of the barrel of the gun so is the 2nd Republic tha...Published: 17 Apr 2019 at 07:30hrs | | by MLO
Sorry! Matabeleland not for sell
We find no phrase that describes Jenni Williams and her little known organization Matabeleland Collective, better than "treacherous traitors". Some traitors would do their business under the cover of ...Published: 04 Apr 2019 at 12:21hrs | | by MLO
Zezurus fall from high positions as Karangas take over
Like bags of maize dropping from a speeding truck, Zezurus that have been occupying strategic positions during Mugabe era are now falling in numbers as Mnangagwa's Karanga take over and build their ow...Published: 29 Nov 2018 at 07:34hrs | 3 | by Israel Dube, MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs
Xhaka obeseba imali ngomuthi
BASELE benkemile abathengisa emsikeni elokitshini leMganwini koBulawayo kulandela ukubanjwa kwenye indoda akade bethengisa layo ebibatshontshela imali zabo isebenzisa umuthi.UMnumzana John Moyo uvezwe...Published: 27 Oct 2018 at 18:22hrs | 1 | by umlobi woMthunywa
Ukhunyulwa izinyo kubangwa amafutha okupheka
ZISELE zibambe owangaphansi izakhamizi zeZinyangeni eNkayi ngemva kokuba amadoda amabili engqikilane kwaba luthuli ebanga ukungenelana ngesikhathi kuthengwa amafutha okupheka komunye umuzi.Lok...Published: 27 Oct 2018 at 18:21hrs | | by umlobi woMthunywa
Umithisa unina! . . . 'Sasisithi siyadlala'
KULEMULI yeDzivarasekwa eHarare esele ithwele imikhono emakhanda kulandela ukuba enye indoda imithise unina omncane besithi bayadlala.Inina leli kubikwa seliseduze ukuthi libelethe.Abemuli le ...Published: 27 Oct 2018 at 18:20hrs | 2 | by Umlobi woMthunywa
Zimbabwean family in Canada endures strife, separation, death on long way home
THE Murasiranwas' story is about a separated family's quest for a better life, a heart-wrenching but necessary Zimbabwean exodus, agonizing refugee nomadism in North America and the death of a brother...Published: 10 Oct 2018 at 07:26hrs | 1 | by his article is taken from Kamloop This Week
uMbiko oMkhulu: uSomlomo kaKing Goodwill Zwelithini wethekelela uMthwakazi
Mthwakazi omuhle, lina bondlela zimhlophe mnyaka omuhle ogcwele izibusiso kini lonke. Silethemba liwungena kuhle njalo liphephile ezingozini ezinengi.Kusenjalo nansi isimemezelo esiphuthumayo ...Published: 02 Jan 2018 at 07:52hrs | 2 | by Greater Vodloza Sibanda,u Somlomo kaMzilikazi II
The Zezurization of The Zimbabwean State
Anyone who dreams of partitioning this country along tribal lines or whatever means is possessed by Legion." (Biblical man possessed by many demons)These words came out of the foul-mouthed and...Published: 29 Nov 2017 at 15:06hrs | 1 | by Israel Dube, MLO Secretary for Information and Publicity
Abattoir will increase the commercial value of the donkey
The donkey abattoir saga is a snapshot of the kind of society Zimbabwe is. A society diseased with serious intolerance of those who are different from the majority. It also shows how we think with our...Published: 24 Oct 2017 at 07:05hrs | | by Ndaba Mloyi
War Vets breath fire, call for Mugabe's young wife to be arrested
A SECTION of Zimbabwe's War Veterans Association has come out guns blazing over the First Lady Grace Mugabe' controversial succession utterances. The ex-combatants want the wife of Zimbabwe’...Published: 28 Jul 2017 at 21:18hrs | | by Mlondolozi Ndlovu, editing by Divine Dube
Inina lumiyani indoda amaphambili ngoba likhandwe lilenye indoda
KULENINA leNtabazinduna elixhanxathe laxhanxatha umkalo amaphambili ngemva kokuficwa litshisa uthando lejaha lakomakhelwane, uMthunywa uyakuveza lokhu lamhlanje.Lesi simanga sitshiye izakhamiz...Published: 14 Jul 2017 at 16:07hrs | 2 | by Umlobi
Ugamula isihlahla sikamakhelwane afe
ZIDIDEKILE njalo zithithibele izakhamizi zelokitshini leMzilikazi kuG Square ngemva kokuba elinye inina lakule indawo ligamule isihlahla ebesisegumeni lelinye ixhegu qede ixhegu laqaleka lafa....Published: 14 Jul 2017 at 16:06hrs | | by umlobi
Amakholwa agwazwa ekhuthuzwe imali lamafoni ecaweni
AMAKHOLWA esigabeni seBeitbridge alokhu eqhaqhazela kulandela ukuba amabandla ambalwa ehlaselwe yizigelekeqe ngengqamu kanye langemibhobho ngesikhathi esenkonzweni.Isiga lesi esihlasimulisa um...Published: 14 Jul 2017 at 16:05hrs | | by Umlobi
Govt should audit police lifestyles
EDITOR,The reported $14 million raised by the police from roadblocks is way below the mark.It is a tip of the iceberg.Most police officers have at least two cellphones each, la...Published: 08 Jul 2017 at 15:28hrs | 1 | by Mlobiseni Mhlokotshiyane
Ixhegu livuke ekufeni, lacatshelwa umfukula wenhlathu
ZIGIJIME kwaba luthuli izakhamizi zesigabeni seMalundu, eBinga ngemva kokuba elinye ikhehla lakule indawo ebeselilamalanga amabili lifile livuke ekufeni ngesikhathi selisiyangcwatshwa, uMthunywa ukuzw...Published: 02 Jun 2017 at 11:31hrs | 5 | by Umlobi woMthunywa
uKusosa bakithi 'Phansi ngobumbulu lodlame'
ABASEKELI beqembu elidala kulawo wonke kumdlalo wenguqu iHighlanders FC, sebebike ukuba bayaxolisa ngodlame lobukliwi obenziwe ngabanye babo ngeSonto edluleyo mhla umsekeli kanompembe esenza iphutha e...Published: 18 May 2017 at 08:36hrs | 2 | by Umlobi
Growing tribal tensions fueled by Zanu-pf succession battles will lead to the disintegration of Zimbabwe
Tribal sparks have been flying ever since other Shona tribes especially the Karanga have awaken to the glaring fact that Zimbabwe is a state captured by the Zezuru and Korekore. This discovery has cau...Published: 23 Feb 2017 at 07:44hrs | | by Israel Dube, MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs
Impressive warriors gave us hope
On Monday 22 January Zimbabwe's senior men football team the warriors, crushed out of the Africa cup of nations, after a humiliating 4-2 defeat at the hands of Tunisia. While many critics (including m...Published: 02 Feb 2017 at 18:42hrs | 1 | by Mlondolozi Ndlovu
Zimbabwe is a Zezuru/Korekore paradise
"Anyone who dreams of partitioning this country along tribal lines or whatever means is possessed by Legion." (Biblical man possessed by many demons) ...Published: 02 Mar 2016 at 06:58hrs | | by Israel Dube - MLO Secretary For Information and Public Affairs.
Cartoon an 'insult to women, Ndebele people'
A CARTOON depicting two scantily dressed young women engaged in a conversation suggesting that for young girls in Matabeleland and Midlands, prostituting one's body is an alternative to education ...Published: 12 Feb 2016 at 07:55hrs | 2 | by Khanyile Mlotshwa
'Snake beds daughter-in-law'
A STORM is brewing at a Tsholotsho homestead following the discovery of a snake that bedded a daughter-in-law, in her father-in-law's bedroom.Martin Ndlovu, the man of the house, is reported t...Published: 20 Nov 2015 at 20:29hrs | 3 | by Siphilisiwe Mloyi
Snake in suitcase leaves travelers screaming for help
COUNTRY bus travelers from Bulawayo to Lupane screamed for help in panic when a snake peeped out of a suitcase for some fresh air.According to a source that was aboard the chicken bus (n...Published: 13 Oct 2015 at 08:42hrs | | by Siphilisiwe Mloyi
Man rises from the dead to have sex with wife
A DEAD man's spirit was brought back to life in order to have sex with its widow in the process tearing the family apart.The weird incident has become the talk of the whole Mvundlana village c...Published: 13 Oct 2015 at 08:38hrs | | by Siphilisiwe Mloyi
Bulawayo prostitutes invade Nkayi
IN pursuit of greener pastures Bulawayo prostitutes are reportedly invading Nkayi business centre where they are allegedly initiating school girls into the oldest profession.Nkayi Business Cen...Published: 05 Oct 2015 at 16:31hrs | 1 | by Siphilisiwe Mloyi
Evil spirits descend on school
ABOUT 80 pupils staying at Mbuyazwe High School in Umguza, Matabeleland North were sent home after a number of them suffered from hysteria in a suspected attack from what villagers said were evil spir...Published: 27 May 2015 at 11:40hrs | | by Siphilisiwe Mloyi
Utokoloshi uhlukuluza isalukazi emacansini
KULENINA elileminyaka engu-62 elihlala eMamelodi eTshwane kweleSouth Africa eseliveze ukuthi kulabotokoloshi abalibamba ngamandla ukuya emacansini lalo.Inina leli elaziwa ngokuthi ngu-Dora...Published: 23 Feb 2015 at 17:13hrs | | by Umlobi
Woman dies after sex with ghost
IN what is probably one of the most bizarre stories of paranormal experiences which read like a horror movie script, a Bulawayo woman died of excessive bleeding after she allegedly engaging in sex wi...Published: 21 Feb 2015 at 20:38hrs | 2 | by Gibson Mhaka/Siphiliswe Mloyi
Matebeleland Liberation Organisation unveils its flag
Today the 24th January 2013, the Paul Siwela led Matebeleland Liberation Organisation (MLO) National Executive Committee unveiled its flag to its members and supporters and the general members of ...Published: 24 Jan 2013 at 17:19hrs | 2 | by MLO
Chinotimba causes stir at hotel
Rogue war vet threatens to take over hotel and run it better HARARE - SELF-styled war veterans controversial leader - Joseph Chinotimba yesterday caus...Published: 07 May 2011 at 04:20hrs | | by Oswell Mlothwa
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