Columnist / Masimba tafirenyika
Ebola: A wake-up call for leaders
Disease exposes the weaknesses of neglected healthcare systemsThe recent outbreak of the Ebola virus epidemic in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone h...Published: 24 Dec 2014 at 17:45hrs | | by Masimba Tafirenyika
Intra-Africa trade: Going beyond political commitments
Progress will come when agreements are implemented Among Africa's policy wonks, underperforming trade across the continent within the region ...Published: 23 Aug 2014 at 09:01hrs | 1 | by Masimba Tafirenyika
Illicit Financial Flows from Africa: Track it, stop it, get it
Illicit money outflows are draining Africa's domestic resources, depriving it of crucial investment funds.The figures are staggering: between $1.2 tril...Published: 27 Dec 2013 at 15:59hrs | | by Masimba Tafirenyika
UN chief teams up with World Bank leader to resolve conflict and fight poverty in Congo
As the United Nations intervention brigade takes up positions to confront armed rebels in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, expectations are high among some Congolese ...Published: 21 Aug 2013 at 16:04hrs | | by Masimba Tafirenyika
To Rio and beyond: Africa seeks sustainable solutions
Paving the path to "the future we want" It is rare for a head of government to be greeted with applause at the very beginning of a speech before ...Published: 21 Jun 2012 at 19:45hrs | | by Masimba Tafirenyika
Lesotho's economy catches flu — from South Africa's sneeze
For decades the mountain kingdom of Lesotho has relied heavily on South Africa to advance — until now. South Africa's economic difficulties are placing Lesotho...Published: 24 Jan 2012 at 14:37hrs | | by Masimba Tafirenyika
Food crisis: time to break the cycle
Once every few years, the world goes through a familiar ritual: various factors converge to trigger unusual increases in global food prices. In response, countries rush through emergency measures to w...Published: 11 Aug 2011 at 22:07hrs | | by Masimba Tafirenyika
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