Columnist / Mkhululi zulu
Of Pastors-cum ZanuPF Political Commissars
Many Christian leaders, Pastors and priests tend to get onto the gravy train of political strong powers of the day to dine and wine with them regardless of what the politicians are actually doing. Som...Published: 11 Jan 2022 at 16:17hrs | 1 | by Mkhululi Zulu
A crime against humanity cannot be covered by twisted definitions of words Peace and Unity
In his speech on the Unity Day President E. D. Mnangagwa said a lot about the outcome of a unity accord that was signed by Joshua Nkomo and Robert Mugabe. Mr Mnangagwa describes Zanu's quest for a one...Published: 26 Dec 2021 at 09:53hrs | 10 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Zanu PF's costly and desperate power preservation
Absolute political power and a persistent quest to preserve it at all cost can result in absolute political absurdity. Men and women who might have spent some time being intellectually trained in inst...Published: 04 Oct 2020 at 08:17hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu - Zapu Presidential Spokesperson
Zapu Presidency Refutes Speculations on the Leadership Storm and Factions
The Zapu Presidency wishes to categorically dismiss the so called looming leadership storm following the death of its President Dumiso Dabengwa. Whereas speculations are expected after the fall of any...Published: 11 Jun 2019 at 12:07hrs | 1 | by Mkhululi Zulu - Zapu Presidential Spokesperson
Dabengwa's death revibrates Zapu
Thousands of people thronged the White City Stadium on Friday the 31st of May 2019 and Manxeleni on the 1st of June 2019. It occurred there, and indeed, Zapu was reborn, rediscovered and emotionally a...Published: 03 Jun 2019 at 14:56hrs | 2 | by Mkhululi Zulu
No political bullying during bereavement
Some shameless Zanu-PF supporters in their regalia invaded the food serving points, not bothering to observe the queue on Sunday at the home of Zapu's departed President Dumiso Dabengwa. They ...Published: 28 May 2019 at 09:39hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu Zapu Presidential Spokeperson.
Mourn DD as He Was
When one of us departs it is dignified to mourn and remember the good things that the person did. It is very common that people pick up some lessons from his life. Those who know him best share the in...Published: 25 May 2019 at 16:15hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu Zapu Presidential Spokesperson
Mnangagwa must heed voices from South Africa
There are press reports that the South African Ambassador to Zimbabwe,Mr. Mbete,said that Mnangagwa must have an External Credible Dialogue Facilitator.Elsewhere, a senior ANC member Fikile Mbalula is...Published: 21 May 2019 at 10:34hrs | 8 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Zapu Presidency Sets up a Gukurahundi Committee And Calls for Sincerity
The Presidency of Zimbabwe African People's Union - Zapu has set up a Committee on the Gukurahundi genocide. This comes after numerous activities and talks about the issue. The Zapu Presidency...Published: 07 May 2019 at 09:31hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu, Zapu Presidential Spokesperson
Charamba's obsession of arrogance
President Mnangagwa's spokesperson George Charamba who has dedicated his life to justify all evils perpetrated by Zanu-PF over the decades displayed once more his arrogance as he gave Zanu-PF's positi...Published: 15 Apr 2019 at 10:16hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
ZAPU Presidency Appalled by the violence and brutality
The Presidency of ZAPU unreservedly condemns the violence that has been going on in our country. It is an unacceptable abomination. We are dumfounded by the childish finger pointing and scapegoating. ...Published: 25 Jan 2019 at 13:26hrs | 1 | by Mkhululi Zulu, ZAPU Presidential Spokesperson
The Pains and Effects of ZanuPF Lies
Maybe lies have succeeded somewhere but they can never produce permanent success unless acknowledged, confessed and their effects redressed at the necessary cost. This might sound meaningless but what...Published: 09 Jan 2019 at 13:34hrs | 1 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Fortune Charumbira in delirium about Gukurahundi
Provocative and desperate attempts to hoodwink the world on Gukurahundi by Zanu-PF surrogates such as Fortune Charumbira will never weaken or derail the struggle for justice by the genuine victims of ...Published: 18 Dec 2018 at 10:53hrs | 3 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Lies can never contribute to peace Warikandwa
A posting by Chigumbu Warikandwa that appeared on the 8th of November 2018 has a grossly misleading title "Give Peace A Chance". It is just a lunacy. No peace can ever be built on lies, delibera...Published: 08 Nov 2018 at 21:00hrs | 1 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Zapu Presidency has not deviated
During the past 2 weeks there has been a deliberate but vehement psychological attack on Zapu. First it was its President who was reported to have endorsed Emmerson Mnangagwa. Some misguided journalis...Published: 29 Sep 2018 at 08:42hrs | 1 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Enough of Zanu-PF Rigging
Can a leopard ever become a sheep just because it is wearing a sheep's skin? Obviously no. The originally evil ZanuPF is still as it was before November 2017! If not worse. This is the predicament in ...Published: 13 Jul 2018 at 13:38hrs | 2 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Stop using White City for violent political machinations
The barbaric attack that has caused the death of some people attending a ZanuPF rally at White City Stadium is already having serious repercusions. No sane person can ignore the danger of this cowardl...Published: 26 Jun 2018 at 14:04hrs | 1 | by Mkhululi Zulu, Zapu Presidential Spokesperson
Zimbawe General Elections: Its still the Army Against Civilians.
One aspect that is being dangerously ignored is the role of the military in politics in our country. Many see it but they choose to ride rough shod over it for various reasons. Some are naive an...Published: 02 Jun 2018 at 17:00hrs | 11 | by Mkhululi Zulu (Zapu Presidential Spokesperson)
The British can't hide it anymore
Many people must be surprised by the British Government's refusal to give Zapu President Dumiso Dabengwa a visa to enter the United Kingdom in response to an invitation to give a lecture on Gukurahund...Published: 31 May 2018 at 10:56hrs | 2 | by Mkhululi Zulu (Zapu Presidential Spokesperson)
Gukurahundi fear is broken at Makorokoro
Hundreds of Zapu supporters gathered at Makorokoro on Wednesday. Without any exaggeration whatsoever, the just about a thousand villagers stunned even the organisers as it became Zapu`s largest rural ...Published: 11 May 2018 at 16:24hrs | 1 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Asivuleni amehlo bakwethu
Umhlaka 1 May lilanga lokukhumbula izisebenzi umhlaba wonke jikelele. Izizwe ezinengi ezithanda inkululeko ziqakathekisa leli ilanga kakhulu ngoba impilo isezandleni zezisebenzi. Zona azila lutho ngap...Published: 01 May 2018 at 11:55hrs | 1 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Time to act decisively is now
The political climate is getting hotter by day if not by hour as the elections get nearer. Political contenders do not seem to bother about anything else except to do everything just to "win" or...Published: 01 May 2018 at 11:54hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu, Zapu Presidential Spokesperson
Zanu-PF officials collect voter registration slips from residents in Byo
On Sunday the 23rd of April people in Luveve 5, popularly known as Geneva, were mobilized to a meeting where they were promised food distribution by Zanu-PF. They were told to go and receive s...Published: 23 Apr 2018 at 10:05hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu (Zapu Presidential Spokesperson)
Health sector crisis: A work up call
As the nation gets more and more traumatised by the collapsing health services, the circus of bad governance by the ZanuPF Junta moves on, shutting every door of any hope for the suffering masse...Published: 21 Apr 2018 at 21:23hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
Of the Zidera Amendments Bill
A Bill is a draft of a proposed law presented to parliament for discussion. It is not yet a law. It can be rejected or altered by members of parliament as they debate it from various angles so t...Published: 16 Apr 2018 at 10:58hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
UMugabe Utshaya Umkhulungwane Libalele
Lo owabusa okweminya edlula amatshumi amathathu lesikhombisa yena oseleminyaka engamatshumi athoba munwe munye lane utshaye omunye umkhulungwane otshaqise igazi wenza abantu baluma amazinyo ngokuthuku...Published: 21 Mar 2018 at 14:24hrs | 2 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Attack on Khupe a Gukurahundist replica
A report that Chamisa's youth attempted to burn down a hut in which Thokozani Khuphe an MDC-T Vice Prersident had taken refuge inside is not only shocking but is equally an eye opener about the ...Published: 21 Feb 2018 at 10:35hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
Dabengwa and Zapu are for and with the people…
As the harmonised general elections in Zimbabwe approach, many political dramas are being staged. Some are probably attempts to solve the crisis in our country while others are obvious political jokes...Published: 02 Nov 2017 at 07:41hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
Dabengwa's visit to Bhalagwe
There are reports that the Zapu President was among delegates that had been invited by Ibhetshu Lika Zulu to a Prayer at Bhalagwe. The police barred this prayer meeting that of course would not distur...Published: 22 Oct 2017 at 15:28hrs | 2 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Seligonjolozelwe / Makomberedzwa!
This was a vicious, indeed a venomous shout above the city of Bulawayo from a former Rhodesian army war plane during the Gukurahundi operations. It signaled the beginning of the genocide and the subse...Published: 23 Feb 2017 at 07:48hrs | 4 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Zanu-PF tactics of mass destruction
Zanu-PF has been boasting of its "obvious election victories since the birth of Zimbabwe". It has very effective tactics; tactics of mass destruction. I believe that they are massively destructi...Published: 20 Feb 2017 at 18:39hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
ZAPU's Historic 8th Congress
The Bulawayo province of ZAPU is gearing itself for the historic 8th ZAPU Congress. It is indeed historic in the sense that it is being held after numerous inhibitive hurdles that have been bedevillin...Published: 18 Aug 2016 at 20:04hrs | 2 | by Mkhululi Zulu
It is getting worse - Dabengwa
Dr Dumiso Dabengwa ZAPU's President says that the economic meltdown in the country is getting worse each day. Briefing the party leaders on the current situation at ZAPU's offices, Cde Dabengw...Published: 03 Aug 2016 at 08:07hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
ZAPU rejects Mphoko insults
Sometimes it is difficult to understand whether Zanu-PF leaders live here on earth or they choose to ignore everything and just make sure that their body guards protect them while they send armed ones...Published: 02 Aug 2016 at 07:56hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
'No more space for political cowards'
ZAPU's Regional Coordinator comrade Mark Mbayiwa has described the political situation in Zimbabwe as self-propelling to a point where cowards, opportunists, political mercenaries and fortune seekers ...Published: 26 Jul 2016 at 13:21hrs | 1 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Register to vote out brutality, Zapu
Zapu members were part of a large crowd that packed the court to support the people of Makokoba who are accused of protesting against corruption, the economic meltdown and the general brutality of...Published: 25 Jul 2016 at 13:37hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
Protests Must Result In Genuine Devolution: ZAPU
As already reported the ZAPU leadership has expressed its support to the peaceful protests against the socio-economic ills by civic society and the toiling working class as a whole. The bravery demons...Published: 16 Jul 2016 at 12:43hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
Dabengwa's visit exposes lies about ZAPU
The people of Zimbabwe have been told many types of lies about Zapu. In Bulawayo it has been said by some political parties that ZAPU is an extension of Zanupf. Even the so called Independent Press th...Published: 13 Jul 2016 at 18:02hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
ZAPU on the aftermaths of last week's shut down
Zanu-PF has reacted in a number of ways some of which are exposing its panicking over the response of the people on the calls to shut down. Zapu does not take credit for organising the shutdown. I...Published: 12 Jul 2016 at 07:22hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
Attempt on Nkomo's life at his Pelandaba Home
The Sunday News 3/7/2016 published a story from a book written by a “Rhodesian soldier” under the title 'Attempt on Nkomo's Life LEST WE FORGET'. Typical of the majority of the semi-li...Published: 07 Jul 2016 at 16:01hrs | 10 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Stands to Zanu-PF youths only another corruption
Last Saturday the 4th of June scores of Zanu-PF youths were seen queuing at the party offices at Davies Hall in Bulawayo to register for stands that Kasukuwere is going to distribute. The Bulawayo pub...Published: 10 Jun 2016 at 14:58hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
Spot ON Dabengwa!
Zapu President Speech in Jotsholo over the weekend attracted all sorts of comments some of which included individuals that just oppose whatever he says. It's a deliberate ploy trying to prevent the pe...Published: 07 Jun 2016 at 10:16hrs | 2 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Minister's venom at the funeral of a Chief disgraceful
ZAPU,the Zimbabwe African People's Union is stunned by the apparent lack of discipline and the disrespect in the ruling party as evidenced by the utterances of Matabeleland South Provincial Minister w...Published: 02 Jun 2016 at 14:41hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
Devolution the only answer now
One Tafara Shumba castigated advocates of devolution of power. He quoted the late John Nkomo who said "devolution is for idle minds". Taking these as wise words Tafara repeated them and th...Published: 28 May 2016 at 16:07hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
'Consolidating Bulawayo Growth through Zim-Asset' What a joke!
This week ends with yet another insulting joke for Bulawayo citizens with a much publicised meeting to be addressed by the First Lady under the theme "Consolidating Bulawayo Growth through Zim-Asset.&...Published: 27 May 2016 at 09:11hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
One Million Men Marching For Nothing
Zapu believes that the people of Zimbabwe like any other from all over the world have a right to express themselves on issues that affect them be they political, economic or social. Under normal circu...Published: 17 May 2016 at 19:23hrs | 1 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Zapu grows in Bulawayo High Density Suburbs
At a meeting held at the Zapu Offices in Bulawayo on Saturday the 7th of May the Provincial Executive Council and the Task Team for Mobilisation in the area led by NEC member Comrade A. Nkala members ...Published: 10 May 2016 at 13:38hrs | 1 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Minister Mohadi We Are Tired of Threats of War - Zapu Bulawayo Province
Member of Zanupf Politburo Kembo Mohadi’s threat that he or they will go to war if the national pledge is rejected cannot go unchallenged although really it is one of his most ridiculous speec...Published: 06 May 2016 at 12:07hrs | 1 | by Mkhululi Zulu
Zapu Bulawayo Province Applauds Democratic Parties Statement On Labour
Zapu's Bulawayo province applauds the joint statement of Democratic political Parties on Labour Day. It is an inspiration indeed to see this big effort to bring together the people of this country esp...Published: 05 May 2016 at 17:19hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu - Zapu Provincial Secretary for Information And Publicity Bulawayo
National Pledge: Respect the Right and Freedom of the Child Minister - Zapu
Educationists, parents, religious organisations and individuals have expressed their disapproval of the national pledge proposed by the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education. A leading Harare Ch...Published: 29 Apr 2016 at 15:44hrs | | by Mkhululi Zulu
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