Columnist / Ndzimu-unami emmanuel
Evidence that Shonas arrived in Zimbabwe 300 years ago (1700's)
Dr. George MacCall Theal, Translator of Portuguese Documents to EnglishLet us start off t...Published: 24 Jun 2019 at 12:55hrs | 1 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo, PMP
Now is the time for Zapu to continue the liberation struggle
End of an Era: A Tribute to ZAPU/ZIPRA StalwartsThe dates 01 June and 01 July may well remain imprinted in our memories for generations to come. On 1 July 1999, Dr. Joshua Nkomo, founding ZAPU...Published: 09 Jun 2019 at 19:43hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
How Dr. Nkosana Moyo will become the next president of Zimbabwe
Whilst many are locked in the belief that the Zimbabwean Presidential Election is a two-horse race between Nelson Chamisa of the MDC Alliance and ED Mnangagwa of Zanu PF, Zimbabweans in general may be...Published: 28 Jul 2018 at 18:53hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
King of Matabeleland or King of the Ndebele: does Matabeleland even need a king?
The last few months, the land erroneously named "Matebeleland" (Land of the Ndebele) by the British Colonialists has witnessed much activity and talk surrounding the installation of a King. Two things...Published: 04 Mar 2018 at 11:35hrs | 53 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Open Letter to Matebeleland
Dear Proud Citizens of Matebeleland The Land of our Forefathers, the Land of AmaNdebele, AmaXhosa, BaTjowa, BaKalanga, BaNambya, BaSotho, BaTonga, BaTswana and VhaVenda, IS NOT FOR SALE. Our L...Published: 27 Dec 2017 at 09:51hrs | 1 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
The Ncube Clan: a Tale of Kalanga Origins
THE REBIRTH OF BUKALANGA: A GREAT NATION Since the publication of my book, The Rebirth of BuKalanga, a lot of interest has been generated in Kalanga ide...Published: 17 Sep 2017 at 17:15hrs | 749 | by Ndzimu-Unami Emmanuel Moyo
Ethnolinguistic Federalism or Restoration (Secession): What's the More Credible Alternative for Matebeleland Part II
Experience throughout history and the world shows that there has not been a single country that was established by a "mere motion" (pronouncement), without things descending into anarchy, as Abraham L...Published: 20 Aug 2017 at 13:51hrs | 4 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
My Six (6) - Point Plan for the Development of Matebeleland
Let's assume that I was currently a political leader in Matebeleland and led some kind of Political Party or Coalition. Here is what I would implement in order to resolve the manifold problems facing ...Published: 29 Jul 2017 at 21:45hrs | | by Ndzimu-Unami Emmanuel Moyo
The Future of the 10 South Western Nations of Matebeleland: The Way Forward Part I
The following article is part of a series meant to provoke the People of Matebeleland to think deeply about their place in Zimbabwe and their future in or out of it. The article begins by laying the s...Published: 23 May 2016 at 07:04hrs | 4 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Why Matebeleland in particular and Zimbabwe in general needs a regional party?
It's been 36 years now since Zimbabwe gained its independence from colonial rule. But before we could even begin to enjoy the independence, a new breed of colonialists - Zanu - struck, beginning their...Published: 14 May 2016 at 14:45hrs | 4 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Is Zimra a Fair, Just and Socially Responsible company?
Dear Editor,Please help me to draw the public's attention to what I believe is an unjust, unfair, unequal and socially irresponsible situation prevailing at Zimra Plumtree. Does Zimra follow ...Published: 29 May 2015 at 16:10hrs | 6 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Mugabe xenophobic, suffers from senile dementia - response by a Kalanga
Addressing journalists in Harare at the end of the SADC Extraordinary Summit on 29 April Mugabe made the following not only shocking but absolutely unfortunate, irresponsible, biggoted and unpresident...Published: 30 Apr 2015 at 10:49hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Open Letter to Mugabe on Mat'land aka Bukalanga Farm Takeovers
Ndomudumilisa Tate Robathi Mugabe, nengube ndiziba zwangu kuti lukwalo gogu amutowogubala. Pamwe mwe waboSungwaha kene boKadzaha benyu unowogubala akapindisila mbiko kumuli.Your excellence...Published: 13 Mar 2015 at 19:22hrs | 1 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Failure to arrest Mujuru proves that Gukurahundi was GENOCIDE
Dr Joshua Nkomo, Dr Dumiso Dabengwa, General Lookout Masuku and others were accused of treason and plotting to assassinate Mugabe back in the 1980s. We all know what happened, they were harangued...Published: 26 Nov 2014 at 19:16hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Questions to the 10 South Western Nations of Matebeleland
These questions are directed to the 10 Nations, indigenous Nations, inhabiting the land presently (and erroneously) called 'Matebeleland', land in which the Shona have never at any point in history se...Published: 01 Nov 2014 at 22:00hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Two-State solution now the only reasonable route for Matebelaland
REF: Insistence on usage of Shona in Parliament by the Speaker and President of the SenateEditor, I'd be glad if this finds its way into yo...Published: 28 Sep 2014 at 11:31hrs | 1 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Why are Mat'land varsities 'National' or 'State' while Mashonaland ones are not
Mashonaland Universities1.Harare - Harare Insitute of Technology2.Manicaland - Manicaland University3.Mashonaland East - Mashonaland East University4.Mash West - Chinhoyi Universit...Published: 21 Sep 2014 at 11:41hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Of Shona and British Colonialism
Of Shona Colonialism, British Colonialism and the Need to Defeat BothThe 20th century history of Africa is a history characterized by massive European Colonialism. Europe, then made up of the ...Published: 08 Sep 2014 at 11:50hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Of the Baba Jukwa Saga and the Pretext to Gukurahundi Part II
Fellow Zimbabweans, and most importantly fellow Bakalanga, BaNambya, BaSotho and Vhavenda, I trust that I find you well after a long absence. I have been busy with other pressing work elsewhere. L...Published: 06 Jul 2014 at 23:38hrs | 1 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
I have all the disadvantages for success - Be inspired
1. Parents divorced when I was one and a half years old. Lived all my childhood and teenage life in grinding poverty (sometimes eating African Chewing Gum - Matobgwe - for supper) and pap made out of ...Published: 03 Jun 2014 at 07:15hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Students ditch isiNdebele for mother tongue
At Nyongolo Primary School in Lubangwe (Hwange), there were 26 students writing Grade 7 in 2013. 23 chose to sit for TjiNambya Exams and only 3 set for IsiNdebele. The trend is increasing....Published: 29 Mar 2014 at 15:58hrs | 1 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
We the 'fools of Matebeleland', what next now?
You people of 'Matebeleland' who rejected Professor Welshman Ncube in favor of Morgan Tswangirai what have you to say now when he lets loose part thugs on a fellow National Executi...Published: 16 Feb 2014 at 18:59hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
In defense of the Arts, Humanities & Commercials and Matebeleland Freedom
In Defence of the Arts, Humanities and Commercials - Science Not the Only Route to Success and Freedom for 'Matebeleland'I once sat in and spoke at a ma...Published: 16 Feb 2014 at 12:41hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
The Kalanga Origins of the Thembu and Nelson Mandela Revealed
Stories of our Great Achievements Must be Told Alan Dershowitz notes his feelings about his Jewish identity when he was a Yale law student: "When I ...Published: 06 Jan 2014 at 11:26hrs | 57 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
The Great Kalanga Nelson Mandela Lesson
Editor, allow me to begin this short article with what we Bakalanga say on the passing of any loved one: "Nayidzedzobo dzakaMandela. Ngabayezele nedonhodzo Tate Mandela."Indeed, a Great On...Published: 15 Dec 2013 at 08:45hrs | 2 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
The Kingdom of Bukalanga: The Greatest ever established Africa South of the Sahara
Mr. Editor, when reading the history of the European Renaissance, one is told that a key factor in that renaissance and enlightenment was the study of the history of the former European empires: t...Published: 07 Dec 2013 at 11:07hrs | 4 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Whence Are the Kalanga (And the Question of Semitic Blood Addressed)
Editor, last week I penned an article titled "Who are the Kalanga?" which, apparently, excited a lot of interest j...Published: 02 Dec 2013 at 09:55hrs | 24 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Who are the Kalanga?
Who are the Kalanga, or Bakalanga, BaNambya and Vhavenda?One day not many years ago whilst passing by the Plumtree District Hospital, I overheard two men arguing about the people bearing the surn...Published: 25 Nov 2013 at 12:20hrs | 16 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Zimbabwe rife with crime more than South Africa!
Folks amaze me many times. I usually hear the refrain that even though Zimbabwe is in economic and political turmoil, it is a far better country than South Africa because "South Africa is rife wit...Published: 19 Oct 2013 at 13:20hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Of Nathaniel Manheru, the Shona, the MDC, the Ndebele, Bakalanga, the Monomotapa Kingdom, and Today's Zimbabwe
"Madhuku, Priscilla: Hanging by the noose of own philosophy"In his article with the title above, one Nat...Published: 06 Oct 2013 at 18:10hrs | 7 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Voting Welshman Ncube and MDC will not split vote
Voting for Professor Welshman Ncube and the MDC won't split any votes!Mr Editor, please allow me to respond to the oft-repeated lie that a vote by the people of Matebeleland for Professor Wel...Published: 26 Jul 2013 at 03:15hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Mat South May be ruled by Zanu PF!
Warning - Despite an MDC Victory, Mat South may find itself under Zanu PF rule!Editor, please allow me to send out this urgent warning to the people...Published: 21 Jul 2013 at 06:56hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Did Dabengwa really say he wanted to block only Tsvangirai?
Mr Editor, please allow me to air my views with regards to the statement made by Dr Dumiso Dabengwa (DD) at the launch of the MDC Campaign in Chikomba last Friday with regards to his backing of Mak...Published: 19 Jul 2013 at 08:37hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Ingabe ikuphatheleni i-MDC, njalo kusizani ukuyivotela?
Bantu base Bulilima-Mangwe le Mat'South ivoti lenu elathi ngo 2008 lavotela u-MDC lapho kuzwelonke abanye bevotela i-Zanu-PF le MDC-T alizange lidlaliseke. Lasebenza ngendlela enkulu. Ewe, kuliqiniso ...Published: 13 May 2013 at 14:03hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Can Professor Welshman Ncube and MDC rule Zimbabwe?
This article is a response to some of the arguments raised especially by the MDC-T in Matebeleland. The party has sought to pour water into the hopes of our people that we are too few compared to Mas...Published: 30 Apr 2013 at 08:45hrs | 15 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Mugabe's Zanu-PF against Indigenisation and Empowerment
As we approach the next elections, Mugabe's Zanu-PF party has placed at the center of its policy what it calls "Indigenization and Economic Empowerment" which entails the expropriation of 51% sharehol...Published: 23 Apr 2013 at 06:05hrs | 1 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Yintoni na ngawe muntu wasesintwini?
Khange ndayibona ke mna le. Xa ndiyihamba hambela apha emhlabeni wakuthi kukho iinto ezindixakayo ngabantu bakuti. Kwandile ke ukuva abantu bakuti bethetha ngeengxaki esijongane nazo apha kwe lakuthi...Published: 25 Feb 2013 at 08:56hrs | 1 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Bukalanga is the largest population group in Southern Africa
Over the last few weeks I penned articles in which I demonstrated that the Shona do not comprise over 80% of Zimbabwe's population as is usually claimed in the dominant narrative in Zimbabwe. Publis...Published: 18 Feb 2013 at 05:18hrs | 12 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Mangwe Residents up in Arms Against Panners and Plumtree Town Council
Residents in the Mangwe District in the areas of Mpoengs, Maninji, Makorokoro and close areas are up in arms against the environmental degradation they see happening in their area as a result of g...Published: 26 Jan 2013 at 07:52hrs | 1 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Is Zimbabwe too small for Federalism?
I sometimes hear people claim that Zimbabwe is too small for federalism. But please look at the figures below in square kilometers:Matebeleland South - 54172Matebeleland North - 75025...Published: 21 Jan 2013 at 11:50hrs | 2 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Shonas don't constitute 85% of Zimbabwe
It was once stated famously by the Nazi Propaganda Chief Josef Goebbels that "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can only be maintai...Published: 12 Jan 2013 at 18:53hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Unity Day My Foot Part II - The Notorious Bhalagwe Detention Center
Detainees were fed only once every second day, when mealie meal would be dished up on dustbin lids, with between 10 and 20 people per lid. Sometimes people would be forced to eat w...Published: 24 Dec 2012 at 05:28hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Raping of daughter-in-law (Nnholo we Mwizana) NOT Kalanga Culture
Last week, on June 30, there appeared an article in the press titled "...Published: 04 Jul 2012 at 13:28hrs | 6 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel.
Dr Joshua Nkomo (1917-1999): Who exactly was He
Credit due to Diana Mitchell and Robert Cary for reproduction of historical material, from their book Who's Who: African Nationalist Leaders in Rho...Published: 29 Jun 2012 at 19:02hrs | 31 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Matabeleland - the marginalization 'myth'
Ladies and gentlemen of my precious and beloved nations - Bakalanga, BaNambya, Vhavenda, BaPfumbi, Babirwa, bakwaXhosa, nina beSilo bakaPunga noMageba, maNdebele, I am back again. Today I want to addr...Published: 16 Jun 2012 at 11:58hrs | 9 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel
Do we really need 'A' Level
Writing on Bulawayo24 yesterday (June 12), a ...Published: 13 Jun 2012 at 05:06hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel
Matabeleland - Whose Land is it anyway
Ladies and gentlemen, Bakalanga, BaNambya, BaSotho, BaTonga, Vhavenda, nina bakwaXhosa nani maNdebele, I am back again. This week I want to address the issue of our land, the so-called Matabeleland, a...Published: 10 Jun 2012 at 17:36hrs | 5 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel
ZRP - Police Service or Force of Occupation
Ladies and gentlemen, I am sure the question above resonates with you. In a supposedly "independent" and "democratic" country it sounds paranoid if not stupid to ask a question of this kind. But I sh...Published: 05 Jun 2012 at 18:55hrs | 2 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel
Please help fund ' The Rebirth of BuKalanga'
Dear friends,Please help me contribute to the Rebirth of Bukalanga by funding the printing of the first 2000 copies of my book, "The Rebirth of Bukalanga", by donating anything from R100-R100...Published: 05 Jun 2012 at 07:42hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Police a threat to public safety on our roads
It is expected in every democracy that the police service is the upholder of law and protector of the public. In Zimbabwe, it seems that expectation is now a utopian idea. Zimbabwean police officers l...Published: 04 May 2012 at 06:09hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel
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