Columnist / Nelson chamisa
I have no locus to comment on local authority issues
On Monday, I was requested to testify before (Rtd) Justice Maphosa Cheda at the Harare City Commission inquiry, a forum set up by Mr Mnangagwa.I have reservations about the foundation of the C...Published: 10 Dec 2024 at 13:45hrs | 309 | by Nelson Chamisa
Zimbabwe needs political change, not currency change
ZIMBABWE NEEDS POLITICAL CHANGE NOT A CURRENCY CHANGE.... A currency is a bundle of trust and confidence. A currency is not a currency without confidence and value. Money represents a collecti...Published: 07 Apr 2024 at 11:02hrs | 19 | by Nelson Chamisa
Zimbabwe's Unity Day is meaningless unless and until
A UNITY DAY is meaningless unless and until it is driven by Unity values and UNITY POLITICS undergirded by a unity of direction, singleness of national purpose and a preponderance of patriotic duty an...Published: 22 Dec 2023 at 09:20hrs | 13 | by Nelson Chamisa
A new great Zimbabwe is possible
IN a few months, Zimbabweans head to the polls to decide on their future.There have been many elections before, all of which have not brought the change we desire. So, I understand why, for ma...Published: 16 Mar 2023 at 16:30hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa I CCC President
South Africa should not carry burden of Zimbabwe's poor leadership – Chamisa
Like many people in Zimbabwe and elsewhere around the world, I recently watched a video in which Dr Phophi Ramathuba, the Limpopo MEC for Health, spoke to a Zimbabwean patient seeking care in a hospit...Published: 09 Sep 2022 at 19:57hrs | 3 | by Nelson Chamisa I CCC President
The defence forces are a citizens force
Yesterday was an important day, a historic day, one penned in the history of the birth of our nation Zimbabwe by the sacrifices and toil of many men, women and children who paid the ultimate price to ...Published: 10 Aug 2022 at 06:32hrs | 1 | by Nelson Chamisa
Chamisa outlines rapid and accelerated economic transformation plan
The CITIZENS government will come up with policy framework and turnaround strategy which among others includes the following:Develop demand driven policies informed by inclusive policies and i...Published: 21 Jun 2022 at 19:54hrs | 10 | by Nelson Chamisa
FULL TEXT: Nelson Chamisa's address to the nation
The CITIZENS government will come up with policy framework and turnaround strategy which among others includes the following:Develop demand driven policies informed by inclusive policies and i...Published: 21 Jun 2022 at 12:57hrs | 12 | by Nelson Chamisa
FULL TEXT: Nelson Chamisa Workers' Day statement
WORKERS' DAY is a special day to appreciate, salute and celebrate the amazing efforts ,resilience and endurance of all the hard pressed workers who gave and continue to give their sweat and bloo...Published: 01 May 2022 at 18:37hrs | 10 | by Nelson Chamisa
The fog has cleared in Zimbabwe, writes Nelson Chamisa
AT the beginning of last year, I wrote an article in which I promised that "the fog will soon clear".The article was at a time when the movement was facing adverse circumstances. It was a mess...Published: 13 Apr 2022 at 06:41hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa
Chamisa says, 'We need a new direction: Every vote matters'
TWO decades ago, a diverse range of people and groups came together to build a glorious movement that would play a significant role in shaping the governance of our country.At the time, Zimbab...Published: 10 Sep 2021 at 07:23hrs | 12 | by Nelson Chamisa
Stop giving despotics regimes in Africa a free pass
Authoritarian and dictatorial governments are repressive, corrupt and inefficient, and they threaten Africa's chances of unleashing the productive potential of its youth, writes Nelson Chamisa....Published: 18 Feb 2021 at 18:16hrs | | by MDC Alliance President, Nelson Chamisa.
Mamombe, Chimbiri bail hearing today
HIGH Court judge Justice Webster Chinamhora yesterday postponed to today the bail appeal hearing for MDC Alliance party members, Joanah Mamombe and Cecilia Chimbiri, who are being accused of undermini...Published: 09 Feb 2021 at 06:52hrs | 8 | by Nelson Chamisa
Gavin hunts for Knox
SOUTH A4 RICAN football publication,, has listed Warriors' and Lamontville Golden Arrows striker Knox Mutizwa among players that Kaizer Chiefs could target in the coming July/August trans...Published: 09 Feb 2021 at 06:52hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa
Heavy rains leave a trail of destruction in Matebeleland South
INCESSANT rains have caused serious damage to infrastructure and crops in Matabeleland South, with villagers fearing for the safety of their houses.Matobo district ward 15 councillor Dickson M...Published: 09 Feb 2021 at 06:52hrs | 1 | by Nelson Chamisa
Pressure over Bulawayo water crisis shakes govt
GOVERNMENT has resumed work at the Bulawayo to Gwayi-Shangani Dam pipeline following pressure from Bulawayo residents, the Matabeleland Institute for Human Rights (MIHR) and the Bulawayo Water Action ...Published: 09 Feb 2021 at 06:50hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa
Countering reactionary and authoritarian politics in Africa
Africa cannot afford to continue with the authoritarian, dictatorial and despotic forms of governance that are predominant on the continent.Authoritarian and dictatorial governments are repres...Published: 09 Feb 2021 at 06:50hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa
Chamisa writes letter to Zimbabweans
Fellow Zimbabweans,When we began this journey 22 years ago, I was a young college student alongside my contemporaries. I was part of a generation of college students that joined veteran trade ...Published: 07 Jan 2021 at 08:19hrs | 1 | by Nelson Chamisa
Chamisa's e-rally speech Fulltext
THIS month marks the 21st anniversary of our struggle, our journey and our formidable political formation called the MDC which morphed into the MDC Alliance following processes which saw founding stal...Published: 29 Sep 2020 at 07:49hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa
Chamisa's statement on South Africa's Afrophobia
WE MUST BUILD A NEW AFRICA!The attacks against fellow Africans in South Africa are appalling and heartbreaking. We call upon our African brothers and sisters to show a full sense of brotherhoo...Published: 03 Sep 2019 at 15:17hrs | 1 | by Nelson Chamisa
Chamisa's Heroes Month message to the people of Zimbabwe
It is exactly twelve months since disputed and stolen election of 2018. The majority of Zimbabweans are still in shock at the brazen manner inwhich their vote was stolen. Disputed ele...Published: 10 Aug 2019 at 17:24hrs | 2 | by Nelson Chamisa
Chamisa calls for 7 days of national prayer
My Fellow Zimbabweans,We are faced with a terrible situation in our country and we must find a lasting solution.I know that you are suffering with no fuel, no power, no money, no passp...Published: 26 Jul 2019 at 17:13hrs | 1 | by Nelson Chamisa
Chamisa's Statement to the Press
MDC Alliance President Nelson Chamisa's Statement to the Press on the 6th of March 2019 - Morgan Richard Tsvangirai HouseDefining a new course for Zimbabwe.(New Direction, New Ideas)Ba...Published: 06 Mar 2019 at 23:13hrs | 1 | by Adv. Nelson Chamisa
Chamisa calls for SADC intervention in Zimbabwe crisis - Fulltext
Text of speech by MDC leader Nelson Chamisa as prepared for delivery at a news conference in Harare on Tuesday, January 29:THE situation in the country...Published: 30 Jan 2019 at 08:10hrs | 1 | by Nelson Chamisa
Chamisa's full statement on army killings
The situation in the country has reached crisis levels. The country is currently mired in a multi-layered political, economic, social and humanitarian crisis. Added to this is the latest onslaught by ...Published: 29 Jan 2019 at 14:04hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa
'Release political prisoners before dialogue' Chamisa says
We continue to mourn our lost relatives and empathise with the wounded and displaced fellow citizens. Our solution to the crisis requires sincerity, honesty and compassion for those we lead. It is not...Published: 22 Jan 2019 at 10:30hrs | 1 | by Nelson Chamisa
Chamisa Statement on National Tree-Planting day
Fellow Zimbabweans, This Saturday of December we have taken time to commemorate and be part of a national effort and indeed global duty to plant trees for the good of our environment, the eart...Published: 02 Dec 2018 at 13:42hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa, MDC President
Chamisa statement on the prevailing economic, political and humanitarian situation
Fellow Zimbabweans! 1.1 I have taken time to assess the environment in the country to have a first-hand account of the economic, political and humanitarian situation. Indeed,...Published: 23 Oct 2018 at 14:24hrs | | by Adv. Nelson Chamisa MDC President
Chamisa's statement on the upcoming Presidential election petition hearing
Fellow Zimbabweans, I am deeply touched and encouraged by the tremendous support we continue to receive from the four corners of the country, the continent and the world at large. I fully unde...Published: 20 Aug 2018 at 11:58hrs | 8 | by Nelson Chamisa
Chamisa's 2018 Heroes Day message to the people of Zimbabwe
LEST WE FORGET... ONE PERSON ONE VOTE IS OUR FOREBEARS' LEGACY On 13 August 2018, Zimbabwe once again pays tribute to its gallant sons and daughters, wh...Published: 13 Aug 2018 at 18:12hrs | 1 | by Nelson Chamisa
Statement by advocate Nelson Chamisa
Fellow Zimbabweans, I come before you to express my gratitude for the tremendous support, solidarity and kindness that you have shown to the cause, to us, particularly myself and my esteemed colleague...Published: 04 Jul 2018 at 12:40hrs | 10 | by Nelson Chamisa
Road to Victory (R2V): Nelson Chamisa on Tuesday
Completing our liberation heroes' struggle I was in the Midlands last week and addressed two rallies at Maboleni in Vungu and at Tongogara in Shurugwi; where I felt proud of connecting w...Published: 23 May 2018 at 12:27hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa
MDC-T Road to Victory (R2V): Nelson Chamisa on Tuesday
From London to Marange with love Introduction It was a tumultuous week in week in which I interacted with Zimbabweans in the United Kingdom and came...Published: 15 May 2018 at 15:14hrs | 1 | by Nelson Chamisa
Road to Victory (R2V): Nelson Chamisa on Tuesday
Seke: A despondent people who can no longer afford the laughter and the smileFellow Zimbabweans, in keeping with our Gogogoi Tisvikewo/Ekuhle campaign, I was in rural Seke and Mhondoro over th...Published: 01 May 2018 at 12:40hrs | 1 | by Adv Nelson Chamisa
Road to Victory - Nelson Chamisa on Tuesday
Campaign Gogogoi Tisvikewo, Ekuhle --- Wisdom from the East I had enriching engagements over the weekend in rural Manicaland where I interacted with ordinary Zimbabweans from Chipinge to Nyang...Published: 24 Apr 2018 at 12:40hrs | 1 | by Adv Nelson Chamisa
Chamisa's Independence Day message
Zimbabwe did not come cheap. It took a protracted and gruelling struggle to liberate the country from the shackles of colonial bondage. The patriotic sons and daughters of this land died while some we...Published: 18 Apr 2018 at 07:00hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa
Road to Victory (R2V): Nelson Chamisa on Tuesday
Thank You Bulawayo It was a heartening sojourn into the city of Kings and Queens at the weekend as the ambience and camaraderie amply testified to a city ready to step into a new country....Published: 10 Apr 2018 at 14:33hrs | 1 | by Nelson Chamisa
Chamisa's remarks to the press - Full text
Morgan Richard Tsvangirai House, Harare1. IntroductionAlmost two months after the untimely death of the nati...Published: 05 Apr 2018 at 12:48hrs | 9 | by Adv Nelson Chamisa
4,000 MDC-T members submit CVs to contest coming elections
Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa today said his party was ready for the coming elections and 3 911 candidates had submitted their CVs to be considered as candidates for the electio...Published: 05 Apr 2018 at 12:21hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa
Road to Victory (R2V): Nelson Chamisa on Tuesday
Fellow citizens, revolutionary and convivial greetings to you all.We are just coming from the Easter holidays and I am deeply pained by some of my colleagues in the political industry who cont...Published: 03 Apr 2018 at 21:06hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa
Road to Victory (R2V): Nelson Chamisa on Tuesday
1. The national Council and its deliberations The national council on Friday noted and acknowledged the fact that the party had positively rebranded is rene...Published: 27 Mar 2018 at 10:06hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa
Tsvangirai Funeral Update: Khupe deployed to SA
The MDC-T wishes to thank millions of Zimbabweans for the outpouring condolence messages following the death of national hero and party luminary, President Morgan Tsvangirai.We have received c...Published: 16 Feb 2018 at 13:32hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa
Chamisa's statement on the death of Tsvangirai
From humble beginnings, a giant was born. President Morgan Tsvangirai was a champion of the workers' struggle, a doyen of democracy, a diplomat and a statesman---all rolled into one.Zimbabwe, ...Published: 15 Feb 2018 at 13:18hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa
The Global Advocacy trip by the MDC Alliance delegation: A big achievement and a strategic move
1.We wish to acknowledge the interest generated by the trip to the US and that it is fundamental that there be adequate communication to clear the myths. The MDC understands the importance of accounta...Published: 20 Dec 2017 at 12:12hrs | 1 | by Nelson Chamisa and Tendai Biti
WATCH: Nyika yeZimbabwe by Nelson Chamisa
I can't understand most of this but maybe some are in a position to understand and translate for those who don't understand.I only heard about 'Mathama', maybe he is talking about Morgan T...Published: 28 Feb 2017 at 07:32hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa
Chamisa's prayer after MDC-T elections
The amazing things of God!!Isaiah 40:31But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall w...Published: 06 Nov 2014 at 17:23hrs | 1 | by Nelson Chamisa
A leaders' summit without African leadership
The entry of US President Barack Obama in 2009 was characterised by inflated and buoyant expectations by most Africans that the Washington song would be sweet melody for the rest of the continent....Published: 11 Aug 2014 at 11:03hrs | 1 | by Nelson Chamisa
'Africa has everything except leadership'
The entry of Barack Obama as United States President was characterised by inflated and buoyant expectations by most Africans who thought the Washington song would be sweet melody for the rest of the c...Published: 10 Aug 2014 at 09:26hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa
Towards the great African promise!
Monday was Africa Day. This is the day we, the people of the great continent of Africa, celebrate the day when the then Organisation of African Unity (OAU), the precursor to the African Union (AU), wa...Published: 27 May 2014 at 08:25hrs | 1 | by Nelson Chamisa
MDC-T shadow cabinet deliberates on Zimbabwe issues
Today the alternative Cabinet, which convenes fortnightly, engaged in a five-hour long robust and focussed debate on key national issues affecting the people of Zimbabwe.The issues discussed r...Published: 20 Mar 2014 at 15:21hrs | | by Nelson Chamisa, MP
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