Columnist / Nick mangwana
Why Zimbabwe should break free from the US dollar's grip
Government Up Close"Normalcy is that a country must have its own currency," President Mnangagwa is on record highlighting this fact.Some people have argued that one of the gravest fina...Published: 11 Jul 2024 at 14:10hrs | 63 | by Nick Mangwana
Zanu-PF pays for all the rallies that are aired live on television
We have been made aware of a Statement made by the Opposition party Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) regarding what they characterized as "ZBC, STATE MEDIA REPORTING UNCONSTITUTIONAL & BIASED I...Published: 25 Jul 2023 at 21:19hrs | 9 | by Nick Mangwana
Transporters must adopt required pre-clearance processes at border
It's just over a week since the new Beitbridge Border Post freight terminal has been opened to the public and the results of improved border management systems are slowly beginning to show.Lik...Published: 22 Oct 2021 at 06:28hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Re-imagining education in the Second Republic
OUR education should produce goods and services and it's not doing so. It should produce solutions to our challenges, but it's not. It should produce job creators, but its producing job seekers. So th...Published: 06 Dec 2020 at 07:40hrs | 10 | by Nick Mangwana
Unpacking 100-Day Cycle: Bringing transparency, accountability to people
TRANSPARENCY is a key ingredient in the recipe for success. When mixed together with accountability and sustainability then you have a mix that helps build trust for the establishment. It is these tha...Published: 01 Sep 2019 at 14:37hrs | 14 | by Nick Mangwana
Legislative reform agenda buttresses Mnangagwa's sincerity
This is the second part of a trilogy of articles that I am writing outlining the reform agenda being pursued by President Mnangagwa in the Second Republic. In the previous article I dwelt on political...Published: 27 Jul 2019 at 16:16hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Government speaks on SB Moyo attacks
The delegation in London had great engagements with different stakeholders. The Government of Zimbabwe condemns the violent attacks against the delegation by a group of opposition protesters outside C...Published: 12 Jul 2019 at 17:49hrs | 12 | by Nick Mangwana
Regulating the right to protest
One of the biggest duties and responsibilities of any government is the protection of its citizens and all those that fall within its jurisdiction. Ironically, that protection is from other citizens. ...Published: 03 May 2019 at 06:33hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Mnangagwa's reform programme steams ahead
In an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), this writer was asked what reforms President Mnangagwa had undertaken.The journalist asking the question was reminded that her ...Published: 28 Apr 2019 at 07:31hrs | 3 | by Nick Mangwana
The sincerity of Mnangagwa's Reform Agenda
Eddie Cross reports that a few years before he took over the reins of power, President Mnangagwa remarked, "What this country needs are free and fair elections."Emmerson Mnangagwa was not the ...Published: 24 Feb 2019 at 06:35hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
Chamisa, Mnangagwa dialogue is not about power-sharing
Within five weeks of coming to power in November 2017, President Mnangagwa did the unthinkable.He drove to ailing opposition MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai's place of residence and he...Published: 17 Feb 2019 at 07:44hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
Mnangagwa building Zimbabwe block by block
The fascination with negativity and self-hate is creating an artificial but widely accepted false narrative that everything in Zimbabwe is going backwards and that Zimbabwe is at its worst time....Published: 03 Feb 2019 at 11:47hrs | 2 | by Nick Mangwana
Mnangagwa fight against corruption is real
This week saw an unprecedented number of high-profile individuals appearing before our courts of law in connection with corruption, giving momentum to Government's fight against graft. Given t...Published: 10 Nov 2018 at 10:34hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Mnangagwa, the broken window philosophy
There are crimes that injure individuals, and then there are crimes that injure society. Crimes that injure individuals can be measured through weighing scales of gravity.Is it a serious injur...Published: 24 Sep 2018 at 23:45hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
Driving policies towards Vision 2030
Zimbabwe has a new socio-political order. This has been dubbed the Second Republic, which is under the new dispensation. A new national policy is being crafted and hopefully will soon be unveiled. ...Published: 18 Sep 2018 at 06:29hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Why the party is always supreme
Political parties are constructed in order to conquer and exercise political power. The political party does the conquering but the Government does the exercising of the power. Therefore, the question...Published: 11 Sep 2018 at 06:34hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
Court of public opinion is real
Tomorrow Zimbabwe is going to experience a reality show as the Constitutional Court presides over the election petition against President Mnangagwa's electoral victory. Lawyers are going to turn into ...Published: 21 Aug 2018 at 06:31hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
No to power sharing with Chamisa
Richard Nixon said that one must never be satisfied with losing. He said that after losing one should get terribly angry at losing. He goes on to say that "the mark of the good loser is that he takes ...Published: 07 Aug 2018 at 07:14hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
Chamisa's polarising politics should be rejected
One of the first things President Mnangagwa did within a few weeks of coming to power was to extend a hand of benevolence to then stricken MDC-T leader, Mr Morgan Tsvangirai. The world was in awe as i...Published: 24 Jul 2018 at 06:57hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
Perrenial malcontents trying to undermine Zec
There are two sides to Zimbabwe's elections. There is a side that wants to portray the country as peaceful and going through a democratic process in which the will of the people will prevail and be re...Published: 10 Jul 2018 at 07:20hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
Why digital money makes sense
William Arthur Ward was an American who contributed a lot to the Reader's Digest. His main genres were inspirational maxims and meditations and poems. One of the things he said was: "A pessimist compl...Published: 19 Jun 2018 at 06:56hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
Chamisa's MDC Alliance too unstable to govern
A delusion is defined simply as a belief or impression that is falsely held despite being contradicted by reality and rational argument. There have been many of those around. One of the most prominent...Published: 12 Jun 2018 at 06:41hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
Insults, nastiness do not win votes
The election date has been proclaimed and campaigning has shifted gears upwards for all serious political parties.We are seeing all sorts of attention- seeking gimmickry being deployed. The pr...Published: 05 Jun 2018 at 07:11hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Bhora musango is insurgency
An American clinical psychologist Nancy Molitor described how after primary elections her practice is full of people with serious emotional distress.She says that some come to vent about broke...Published: 29 May 2018 at 07:01hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
Chamisa and Biti: Hubris personified
HUBRIS is defined as excessive pride or over-confidence. It is epitomised by arrogance. It often indicates a disconnection with reality and overestimating one's own competence. It is a disease that af...Published: 15 May 2018 at 06:52hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
Chamisa's dangerous post-fact politics
Has anyone ever stopped to ask themselves why Nelson Chamisa lies, is caught out and does not backtrack or apologise or retract but will repeat his lie or totally ignore the fact that he lied?...Published: 08 May 2018 at 07:15hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Not good to debate Mr Spaghetti roads
Cde Victor Matemadanda is a member of the Zanu-PF Central Committee and Politburo where he is Secretary for the War veterans. He is known for speaking his mind and will never get an accolade for pulli...Published: 17 Apr 2018 at 10:53hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Chamisa should stop grandstanding
Let us say things as they are. Threats to boycott elections are a very stupid idea, especially in cases where one is singing the threat as part of some attention seeking tomfoolery. This is one of tho...Published: 10 Apr 2018 at 06:52hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
Rent-a-crowd; delude others not self
A few days ago, this columnist appeared to have steered a hornet's nest by appearing to criticise the recycling of crowds from one rally to another as a show of support.There are people in the...Published: 27 Mar 2018 at 06:38hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
We should have said, No to Robert Mugabe!
People in Zanu-PF have been called cowards and all such names. Maybe we were. For surely talking to some comrades it is clear very few genuinely loved Robert Mugabe in his last years as President....Published: 13 Mar 2018 at 05:49hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
Mnangagwa's compassionate politics good for country
There are many good things that people can do which they won't do. We all know what's right but we don't always do it. We all see rubbish on the street and we don't pick it up and throw it in the next...Published: 20 Feb 2018 at 07:56hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Mugabe must focus on writing memoirs
There are reports concerning a development in our polity where our former leader Robert Mugabe is said to be attempting to play the joker. He is not so subtly trying to use whatever clout he believes ...Published: 06 Feb 2018 at 05:38hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Chiefs' cars not vote-buying
Every election promise is predicated upon the promiser winning the election. The fulfilment of that promise is contingent upon the electorate one is trying to lure fulfilling their part of the transac...Published: 23 Jan 2018 at 05:38hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
The Operation to Restore Legacy
This column has been absent for nearly six weeks. There was just so much going on and the job to inform and represent views had to be done through other means. But we have a new Government in power no...Published: 05 Dec 2017 at 05:18hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
Drivers cause accidents, not road blocks
It used to be that whenever one travelled a long journey by plane, parents would insist on being informed of a safe arrival. Even though the news would have reported no plane crash anywhere in the wor...Published: 29 Aug 2017 at 06:11hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Tribalism is not humour, but hate
IN recent days social media has gone into overdrive with memes which poke fun at people from Masvingo or Karangas in general. The underlying messages behind almost all of them is that this group of Zi...Published: 15 Aug 2017 at 06:24hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Current songs in our politics are off-key
There is a lot of talk of the 2018 elections. These elections are dispensational in that according to the Constitution, that is President Mugabe's last term.Whichever side one is, there is no ...Published: 18 Jul 2017 at 06:46hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Independent presidential candidates are a joke
There will be elections in Rwanda in August this year. President Kagame is being challenged by 35-year-old Diane Shima Rwigira. She is clearly an underdog. The likelihood is that she will have a big m...Published: 20 Jun 2017 at 06:40hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Zimbabwe opposition lacks internal democracy
Zanu-PF'S 2018 campaign is slowly gathering momentum. In a few months, it will be all systems go at every level. This will kick in what is considered the primary election season for the party. When do...Published: 13 Jun 2017 at 06:36hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Detoxing Zimbabwe's political atmosphere
Our political differences should be differences of ideas, vision and ideology. There is nothing personal about it. Leave children out of it. The translation of verbal violence into physical violence i...Published: 06 Sep 2016 at 06:44hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Tendai Biti seeking power through back door
IN recent times, there has been a push by vanquished opposition groups for what some have termed the National Transitional Authority (NTA) to run the affairs of Zimbabwe. The strangest thing is that t...Published: 23 Aug 2016 at 07:11hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
The case for Internet regulation
The Internet is not only a conduit of nefarious activities but a domain of sophisticated crime which any nation would need to regulate. Other countries have already addressed this by putting in place ...Published: 16 Aug 2016 at 06:48hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
National pledge: The hallmark of patriotism
WHAT is clear is that most nations have national pledges of sorts.Whether these should be compulsory is another thing. Right now Zimbabwe is in a polarised State that to some, anything introdu...Published: 04 May 2016 at 07:05hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Zanu-PF: Stop kicking and start pulling, please
Some members of ZANU-PF have been seized with attacking each other using social media platforms like Twitter at the expense of pressing issues like the El Nino-induced droughtThe Exchequer...Published: 16 Feb 2016 at 05:17hrs | 1 | by Nick Mangwana
Zanu-PF cannot afford perpetual 'self cleansing'
This October, Zim-Asset has reached a two-year milestone. Last year at this time, this column covered the hits and misses of this great five-year programme. So another year on, it would have been the ...Published: 20 Oct 2015 at 09:28hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
Tribalism is trivialism
TWO Government ministers are pushing the Zim-Asset programme in their own very special way. If it had nobility then it would have been called lady-like. But then the whole saga is pregnant with ignobi...Published: 04 Aug 2015 at 12:37hrs | 2 | by Nick Mangwana
Dual nationality is an irreversible side-effect of globalisation
This writer was under the impression that the dual citizenship debate was now water under the bridge. How could it not be? First there is Chapter 3 in our Constitution, then there are the two cases of...Published: 05 May 2015 at 10:51hrs | | by Nick Mangwana
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