Columnist / Nirit ben-ari
Growing inequality clouds Angola's expanding economy
Angola has one of the world's fastest growing economies. Its economy grew by 5.1% in 2013. As major public infrastructure investments in energy and transport kick in, its growth is projected to re...Published: 17 Oct 2014 at 20:08hrs | | by Nirit Ben-Ari
Big dreams for Rwanda's ICT sector - Success story is grabbing global attention
"The Internet is a needed public utility as much as water and electricity," declared President Paul Kagame at the Transform Africa summit, held in Kigali, Rwanda's capital city, last October to di...Published: 01 Jul 2014 at 20:32hrs | 13 | by Nirit Ben-Ari
Gendering Agriculture - Women spearhead efforts to feed the continent
Do land, seeds and crops have a gender? Perhaps they do in sub-Saharan Africa, where women produce up to 80% of foodstuffs for household consumption and sale in local markets, according to a repo...Published: 04 Apr 2014 at 21:10hrs | | by Nirit Ben-Ari
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