Columnist / Njabulo
Unfair Attack on Zimbabwe's Government and Innovator
The attack on the government of the Republic of Zimbabwe by the author of a trending article, criticizing a novel car invention and a radio, is unconscionable and unfair. The article comment b...Published: 30 Jan 2025 at 22:39hrs | 918 | by Njabulo
Open Letter to City Mayors: Reintroduce the spraying of places where mosquitoes breed
A letter to Bulawayo Mayor/Harare Mayor/Gweru Mayor/Mutare MayorYour honor, can you please reintroduce the spraying of places where mosquitoes hide and breed. In the past the BCC/HCC used to s...Published: 26 Nov 2023 at 11:06hrs | 19 | by Njabulo
Is SADC and AU Fit for resolving election discontent in Zimbabwe?
There exists a significant question surrounding the capabilities of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the African Union (AU) in resolving the discontent arising from the recent ele...Published: 03 Nov 2023 at 17:12hrs | 10 | by Njabulo
Bulawayo City Councilors complain about Dr Mthuli Ncube's road rehabilitation project, is unconscionable to him
In my view, those councilors in Bulawayo who are opposing Dr Mthuli's road rehabilitation programme, are wrong to blame him for that.To have progress in the development of our country, all peo...Published: 11 Jun 2023 at 10:24hrs | 1 | by Njabulo
CALA curriculum not fit for purpose in Zim
In my view, the Zimbabwe government has done well by my inviting the parents and all stakeholders, to review CALA curriculum. Of course, this type of curriculum demands a lot for it, in order to be pr...Published: 23 May 2023 at 14:46hrs | 19 | by Njabulo
Zimbabwe's readmission to the Commonwealth could help Zimbabwe a lot
Human Rights are indivisible. Human Rights are an integral part of all human beings. Human Rights are inalienable (no on...Published: 15 Nov 2022 at 21:51hrs | 1 | by Njabulo
ZESA v Chivayo case, a close analysis
(article source NewZimbabwe newspaper:13/09/2022).In my view, I think Mr Chivayo is the one who is on the wrong side in this case. Therefore that case ...Published: 13 Sep 2022 at 17:06hrs | 1 | by Njabulo
Malema now an advocate of xenophobia
Malema has double standards. He is trying to please South Africans, at the expense of Zimbabweans. At first he abhorred Xenophobia, but now he is motivating other South Africans to hate foreigners. Th...Published: 21 Jan 2022 at 08:54hrs | | by Njabulo
Apartheid leaders in SA must be prosecuted for 'crimes against humanity and genocide'
Former Apartheid regime President De Klerk and his Colleagues must also be prosecuted for Crimes against Humanity and Genocide. These crimes have no statutory limitation or they are not time-limited o...Published: 08 Jul 2021 at 21:41hrs | | by Njabulo
Black Lives Matter (BLM) campaign: Human Rights Orgs /institutions & Churches conflict of interest
Many doubting Thomases think that the Black lives Matter (BLM)campaign has no genuine cause. Some evil people who are proracist are trying to denigrate that campaign or vilify it, so that they d...Published: 16 Apr 2021 at 19:36hrs | | by Njabulo
Should social media platform proprietors be held responsible for abuses or individual users only?
It is now being suggested that the social media platform proprietors (eg Facebook ), must take full responsibility of any abuses perpetrated to others by the users of those social media platforms. Thi...Published: 13 Feb 2021 at 09:34hrs | 1 | by Njabulo
The UK Parliament trampled on Rushwaya's human rights
Ms Henrietta Rushwaya is alleged to have attempted to smuggle gold out of Zimbabwe, late last year. She was arrested at Robert Mugabe airport. From what one has read so far, she has since been charged...Published: 14 Jan 2021 at 21:31hrs | 10 | by Njabulo
Local tourist falls into into the Victoria Falls gorge on New year's eve
This is bad news for all people in our country. The department responsible for erection of fences to protect people from falling or slipping into the gauge was surely negligent. Of course, there might...Published: 05 Jan 2021 at 17:44hrs | | by Njabulo
Lecturer at Great Zimbabwe University v Student (an analysis of this case)
Dr Tapiwa Mudyahoto has a premafacie case against his former student. However, the substantial amount which he wants as compensation, might not be afforded by his former student. Again, the court may ...Published: 22 Dec 2020 at 20:01hrs | 3 | by Njabulo
Prophet Bushiri's case (an analysis)
Prophet Bushiri was right to flee persecution from South Africa. From what I gathered, there is an impending danger to his life and that of his family(, wife and children). lf one is facing such probl...Published: 19 Nov 2020 at 08:40hrs | | by Njabulo
Hopwell Chinono unjustly attacks the love affair of Hodzi and Henrieta Rushwaya.
Many people do not understand the concept of Human Rights. Here is one guy that many in Zimbabwe think that he fights against injustice and violation of Human Rights of others, yet ironically tramples...Published: 03 Nov 2020 at 07:28hrs | | by Njabulo.liberty
'Chamisa will not contest at our congress because he refused to join us' - Mwonzora
The main issue about that congress is about the decision of the Supreme Court, which is binding to all parties named in that case. That decision is also binding to all citizens of Zimbabwe and residen...Published: 07 Oct 2020 at 19:31hrs | | by Njabulo
Does the Rule of Law exist in the so called, 'ROLE MODELS SUPERPOWER COUNTRIES'?
This digital age has experienced a genocide of blacks perpetrated by the white supremacists in the USA. The genocide in question, was not only perpetrated by their white supremacists police, but by al...Published: 15 Sep 2020 at 07:15hrs | | by Njabulo
Killing of foreigners in South Africa is an evil act [Xenophobia]
When Mandela became the first black South African President, after a protracted struggle with the Apartheid government, many people thought that a new dawn of peace in Africa has been born. In...Published: 04 Sep 2019 at 13:10hrs | | by Njabulo
Killing of foreigners in South Africa is an evil act
When Mandela became the first black South African President, after a protracted struggle with the Apartheid government ,many people thought that a new dawn of peace in Africa has been born...Published: 04 Sep 2019 at 09:08hrs | 1 | by Njabulo
It must be compulsory for Zimbabwe MPs to attend all Parliament sessions: No walk out
The government must make it mandatory or compulsory for all MPs to participate in the debate of all bills or issues concerning our country.That is what those MPs were elected for and are being paid fo...Published: 28 Aug 2019 at 15:04hrs | | by Njabulo
Blaming Mthuli Ncube for the crumbling Zimbabwe economy is totally wrong
At times we just jump to conclusions without giving a thought about an issue. Mthuli Ncube is not the government.He is also not a member of ZANU PF. He was appointed to that position just because of h...Published: 14 Aug 2019 at 14:49hrs | 1 | by Njabulo
There is no autonomous or fair judiciary system in the world
I am not going to comment on the past election results case. But what I can say as a learned person in law, is that there is no justice system that is fair in this world. Even England and the USA who ...Published: 14 Aug 2019 at 08:06hrs | 1 | by Njabulo
Advocates of same-sex are wrong to criticise Zimbabwe matrimonial causes laws
It is wrong for those that advocate for same-sex marriages to argue that the matrimonial causes laws of Zimbabwe discriminate against them.The laws of a country are derived from its customs. I...Published: 08 Aug 2019 at 22:39hrs | 1 | by Njabulo
Britain must pay part of the money to compensate Zimbabwe white farmers
To be fair, just and reasonable, it would be conscionable to Zimbabwe, if the UK government contributed a certain percentage of the money to be paid as compensation to Zimbabwe displaced white farmers...Published: 29 Jul 2019 at 10:16hrs | | by Njabulo
Loice Matanda-Moyo must not be persecuted
I think people must respect and admire couples who have been together for such a long time. Why try to destroy what God has put together?'Even the bible states it clearly that what God has put togethe...Published: 27 Jul 2019 at 16:58hrs | 1 | by Njabulo
Sanctions are not the solution to a regime change in any state
Sanctions are not an efficient tool to force or compel a ruling regime to change its policies if those policies are deemed to violate human rights. History has proved that they are not an effective to...Published: 23 Jul 2019 at 14:33hrs | 1 | by Njabulo
PG Hodzi must stop bothering Supa Mandiwandzira
They should just leave M alone. Why are they trying to force a crime on him. The issue of politicising the justice system or any crime alleged to have been committed by any politician is a big problem...Published: 18 Jul 2019 at 08:45hrs | 3 | by Njabulo
New High Court Judges to be appointed in Zimbabwe
We wish them well in their endeavours of assuming the positions of High Court Judges.We hope they will discharge their duties effectively ,sufficiently and judiciously.In discharging their dut...Published: 09 Jul 2019 at 19:42hrs | | by Njabulo
New law to regulate churches in Zimbabwe, good news
This is good news, for there are many burgeoning Christian denominations which are specifically established for wrong objectives. The purpose of a Christian denomination is solely to do the work of Go...Published: 09 Jul 2019 at 09:55hrs | 3 | by Njabulo
Zimbabwe deserves praise for fighting HIV aids
It is very important that as Zimbabweans we all participate in fighting the spread of HIV aids and also help in controlling it. In my view, Zimbabwe played a very important role in controlling the spr...Published: 08 Jul 2019 at 08:30hrs | 2 | by Njabulo
Botswana to appeal ruling to decriminalise homosexuality: a closer analysis
Human rights are an integral part of life of all people.While this is true and it also encompasses the rights of homosexual people, this is contrary to the norms and values of African societies.Every ...Published: 08 Jul 2019 at 08:26hrs | | by Njabulo
Cde Matutu vs Dr Obert Mpofu. Naming and shaming of corrupt people wrong
Whilst the actions of the ZANU Pf youth league has to be applauded, the Youth League must be very careful when naming and shaming corrupt officials, their colleagues or people.The law states i...Published: 03 Jul 2019 at 19:31hrs | | by Njabulo
Dr Mqabuko must be declared a saint - Livingstone statue must be replaced with that of Father Zimbabwe
Yes! Mqabuko must be declared determination great humanist. His legacy will linger in our minds forever. One important issue which can help is to remove the statue of Livingstone and replace it with t...Published: 02 Jul 2019 at 09:38hrs | | by NjabuloAgencies
Criminalisation of homosexuality in Africa - African Human rights v European Human rights
Whilst the west can blame Africa for criminalising homosexuality, equally the West has criminalised bigamy or polygamy. Thus another men's meat is another men's poison. My comment is o...Published: 26 May 2019 at 08:23hrs | | by Njabulo
Dr Dabengwa an undisputed war of liberation hero
Although Dr Dabengwa's (as rumoured) wish was not to be buried at the heroes acre, the heroes acre would be angry as he is an undisputed liberation hero who deserves 1000% to be buried there. ...Published: 24 May 2019 at 14:31hrs | 1 | by Njabulo
Zimbabwe's Cabinet approval of HIV/Aids transmission law repeal is irrational
The decriminalisation of HIV aids transmission is surely a violation of the rights of the victims and would be victims of that felonious behaviour. That is now going to give a green light to many who ...Published: 12 May 2019 at 08:26hrs | 3 | by Njabulo
Zimbabwe govt must set a remembrance day for the Matabele and Shona rebellion of 1896-1897
It would be a noble idea to honour those who fought in the Matabele and Shona rebellion in 1896-1897.The rebellions in question are correctly known as 'Umvukela WaMaNdebele' (in lsiNdebele) ...Published: 24 Apr 2019 at 19:03hrs | | by Njabulo
Killing of foreigners in South Africa is an evil act [Xenophobia]
When Mandela became the first black South African President, after a protracted struggle with the Apartheid government, many people thought that a new dawn of peace in Africa has been born...Published: 29 Mar 2019 at 09:37hrs | | by Njabulo
Canada must not deport Mr Richard Tapambwa (former Zim soldier) and his family
I feel sorry for Mr T and his family. Being a member of the national army of your country does not mean that one is part of the policies of the ruling regime. An army is there to protect and defend it...Published: 27 Feb 2019 at 08:30hrs | 4 | by Njabulo
Dismissal of Masvingo Magistrate Mr Madhibha unfair
It is true that Magistrates and judges have to be competent. They have to measure to the standard expected of them by discharging their duties efficiently, effectively and judiciously. The...Published: 20 Feb 2019 at 10:25hrs | 1 | by Njabulo
Mthwakazi activist shot by police at his home
Mthwakazi Republic Party Bulawayo Provincial Secretary Henry Dube has been assaulted and shot on the head at his home at Cowdry Park in Bulawayo. Dube was shot after questioning the security agents on...Published: 15 Jan 2019 at 21:40hrs | 8 | by Njabulo Ngwenya
Zimbabwe to abolish death sentence
Dear editor, This is a step in the right direction. This issue of abolishing death penalty is a bone of contention in most jurisdictions. Some jurisdictions which pursue Sharia law, will not e...Published: 19 Dec 2018 at 12:05hrs | 1 | by Njabulo
The birth of tribal domination in Zimbabwean politics
On 8 November 1978, at the age of 61 years Chief Khayisa Ndiweni, formed the United National Federal Party (UNFP), as a break away from the Zimbabwe United Peoples Organization (ZUPO), a political par...Published: 03 Jul 2018 at 13:05hrs | 2 | by Taurai Njabulo Chirandu Njekete
Makupe must resign
The problem with Zanu-PF is that they do not take appropriate action against a minister or mp that acts in bad faith or exude indecorum behavior. One wonders as to whether they have any books ...Published: 28 May 2018 at 13:50hrs | | by Njabulo
Advocate Chamisa v Dr Khuphe Intellectual Property Rights case, a waste of time and money
In my view, the judge who presided in the case in question did not err. The reasons for his conclusion to that case were valid and rational. Advocate Chamisa knows it as an advocate.There was noth...Published: 01 May 2018 at 12:22hrs | | by Njabulo
Unsung Heroine of South Africa
Mama Winnie Nomzamo Madikizela- Mandela has always been unassuming, never flashy, But her name deserves to be up in bright neon lights. Our magnificent Mom, Winnie, is our Heroine! In her eyes...Published: 16 Apr 2018 at 06:30hrs | | by Njabulo Sibuyi
New law of medical negligence is not meant to punish health professionals
Dear Editor, This legislation might be perceived as draconian by the health department employees,but the government has an inherent jurisdiction to establish this law.The government owes a...Published: 05 Apr 2018 at 08:28hrs | 1 | by Njabulo
Mugabe must be prosecuted for genocide
The immunity in question (granted to Mugabe), to all Zimbabweans, is for Mugabe not to be prosecuted for corruption and misuse of state funds. Because accordingly, the government must forfeit all his ...Published: 24 Nov 2017 at 07:56hrs | | by Njabulo
The cross of Eddie Cross
The Former Rhodie's Cross of shameful groveling at the expense of Matebeleland stinks to the high heavens. Obliviously blind to the vote that gave him that so-called MDC-T seat in parliament, he is on...Published: 11 Oct 2017 at 14:00hrs | 1 | by Njabulo Sibanda
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