Columnist / Paidamoyo muzulu
The day Sadc failed
THREE weeks ago, the regional bloc,Southern African Development Community (Sadc), hosted the 44th summit in Harare.The summit saw Zimbabwe becoming the chair of the region for the next...Published: 07 Sep 2024 at 10:12hrs | 220 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
CCC strife intensifies
The internal strife over parliamentary posts within the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has intensified, with factions trading accusations and criticizing Speaker Jacob Mudenda for alleged dishone...Published: 03 Jun 2024 at 08:21hrs | 13 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Ramaphosa fall: Mnangagwa scared
SOUTH AFRICA held general elections on Wednesday and results trickling in are sending shivers down the spines of regional liberation movements.The ruling African National Congress (ANC) is set...Published: 03 Jun 2024 at 08:16hrs | 2 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Mnangagwa's foot in the mouth again
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has an uncanny ability to frequently put his foot in the mouth, sometimes without harm but his recent episode on structured currency has left a trail of economic disaster....Published: 07 Apr 2024 at 10:11hrs | 6 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
CCC hara-kiri
WHEN Nelson Chamisa stepped down as Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader, the social media streets were full of comments pressuring MPs to resign as a block in solidarity with their leader....Published: 30 Mar 2024 at 13:42hrs | 2 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Uncle Sam not letting go of little Zimbabwe
THERE is something interesting about the new United States sanctions regime announced this week. Besides President Joseph Biden making a statement, the US National Security Council made one too. What ...Published: 09 Mar 2024 at 09:16hrs | 7 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
A generation of EDiots
THE politicians keep fiddling while Zimbabwe is burning. The opposition is at sixes and sevens, while Zanu-PF is at sea when the education system is now in comatose and the peril of having a generatio...Published: 29 Jan 2024 at 07:43hrs | 3 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Zimbabwe's longest electoral season
IN exactly two weeks, Zimbabweans are going to the polling booth again, as the silly season that began last May stubbornly refuses to end for various reasons — single-minded pursuit of power by oppo...Published: 22 Jan 2024 at 10:00hrs | 3 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Zimbabwe's house negroes
THERE was once a fire at the slave master mansion and the house negro was heard wailing: "Our house is on fire!" much to the astonishment of the field negroes.This small anecdote flashed and r...Published: 23 Dec 2023 at 10:21hrs | 13 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
CCC MPs sold out
THE Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) on Thursday had a bloodrush to the head. They caused a mini commotion in the National Assembly and took with them down the people of Zimbabwe when they received...Published: 17 Dec 2023 at 18:09hrs | 1 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Mthuli Ncube's budget dilemma
DON'T tell me what you value, show me your budget and I'll tell you what you value:" Joe Biden.Ordinarily, Finance minister Mthuli Ncube should have presented the ZWL$47,8 trillion 2024 nation...Published: 25 Nov 2023 at 07:59hrs | 13 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Time CCC show its cards
THE election tide is past and now we can see who was swimming naked.So much was promised during the election season and the period to deliver starts here and now.President Emmerson Mna...Published: 30 Sep 2023 at 07:52hrs | 1 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Mutapa looting machine
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa is full of surprises.He wants to be seen to be doing something and, in many instances, creates new offices that in reality are as clear as mud.Mutapa Inves...Published: 23 Sep 2023 at 21:34hrs | 1 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Zimbabwe remains polarised
ZIMBABWEANS on Wednesday exercised their right to vote by participating in the harmonised elections.The elections were fraught with technical and logistical glitches, but the results showed th...Published: 26 Aug 2023 at 16:51hrs | 1 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Partisan institutions a danger to Zimbabwe democracy
ZIMBABWE'S elections since 1980 have been blighted by disputes and August 23 polls look no different.The culprits are the same - partial or politicised State institutions ranking from the Zimb...Published: 17 Jul 2023 at 06:57hrs | 14 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
The day Zanu-PF stole the election
WITH less than four days to go before the nomination court sits, the opposition is in disarray and still trying to find its way out of the political dust raised by Zanu-PF this week.The ruling...Published: 17 Jun 2023 at 08:11hrs | 1 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
SA gives in on migrants
ZIMBABWE's general elections are looming large on the horizon. Political parties have started rolling down their candidate selection processes. In the mix was South Africa threatening to send back hom...Published: 01 Apr 2023 at 07:35hrs | 1 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Zimbabwe speeding into the territory of charter cities
FINALLY, Al Jazeera aired the first of the four-part series documentary Gold Mafia. Social media went into overdrive, with many people condemning the attitude and character of some of those implicated...Published: 25 Mar 2023 at 08:19hrs | 4 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Zanu-PF abusing power of incumbency
THE election season has officially begun. President Emmerson Mnangagwa has in the week deliberately given his party, Zanu-PF, inside information on the August elections instead of gazetting such infor...Published: 11 Mar 2023 at 06:37hrs | | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Al Jazeera documentary is likely to cause fallout between Mnangagwa and Chiwenga?
A MAN is like the company that he keeps. This old adage is coming to haunt President Emmerson Mnangagwa as his re-election campaign, six months before the polls, hit a huge pot-hole after Al Jazeera p...Published: 04 Mar 2023 at 08:06hrs | 2 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
The poor are on their own in Zimbabwe
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa was all smiles as he officially opened the privately-developed Aspindale apartments in Harare. His infrastructure programme - housing for all - seemed to be all in order y...Published: 20 Feb 2023 at 05:30hrs | 1 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Mnangagwa coronation day
NONE gave the Chevrons a chance against Pakistan in a Super 12 stage at the T20 Cricket World Cup currently underway in Australia. It is a biblical David v Goliath story and the Chevrons passed the te...Published: 29 Oct 2022 at 19:40hrs | | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Zimbabwe govt lacks spine
THE Zanu-PF government is at long last trying to get back to the basics on its initial promises at Independence in 1980, reintroducing a minimum wage.However, questions will continue to linger...Published: 22 Oct 2022 at 05:41hrs | 1 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Mnangagwa afraid of live-streamed court proceedings?
THERE is something that happened in Zanu-PF in 2017. The play is about to be staged in a court of law.So many skeletons will pop out of the political cupboard. It is understandable why Preside...Published: 24 Sep 2022 at 06:15hrs | | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
The politics of mourning Queen Elizabeth II
QUEEN Elizabeth II's death has touched different people differently considering Britain's colonial legacy of plunder and the monarch's indifference to those atrocities.However, in Zimbabwe the...Published: 17 Sep 2022 at 06:43hrs | | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
The day South Africa closes the border
THE past two decades have seen over 1,5 million Zimbabweans migrate to South Africa as economic refugees. Most of the refugees are unskilled and, therefore, directly compete with locals for menial job...Published: 27 Aug 2022 at 06:20hrs | 1 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Zimbabwe's Cyber City mirage
I TOLD Mr (Shaji Ul) Mulk that my desire is to build a smart city like Dubai here. He agreed to build a smart city better than "Dubai," President Emmerson Mnangagwa told guests on Wednesday during the...Published: 23 Jul 2022 at 07:29hrs | 16 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Mnangagwa's scorecard after 4 years
THIS week had two special days - Workers Day and Press Freedom Day - they both had muted celebrations. Something has changed, the economy is not working and the two are now holidays threatened by exti...Published: 07 May 2022 at 06:20hrs | 13 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
SA Afrophobia: Mnangagwa should speak out
THE image of Elvis Nyathi, a Zimbabwean immigrant's burning body on a Johannesburg street jolted the collective minds of Zimbabweans to the dark age of 2008 Afrophobia attacks in South Africa....Published: 09 Apr 2022 at 08:31hrs | | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Chamisa's finest hour
THE 1990s were an interesting period in world politics. This was the period when the United States got its youngest President William Clinton at 43 and the United Kingdom (UK) also elected Tony Blair ...Published: 19 Feb 2022 at 18:35hrs | | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Zanu-PF cults, national myths, hegemony
THE British are renowned for their liking of leaders, particularly those who took them through tough periods like the Second World War and the Cold War-era. Most notable are army commander Winston Chu...Published: 22 Jan 2022 at 05:23hrs | 2 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Artuz members to spend weekend behind bars
SIXTEEEN teachers arrested during a protest over poor salaries on Wednesday will spend the weekend in cells after a Harare magistrate yesterday postponed ruling on their bail application to Monday....Published: 15 Jan 2022 at 00:15hrs | 2 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
March by-elections inconsequential
IMMEDIATELY after President Emmerson Mnangagwa proclaimed the March 2022 by-elections, he started the week by firing his State Security minister Owen Ncube in dramatic fashion. The decision stole the ...Published: 15 Jan 2022 at 00:15hrs | | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
COP26: Mnangagwa tried too hard
THE Glasgow COP26 meeting in Scotland, United Kingdom, painted a grim picture about the environment and imminent dangers of climate change. However, besides Africa and the third world carrying the can...Published: 06 Nov 2021 at 06:35hrs | 9 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
It's the economy, stupid!
WORKING for government remains one of the surest ways for a stable income, job security and above all, a ticket to further studies for many across the globe.However, with each passing day, the...Published: 23 Oct 2021 at 06:35hrs | 2 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Mnangagwa acquiring more public debt to fund second term bid
WINNING or losing an election is a referendum on the economy by citizens. More often than not politicians are aware of this fact and, therefore, go out of their way, sometimes, contracting huge debts ...Published: 16 Oct 2021 at 06:29hrs | 12 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Mnangagwa subtly launches 2023 election campaign
POLITICAL leaders gain power to retain it. The power of incumbency is fully exploited to make sure they succeed themselves. They will use subtle means, including dishing out State resources to the peo...Published: 09 Oct 2021 at 07:32hrs | 11 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Mushrooming parties a diversionary tactic
ZIMBABWE'S political scene is fast changing, several parties have been launched in the past couple of weeks. However, the political discourse has not moved an inch.The Constitution has a secti...Published: 25 Sep 2021 at 06:07hrs | | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Mbeki: The Zimbabwe regime change agenda
SEPTEMBER 2008 became a watershed date in Zimbabwe's post-independence political history. Zanu-PF signed a political agreement, Global Political Agreement (GPA) with the opposition MDCs to protect its...Published: 17 Sep 2021 at 20:20hrs | 1 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Remembering Mugabe
HISTORY has many lessons. Looking back with the benefit of hindsight, many a time people regret decisions they would have made. People sometimes fall into nostalgia.Zimbabweans are no differen...Published: 11 Sep 2021 at 12:42hrs | 11 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Mnangagwa's naked power grab
THE Crocodile is his moniker. He came to power in a dramatic two weeks in November 2017. His rise was heralded as a new dispensation for the southern African country, but since then all his actions ar...Published: 25 Jun 2021 at 07:49hrs | 1 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Mnangagwa: When the mask falls off
ZIMBABWE has been going through a lot in the past week, trying to navigate through a constitutional crisis but one thing has stood out about the administration. It is autocratic both at home and abroa...Published: 22 May 2021 at 07:53hrs | 3 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Executive failing corruption fight
ROSA Parks is not just a name in the United States. She is a torchbearer when it comes to civil rights movements. Parks one day decided not to give her seat to a white person in a public bus. ...Published: 27 Mar 2021 at 09:27hrs | 1 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Pfumvudza, bond notes: Mnangagwa's saviour
THE gigantic lake TugwiMukosi is spilling. This is a rare phenomenon for a water body so big to spill less than four years after commissioning.It holds a promise that is too big to hide or ign...Published: 20 Feb 2021 at 08:55hrs | | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
State capture: Time to declare party financiers
SINCE time immemorial, the political class has been defined across the world by class, capital and raw power.In many instances, these groups of people have formed elite pacts to foster their h...Published: 13 Feb 2021 at 10:15hrs | 1 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Mnangagwa administration: Comedy of errors
GENESIS 3 v 9-11 (NIV), "But the Lord God called the man, where are you? He answered: I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid."This is the first time in the B...Published: 06 Feb 2021 at 07:06hrs | 1 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Dumb advisors, deaf Executive
"JANUARY 2021 has been cancelled," is a joke that went viral in Zimbabwe last weekend.It is a joke premised on Zimbabwe's return to COVID-19 lockdown measures. These are the strictest conditio...Published: 08 Jan 2021 at 20:29hrs | 1 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
BAZ licences 3 community radio stations
The Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ) yesterday awarded the first three licences to community radio stations.In a statement, BAZ board chairman Charles Manzi Sibanda confirmed that lice...Published: 19 Dec 2020 at 05:49hrs | | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
COVID-19 perfect cover for autocrats
ZIMBABWE has never been the same after March 30, 2020. Ever since then, the country has been in a lockdown and normal life in a constitutional democracy has been severely pared in the name of combatin...Published: 19 Dec 2020 at 05:49hrs | 2 | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
Zimbabwe needs a new ZBC
THE awarding of licences to six national free-to-air commercial television broadcasting stations last week was received with mixed feelings by Zimbabweans. Many hailed the momentous occasion as unpara...Published: 28 Nov 2020 at 07:15hrs | | by Paidamoyo Muzulu
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