Columnist / Patrick guramatunhu
'Forget elections, go out in the street!' argue Mapfumo. Protesting what? It's CCC who is hell bent in participating in flawed e
"Zimbabweans must understand who they are really dealing with, [President Emmerson] Mnangagwa took over power from (Robert) Mugabe in an unconstitutional manner and he will never let go of that power ...Published: 20 Mar 2023 at 09:22hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'Dunderhead' Chiwenga asking WHO to stem nurse haemorrhage - Wasting time treating symptom, treat the Mafiosi disease
Zimbabwe's VP and Minister of Health, Dr Constantino Chiwenga ask the World Health Organisation (WHO) to help stem the haemorrhage of Zimbabwe health care workers. "One of the problems we disc...Published: 07 Mar 2023 at 18:00hrs | 12 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
CCC hell bent on participating in 2023 regardless rigging and damned consequences
The 2023 Zimbabwe elections will be taking place by August 2023, that is seven months to go. The political temperature is rising!When Emmerson Mnangagwa seized power following the November 201...Published: 31 Jan 2023 at 07:25hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'We aim to win big!' insists Chamisa oblivious Zanu PF is rigging big, there is verified voters' roll, etc., etc.
"The world is flat or round not because you or me say it is flat/round. It is round because the mountain of supporting evidence say it is round," my Secondary School teacher used to say. Zimba...Published: 24 Jan 2023 at 17:04hrs | | by Patrick Guramatunhu
CCC fishing for coalition but will participate in 2023 no matter what for same reason - greed
"At the outset I wish to affirm your Constitutional right to stand for President. My only questions, Sir, are: One - Do you realise that all you are going to do is divide those opposed to Zanu-PF, whi...Published: 17 Jan 2023 at 19:29hrs | | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'What leadership invest in violence?' asked Chamisa - a dictatorship and after 23 years you have done nothing to end it
"If you have support why are so violent, so heartless against citizens even the elderly? And why should bases and vigilante groups be allowed around the country? Are we now worse than animals? What le...Published: 12 Jan 2023 at 18:25hrs | 12 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'CCC will win big 2023!' bombardment is relentless. Real challenge, educate povo to know it's all wishful thinking
"2023 IS A YEAR FOR CHANGE. 2023 brings hope, dignity and prosperity.May this year be the year Zimbabwe becomes free, happy and prosperous. This time Citizens will WIN BIG & celebrate BIG....Published: 04 Jan 2023 at 01:11hrs | 3 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'Generals will not salute Chamisa' said Chombo. How carelessly he speaks treason, name them
"Chamisa himself knows he is too small to be saluted by these men of war. These generals are waiting for their turn on the presidency and this can only happen when Zanu PF is in power, so even if Zanu...Published: 04 Jan 2023 at 01:02hrs | | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Draconian PVO Bill passed, shrinking democratic space to a singularity point. CCC will participate in 2023, regardless. Why?
"Zimbabwe democratic space narrows ahead of 2023 polls" screamed the Bulawayo24 article!"In December alone, critical developments that undermine democracy have unfolded. Most notably, th...Published: 27 Dec 2022 at 19:14hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'Zimbabweans are serial plan B people!' Where is plan B if millions are in the dark and starving
"Zimbabwe did not become a failed state overnight. The collapse of the country happened over a period of decades, starting as early as the 1980s," wrote Malaika Mahlatsi in an article circulating in m...Published: 15 Dec 2022 at 10:01hrs | | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'It is nice to call the US$40k to MPs a loan, it is a bribe' admitted Chamisa - his first tacit admission he too was bribed
Renemanyanga hariputirwi!" (The one whose defects stick out like horns cannot hide them forever. They will stick out!) so goes the Shona saying. Nelson Chamisa and his CCC friends are corrupt ...Published: 07 Dec 2022 at 08:59hrs | 2 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'EU turns to Zanu-PF as prospect of opposition govt fades' - we only have ourselves to blame for this
"EU turns to Zanu-PF as prospects of opposition govt fades" screamed the headlines in Bulawayo24. Of course, every thinking Zimbabwean out there must be disappointed the EU has given up the fight end ...Published: 01 Dec 2022 at 14:12hrs | 3 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'It's foolish participating in rigged elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy' admitted Biti in 2015 - of course, has known this al
"Look, you can't keep on participating in flawed electoral processes that serve to give big benefits to dictators such as Robert Mugabe. Mugabe has perfected the art of winning elections. So it will b...Published: 21 Nov 2022 at 09:42hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Chamisa endorsed Zim's Commonwealth readmission regardless 2023 elections are being rigged - his 'Easy Street' down payment
The important thing is Chamisa has endorsed Zimbabwe's readmission into the Commonwealth before the 2023 elections, in his usual long winded and confused way.Chamisa and his CCC team met the C...Published: 18 Nov 2022 at 12:46hrs | 2 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'Zimbabwe is indeed open for business!' Yeah right! 1 - 5 = -ve 4 not +ve 4!
"Zimbabwe is indeed open for business including our air space where Ethiopian Airways had its maiden trip to Bulawayo today. There was water canon salute for the inaugural Ethiopian airlines flight co...Published: 30 Oct 2022 at 20:30hrs | 2 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
SADC's foolish tous pour un, un pour tous over sanctions must NOT spill into 2023 Zanu PF rigged elections
Zanu PF is blatantly rigging the 2023 elections and the party knows that there is real danger of SADC and AU condemning the process and deny Zanu PF legitimacy as happened after the 2008 elections. Th...Published: 27 Oct 2022 at 22:09hrs | 2 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Zanu PF rigged 2018 and, with no reforms, is likewise rigging 2023 - holy grail is to deny it legitimacy
There are three questions anyone serious about getting Zimbabwe out of this economic and political mess must asked oneself, a CCC supporter and, most important of all, any CCC leaders including Nelson...Published: 20 Sep 2022 at 09:14hrs | | by Patrick Guramatunhu
UK has new PM, 8th since 1980, Truss too will be booted out if she fail - Zim on 2nd, both way, way past 'use-by date'
The British people have a new Prime Minister, the 8th one since 1980! Liz Truss 2022 - present ...Published: 07 Sep 2022 at 10:11hrs | 11 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'I am sending you to Pharaoh!' twittered Chamisa - being conned to believe the upstart is Moses!
Referring to the biblical situation, CCC leader President Nelson Chamisa assured the nation of the anticipated freedom from Zanu PF repression."THE CRIES HAVE BEEN HEARD…And now the cry ...Published: 22 Aug 2022 at 11:11hrs | 3 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'We're winning (2023) Big! Faka pressure!' claim Chamisa - Doesn't even know who is piling what pressure and on whom?
For the first twenty years of our independence the nation trusted the late Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF cronies whole heartedly, they were the liberation war heroes and heroines would could do no wro...Published: 05 Aug 2022 at 09:44hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Chamisa resorting to double-Dutch to sell autocratic CCC - anything to avoid demanding Truss vs Sunak democratic slug
"It (CCC party structures) is a dead issue, a non-issue really," Chamisa said. "We are introducing fresh politics and new culture and, of course, it will have a new structure carrying within it new st...Published: 27 Jul 2022 at 13:05hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'ED is Zanu PF's 2023 presidential candidate' Chiwenga (grudgingly) endorsed - which Zanu PF rigging to guaranteed legitimacy, t
The 2017 military coup that removed the late Robert Mugabe from office was about power and not good governance, as the coup plotters’ spin-doctors would...Published: 23 Jul 2022 at 20:52hrs | 2 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
SA will slam door shut to Zimbabwean refugees - all we ask, please stop endorsing rigged elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy
Zimbabwe is a textbook case failed state – a pariah state ruled by corrupt, incompetent and lawless thugs who have rigged elections to cement their iron grip on power. 42 years of criminal waste of ...Published: 20 Jul 2022 at 21:53hrs | 11 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'Only Chamisa and Kasukuwere can deliver us out of this hell!' Nonsense they're problem cannot be the solution too!
"There are two people at the moment who can deliver Zimbabweans from where we find ourselves in, some of us are just helpers and we are only mobilising 10%. These two people are Nelson Chamisa and Sav...Published: 16 Jul 2022 at 20:24hrs | 13 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'Can elect a bad CCC government or worse Zanu PF one' - being tricked into giving Zanu PF legitimacy again
"But Coltart, a comparison of 'worse' and 'bad' does not make the 'bad' good," was Professor Jonathan Moyo's answer to David Coltart, CCC Treasurer General's hypothetical choice between "bad CCC gover...Published: 11 Jul 2022 at 09:23hrs | 13 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Boris is still PM, he never 'mentioned resign' - fake news to sooth jarred regime change sensitive nerves
"We must all remember that until a British Prime minister talks to the Queen he will not resign without her majesty's consent. So, until then Johnson is very much the Prime minister. Not once in his s...Published: 11 Jul 2022 at 09:12hrs | 9 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'Zimbabwe elections are game of thuggery and violence' - Our fault, 'kurumwa nechokuchera!'
"Our peace activists say each time an election date is announced, fear grips the communities. This is not how things must be. Elections must bring joy to citizens that they now have an opportunity aga...Published: 06 Jul 2022 at 11:27hrs | 12 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Will 11 SADC leaders ask Rwanda CHOGM 2022 to follow them and lower election standard to readmit Zimbabwe
Rwanda is hosting the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2022 next week, 20 to 25 June 2022. President Mnangagwa has, no doubt, been lobbying hard for Zimbabwe to be re-admitted to the C...Published: 19 Jun 2022 at 21:16hrs | 13 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
There is no my vote is my secret, 'Death leaves no track record, voters do!' boasted Mnangagwa
"SaBuku pamberi, (Zanu PF) district chairman shure navanhu, councillor aripovo. Kwava kunovota." (Village headman will be in front, (Zanu PF) district chairman behind with the people and the local cou...Published: 14 May 2022 at 11:16hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
What's to celebrate; that independence replaced white oppressors with black ones?
On 18 April 2022 Zimbabweans should have been celebrating the country's 42 years of independence. For the overwhelming majority, there was really no cause to celebrate, and many did not bother. The pe...Published: 19 Apr 2022 at 22:37hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'There is room to improve conduct of elections' says ZCC – were rigged but will never admit, what a waste
In 2018 the EU Election Observer Mission stated in its final report that "the electoral commission lacked full independence and appeared to not always act in an impartial manner. The final results as ...Published: 03 Apr 2022 at 10:26hrs | 13 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Zanu PF rigged by elections, a foretaste for 2023: CCC will participate and complain as 'sore losers' - set template
In the 2013 harmonized elections Tendai Biti was the MDC-T candidate for Mount Pleasant, Harare constituency. On voting day, he witnessed youths being bused in to vote; they were clearly from outside ...Published: 31 Mar 2022 at 09:25hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'This time I assure you, there will be no rigging' proclaimed Chamisa - enough nauseating nonsense, let's implement reforms
When I heard Nelson Chamisa tell the 40 000 of his supporters in Gweru on Sunday that he will stop Zanu PF rigging the elections, I felt sick! I have heard the same promised before and knew then as I ...Published: 08 Mar 2022 at 14:05hrs | | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Zanu PF blamed for 2 Kwekwe machete murders - how many more must die before CCC finally implement reforms
The images of the brutal violence at the CCC rally in Kwe Kwe over the weekend is a reminder of the wanton violence of the 2008 elections. The nation had the golden opportunity to deal with this probl...Published: 01 Mar 2022 at 12:01hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Sexual exploitation of women as community relations chairman declare a job for a thigh
Dear, We write to highlight the unbecoming behavior of Murowa Community Relations Committee Chairman and the exploitation of women employees at Murowa Diamonds. The open zip chairman has decla...Published: 23 Feb 2022 at 19:20hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'We will protest rigged elections!' promised Chamisa - but why keep participating, it's insane
Insanity comes in all manner of degrees and disguises but have two things in common; one, it is mind bogglingly repetitive. Or as the great physicist Albert Einstein aptly put it, "insanity is doing t...Published: 23 Feb 2022 at 19:17hrs | | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Ramaphosa under pressure to decant indifference to Zanu PF rigging 2023 elections
The worsening economic situation in SA is forcing ANC to revisit its indifference to Zimbabwe's curse of rigged elections and bad governance. SA cannot afford a new wave of economic and/or political r...Published: 16 Feb 2022 at 13:09hrs | | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Suspending incapacitated teachers is flogging a starved horse - they're victims of mess not the culprits
In 2018 a Zimbabwe teacher was paid US$540 per month in US$. Since then, government paid them the equivalent in local currency but never bother to adjust the amount to keep pace with inflation. ...Published: 11 Feb 2022 at 11:47hrs | 2 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Americans lecturing Zanu PF on 'criteria for free elections' – umpteenth lecture, how naïve/patronising
"March by-elections and the 2023 harmonized elections give the Government of Zimbabwe a chance to show that #ZimVotesMatter, especially if it honors its c...Published: 21 Jan 2022 at 00:29hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
ANC calls for 'lifting of sanctions' against Cuba, etc but not Zimbabwe - new awakening condemn rigged elections too
"The #January8statement at @MYANC's 110th anniversary by @CyrilRamaphosa called for the unconditional lifting of sanctions against Cuba, solidarity with Palestine and Western Sahara, but was silent on...Published: 12 Jan 2022 at 17:29hrs | 11 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Mnangagwa use divide and rule tactic to force Chamisa to abandon #PRICECAMPAIGN
Divide and rule, it is a tried and tested tactic as old as human history that has worked, particularly in conquering those easily divided!Talk of easily divided, it really does not take much t...Published: 07 Jan 2022 at 06:58hrs | 14 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'We are ready to govern' boasted Chamisa - yet failed to implement even one key reform in 22 years
"We are ready to govern, we are ready to provide leadership, we are ready to create jobs and arrest inflation. Our government unlike that of Emmerson Mnangagwa is going to deliver joy and happiness to...Published: 13 Dec 2021 at 13:44hrs | 10 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
MDC still can't 'do the obvious - withdraw from (sham) elections' out of greed - will SADC continue punish povo for it
There is a real danger of Zimbabwe sending the wrong and confused message to SADC and the international community at large; yet again. SADC and the world at large want to know whether Zimbabweans want...Published: 26 Nov 2021 at 20:26hrs | 9 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'Zanu PF 2017 coup coalition has collapsed' hyenas are fighting fiercely - it's no place for timid MDC jackals
Zanu PF is a party of thugs who got into politics for the sake of securing political power, absolute power, and the influence and wealth it brings. They don't care about anything or anyone else. ...Published: 24 Nov 2021 at 10:32hrs | 13 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Lifting sanctions must not benefit 'those who steal' ED acolytes told to their faces - still, they did not hear
Zanu PF leaders and their acolytes know that sanctions are not the root cause of the country's economic meltdown and yet they continue to promote this false narrative purely for propaganda purposes. T...Published: 15 Nov 2021 at 20:30hrs | 12 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'Panicky Zanu-PF deploy riot Police' - no reforms means no economic recovery, civil unrest is inevitable
"Emmerson Mnangagwa's panicky administration has deployed hundreds of police officers, many in riot gear, in Harare amid fears of an imminent uprising, it has emerged," reported Zimeye."Securi...Published: 04 Nov 2021 at 06:16hrs | 2 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'Zanu PF has no policy of beating up people' - Both Zanu PF and MDC denials are now no.1 impediment to free elections
"If they are being harassed, beaten or threatened, they should report such cases to the police. The police is there to investigate if they receive those reports. But if they bring the reports to us as...Published: 01 Nov 2021 at 00:26hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'Remove the sanctions!' chorused SADC leaders on Anti-Sanctions Day - leaders cum howler monkeys
Man is a creature of reason and it is therefore most disconcerting when he starts to behave like one of the other animals, especially when the individual is in a position of power and authority. ...Published: 25 Oct 2021 at 20:51hrs | | by Patrick Guramatunhu
Will SADC national dialogue finally end King Mswati III absolute monarch - Zimbabweans watching like hawks
SADC has finally stepped in to try end the cycle of violence and political unrest in Eswatini. SA President Cyril Ramaphosa, who is also the current Chairperson of Chairperson of SADC's Organ on...Published: 25 Oct 2021 at 15:02hrs | 1 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
'Once cheated twice wiser' said Chamisa - how many times a day did Mugabe 'cheat' MDC on reforms during GNU
There are many reasons why Zimbabwe is in this economic and political mess. Many of those reasons will have something to do with the nation's inability to focus on the important matters; we have a fix...Published: 06 Oct 2021 at 09:47hrs | 13 | by Patrick Guramatunhu
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