Columnist / Prof jonathan moyo
When 'change champions' want to play and win through Zanu-PF players
Some things never cease to amaze. It is common cause that the loudest opposition politicians in Zimbabwe and their mouthpieces are given to presenting themselves as "the only change champions" and cla...Published: 05 Feb 2025 at 16:02hrs | 834 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Politics 101
The thing about politics is that while its study is scientific - which explains why political science is the original science found in such early iconic sources as Plato's Dialogues - its practice is ...Published: 16 Dec 2024 at 11:02hrs | 425 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Zimra goes after public transport operators
The government of Zimbabwe is desperate to raise money for the Fiscus. Public transport operators will no longer be able to buy Insurance unless they can prove they are Tax Compliant.The Zimbabwe ...Published: 13 Dec 2024 at 19:35hrs | 1082 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Tshabangu redeployments cannot be stopped by a court application
Should or could the court application by Welshman Ncube and 4 others have stopped or interdicted the announcement of the redeployments or reassignments of the leadership responsibilities of CCC MPs ma...Published: 13 Dec 2024 at 18:18hrs | 708 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Data from Freeman Chari is neither surprising nor new
ALTHOUGH INEXPLICABLY COMING OUT INCOMPLETE AND TOO LATE, data from Freeman Chari is neither surprising nor new. Tellingly, it vindicates ZEC and explains why:1. Nelson Chamisa did not m...Published: 24 Aug 2024 at 15:11hrs | 634 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
'Don't kill Chris Hani, again'
There's some ray of hope from Gauteng Premier Cde Panyaza Lesufi's cryptic message: "Don't kill Chris Hani Again." The White Monopoly Capital behind the Codesa negotiations to 'end apartheid' ...Published: 04 Jul 2024 at 13:04hrs | 11 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
First it was Chamisa, now it's Biti, who is next?
WHEN THE KITCHEN GETS HOT, THEY UNCEREMONIOUSLY BOLT OUT: FIRST IT WAS NELSON CHAMISA, NOW IT'S TENDAI BITI, WHO IS NEXT?The recent state of the conduct of leadership ranks in the Zimbab...Published: 10 Apr 2024 at 21:17hrs | 3 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Chamisa Praise and Worship' political circus
If a picture tells a thousand words, then these pictures of Nelson Chamisa displayed by Gift Ostallos Siziva and Amos Chibaya today at McDonald Community Hall in Mzilikazi township in Bulawayo tell th...Published: 11 Feb 2024 at 21:24hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Mature Zambian leader suspends SADC conclusion on DRC elections
SADC'S DRC ELECTORAL OBSERVATION MISSION 2023 PRELIMINARY REPORT SUSPENDS ITS CONCLUSION ON RECENT DRC ELECTIONSIn a rare but refreshing display of the ...Published: 29 Dec 2023 at 09:18hrs | 13 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Rival CCC candidates nominated to face a Zanu-PF candidate
The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has published an Election Notice with the names of local authority candidates nominated in some 28 wards for the 3 February 2024 by-elections.Some highlights:...Published: 28 Dec 2023 at 18:12hrs | 11 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Tshabangu's colleagues can recall CCC MPs
Some lunatics here are asking me if I've seen what they claim is the "latest" judgment by Justice Chitapi allegedly on Tshabangu's 'legitimacy', and if so, what's my opinion on it.The so-calle...Published: 27 Dec 2023 at 08:52hrs | 14 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Chamisa's facial image belongs to CCC founded by MDC Alliance
RIGHTS TO NELSON CHAMISA'S FACE IMAGE AS AN ELECTION SYMBOL BELONGS TO CCC FOUNDED BY MDC-A ON 22 JAN 2022, NOT TO CHAMISATHROUGH ONE OF THE LEGION OF THE LAWYERS acting for him and his beleag...Published: 19 Dec 2023 at 13:37hrs | 13 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Was the Emperor a Zanu-PF tortoise on some post
AND THE EMPEROR TOO, is also into stories of tortoises that have allegedly wreaked havoc in CCC?Well, well. Interesting. It is of course a refreshing break from the daily verses on the hour bu...Published: 17 Dec 2023 at 18:24hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Mnangagwa's election date proclamation is bad news
ON Wednesday, President Emmerson Mnangagwa gazetted a proclamation fixing August 23 as the date for the 2023 general elections. This might turn out to be a general election like no other before....Published: 31 May 2023 at 20:59hrs | 10 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Madhuku assisting Mnangagwa escape consequences of breaching constitution
WATCH: Whither Zimbabwe's Nationalist Project
Good Evening everyone, I'm very pleased to have this opportunity to share my ideas and views with you on the state of the Nationalist project in Zimbabwe. As I prepare to make my remarks I note that i...Published: 01 Dec 2017 at 14:39hrs | 3 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Jonathan Moyo's JM Nkomo Polytechnic Graduation Speech
Jonathan Moyo's inbox turned into an 'insult' box
It's been a hectic week for all of us. There were issues galore on the menu of the week. I spent virtually all week responding to hundreds of msgs in my inbox. And I mean hundreds! Many, in fact most,...Published: 16 Mar 2015 at 08:15hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Prof Jonathan Moyo's briefing to ZBC Board
INAUGURAL BRIEFING FOR THE ZIMBABWE BROADCASTING CORPORATION (ZBC) BOARD, POCKETS HILL, 29TH MAY, 2014.The Board Cha...Published: 30 May 2014 at 07:21hrs | 1 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Prof Jonathan Moyo's unedited statement o Mliswa allegations
The following is an unedited statement issued by Jonathan Moyo last night in reaction to allegations made against him by Temba Mliswa."The allegat...Published: 02 Apr 2014 at 11:36hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
'Independent or private media is a fallacy,' says Prof J Moyo
THE following is the full text of a public lecture delivered at the National University of Science and Technology by Professor Jonathan Moyo, the Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Servi...Published: 26 Nov 2013 at 15:01hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Magaisa is the clumsy architect of Tsvangirai's embarrassment
Is President Robert Mugabe required to issue the proclamation fixing the date of the next harmonised general election in consultation with Prime Morgan Tsvangirai - who must give his consent - in term...Published: 07 Apr 2013 at 05:46hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Tsvangirai helped save Mugabe from possible contempt of court charges
After having recently described himself effectively as neither a leader nor a player but as only a main actor, whose script and what role is Morgan Tsvangirai acting in his High Court bid filed las...Published: 01 Apr 2013 at 11:26hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Beatrice Mtetwa, Gideon Gono the 'Untouchables'
One repugnant conduct that has developed like a cancer in Zimbabwe and which now needs to be tackled head-on without fear or favour is the scourge of untouchables which is based on a corrupt presumpt...Published: 24 Mar 2013 at 10:21hrs | 2 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Gono has unleashed the Anti-Corruption body to scuttle indigenisation of banks
If like most rational people you believe that everything happens for a reason, then you must be among the many who are wondering about the reasons behind the unprocedural, illegal and unlawful actions...Published: 18 Mar 2013 at 05:24hrs | 1 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Revolutionary essence of the historic indigenisation reform programme
What is the revolutionary essence of the historic indigenisation reform programme and what are its ideological, legal and policy ramifications?It has become necessary to unpack this question i...Published: 03 Feb 2013 at 06:30hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Copac's moment of truth - Prof Jonathan Moyo
After a series of time-wasting stop-starts and foreign intrusions punctuated by a litany of false stalemates caused by the self-evident political immaturity and inexperience of some of its key gladiat...Published: 26 Aug 2012 at 13:45hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Copac final draft: A study in mischief
If the truth were to be told without fear or favour - something which has become an endangered species in these treacherous GPA times that are heavily influenced by outsiders some of whom like the EU ...Published: 24 Jul 2012 at 04:48hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo, MP
Unpacking the Sadc Luanda summit
IF there is one very shameful thing that has characterised the GPA politics of the last four years, it is the dangerous notion that the MDC formations have brought into Government whose treacherous im...Published: 04 Jun 2012 at 08:55hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo, MP
Time to end Copac gladiators’ ride - Prof J Moyo
If the idea that every dog has its day is indeed true, then the day has come for Copac to be parked.This is because as Copac's final moment of reckoning beckons, with its discredited drafters who ...Published: 25 Mar 2012 at 05:05hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Time for national wisdom to prevail
So Morgan Richard Tsvangirai has become so desperate that he has found it politically profitable to blatantly and irresponsibly incite his members to unleash violence by getting them to view the forth...Published: 19 Mar 2012 at 11:17hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Copac has to put up or shut up
If there is one thing that has become very telling and totally objectionable about Copac's now ill-fated constitution-making process and its treacherous drafting outcomes, it is the sinister and thus...Published: 05 Mar 2012 at 06:57hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Time for Copac to pack up and drafters to drift away
As confusion continues to reign in Copac, the startling disclosure by Cde Munyaradzi Paul Mangwana that 70 percent of the treacherous content of Copac's first draft constitution published by The Hera...Published: 24 Feb 2012 at 04:19hrs | 1 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo, MP
The new disaster in MDC-T
Whereas all along the "T" suffix in MDC-T was thought or understood to mean or represent "Tsvangirai", it now turns out that in some pretty influential quarters it means "Theresa" (Makone). In other e...Published: 08 Jan 2012 at 15:45hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Tsvangirai's open-zip policy, what is his HIV status?
If Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has one fatal character weakness which defines his persona and leadership or lack thereof, it is that just like he typically approaches national issues with an op...Published: 05 Dec 2011 at 07:06hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo, MP
Zimbabwe parliament speaker Moyo missing log in his eye
ON Monday the Speaker of the House of Assembly Lovemore Moyo, who calls himself the Speaker of Parliament when no such office exists in the Legislature since Parliament refers to both the House and ...Published: 31 Jul 2011 at 16:04hrs | 1 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo, MP
Zimbabwe's struggle for democracy and human rights did not start in 2000
The Third Way is not about me but I fully support it and I am fully committed to its success in the interest of safeguarding and enhancing our democracy, economic development and sovereignty as Zimbab...Published: 24 Jul 2011 at 08:24hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Why has Lindiwe Zulu become a recklessly willing friend of Zanu-PF's enemies
Lindiwe Zulu is at it again.Have you noticed how some electoral cowards and their supporting retinue of media miscreants in the UK, US and EU led regime change campaign are trying to take t...Published: 19 Jul 2011 at 11:11hrs | 1 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo, MP
MDC-T threat to Zimbabwe's national security
IMPERIAL Germans who have the dubious distinction of twice starting two catastrophic world wars in 1914 and 1939 have a warped saying — whose fatal logic best explains how and why t...Published: 03 Jul 2011 at 05:58hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo, MP
Sadc's Livingstone report is now for historians: Prof J Moyo
Given that Zimbabwe is due to have its second harmonised general election this year in terms of the September 15, 2008 GPA negotiated, agreed and signed by Zanu-PF and the two MDC formations, and ack...Published: 18 Jun 2011 at 23:04hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo, MP
There is no big brother in Sadc
If there are some people who are in for a rude awakening this week, it's the mindless regime change scribes and their handlers whose wishful thinking is that President Jacob Zuma will use the extrao...Published: 08 Jun 2011 at 11:24hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Mugabe must go now: Prof Jonathan Moyo
PERENNIAL wisdom from divine revelation and human experience dictates that all earthly things great or small, beautiful or ugly, good or bad, sad or happy, foolish or wise must finally come to ...Published: 04 Mar 2011 at 12:03hrs | | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
Zimbabwe is not Tunisia or Egypt
GIVEN the political turmoil which has engulfed North Africa, the Middle East and the Gulf (NAMEG) region in recent weeks, can a twitter-driven Facebook revolution in the style of what has happene...Published: 28 Feb 2011 at 06:04hrs | 1 | by Prof Jonathan Moyo
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