Columnist / Reason wafawarova
Chamisa in the shadows of political darkness
Justice Alfred Mavedzenge has done a very informative analysis on the behavior of Nelson Chamisa, and the radical change in his political personality since his ZINASU days of a firebrand student polit...Published: 06 Mar 2025 at 15:08hrs | 615 | by Reason Wafawarova
Why unity is unachievable for Chamisa's MDC
Leading to election 2018, we saw the formation of what is now called the MDC - Alliance on the backdrop of massive campaigning for a united front against Zanu-PF, not around a common cause or unity of...Published: 13 May 2019 at 08:47hrs | 3 | by Reason Wafawarova
Zimbabwe opposition and lost opportunities
Election 2018 was largely considered a landmark event for the different meanings and opportunities that were attached to it, particularly for the new faces in the presidential race, Emmerson Mnangagwa...Published: 29 Apr 2019 at 06:48hrs | 1 | by Reason Wafawarova
Revolution is the great teacher
Those living in luxury from the exploitation and suffering of others have traditionally always been opposed to emancipation struggles; they continue to be opposed to such struggles by the people today...Published: 22 Apr 2019 at 08:33hrs | 7 | by Reason Wafawarova
Value the national interest
Since the days of the French thinker, Niccolo Machiavelli, the primacy of the national interest has always formed the basis of foreign policy, and has been the foundation of every country's strength o...Published: 08 Apr 2019 at 06:39hrs | | by Reason Wafawarova
We cannot blame Nelson Chamisa without blaming all of us
We are under sanctions from the United States, the European Union and other Western outposts like Australia, New Zealand and Canada, and the ruin of the sanctions is without doubt. Our industr...Published: 18 Mar 2019 at 06:40hrs | 1 | by Reason Wafawarova
The disconnect in electoral democracy
Every four years the world is drawn to watch in awe as the United States chooses their next president, even to the point of fanatically following the bi-partisan primary election races, prominent of w...Published: 11 Mar 2019 at 07:06hrs | 1 | by Reason Wafawarova
Let us work for and defend Zimbabwe
We are in the second Republic, the christened new dispensation, and we are in the process of economically re-engaging the Western world, and I do not in anyway wish to undermine the decent efforts of ...Published: 04 Mar 2019 at 07:24hrs | 2 | by Reason Wafawarova
Rule of law cannot be matter of opinion
We live in this modern world that the United States purports to lead with God-ordained civility; yet in it the rule of law has been reduced to a matter of opinion, as has become the concept of democra...Published: 24 Feb 2019 at 22:31hrs | 2 | by Reason Wafawarova
Only Chamisa has the economic keys to revive the Zimbabwean economy?
When Nelson Chamisa opines alongside foreign interests that nothing has changed since November 2017, the idea is to defeat today's ZANU-PF by psychological association to the leadership of former pres...Published: 11 Feb 2019 at 09:46hrs | 1 | by Reason Wafawarova
Why Africa finds it hard to support Chamisa's MDC
On the 11th of March 2007 the world woke up to shocking images of the bashed faces of Morgan Tsvangirai, Lovemore Madhuku and others after the police had forcibly dispersed an opposition organised gat...Published: 04 Feb 2019 at 07:56hrs | | by Reason Wafawarova
Chamisa badly wants a deal with Mnangagwa
FROM the time Nelson Chamisa entered mainstream politics as the youth chairman for the then newly formed MDC in 1999, his ambitions were quite evident. At the time all he was armed with was political ...Published: 27 Nov 2018 at 06:19hrs | 3 | by Reason Wafawarova
Abuse of media privilege
WHENEVER people talk about the media and journalism, phrases such as "media responsibility," "media ethics," "objective reporting," "public interest," "national interest", or "balanced coverage" are o...Published: 29 Oct 2018 at 05:35hrs | 1 | by Reason Wafawarova
Democracy, elections bad for collective cause
SOMETHING is going wrong with democracy. Something has gone wrong with democracy. It was the most successful political idea of the 21st century, but increasingly democracy is running into trouble, not...Published: 20 Aug 2018 at 05:53hrs | 1 | by Reason Wafawarova
Why elections are bad for democracy
Brexit was a turning point in the history of Western democracy in general, and that of Britain in particular. A drastic decision was taken through a one round referendum based on a simple majority, an...Published: 13 Aug 2018 at 06:42hrs | 2 | by Reason Wafawarova
New dispensation and the rotten apple theory
Election 2018 is over, and it ended with telling lessons for the two main parties in the race. Zanu-PF nearly paid the ultimate price for years of infighting; something that clearly affected the outco...Published: 06 Aug 2018 at 07:14hrs | 1 | by Reason Wafawarova
Biti anoints himselves custodian of all Ndebele memory
It has become common practice that political foes often depart from the conventional meaning of common vocabulary with astonishing flaccidity, that one would think they take the world to be populated ...Published: 16 Jul 2018 at 06:52hrs | 1 | by Reason Wafawarova
Delusions of Zimbabwe intellectuals
JUST like the media, intellectualism is often overrated as both a source of truth and of accurate information - more so in the field of socio-political commentary.Blatantly partial academic po...Published: 09 Jul 2018 at 07:52hrs | 1 | by Reason Wafawarova
Election 2018, the propaganda model
French author Jean-Marie Domenach defines propaganda as "an attempt to influence the opinion and the conduct of a society in such a way that the people adopt a predetermined opinion and conduct." John...Published: 21 May 2018 at 07:22hrs | | by Reason Wafawarova
Chamisa: All confidence & no substance: Exciting road to defeat
Nelson Chamisa is a great gentleman with admirable determination and an exceptional drive of ambition. He inherited a political outfit that was at the crossroads because the then leader was simply exh...Published: 14 May 2018 at 06:45hrs | | by Reason Wafawarova
Politicians must deliver on promises
Every politician knows that the key to winning elections is to make great promises. Nelson Chamisa in apparent novice excitement of taking over the MDC-T leadership after the death of Morgan Tsvangira...Published: 07 May 2018 at 07:11hrs | 2 | by Reason Wafawarova
MDC-T's history of failure
In October 2012, Nelson Chamisa wrote a piece titled "MDC-T: Last mile towards real change," where he stated Zimbabwe "saunters towards the demise of the ultimate phase of a hard transition."H...Published: 16 Apr 2018 at 07:26hrs | 3 | by Reason Wafawarova
From Generation 40 to Bitterness 40
ZANU-PF has a life beyond any of its members, as indeed is supposed to happen with all well-established organisations — they outlive their members and they perpetuate themselves.This is what...Published: 15 Jan 2018 at 05:22hrs | 2 | by Reason Wafawarova
Mugabe will go down in history an iconic figure of principle
OUR past is rich in history; the sacred sacrifices made by the founding fathers of this nation alongside many sons and daughters who perished for our freedom can never be overlooked.From the e...Published: 11 Dec 2017 at 04:11hrs | 2 | by Reason Wafawarova
Zimbabwe Election 2018: The prospects
Zimbabwe is once again heading into another election, as has become the norm, every five years since 1980.We are one of the few countries that did not start off as a one party state after we a...Published: 09 Oct 2017 at 16:00hrs | | by Reason Wafawarova
Legacy is about ideas, not power
Our political culture in Africa can be dangerous for democracy in its Aristotelian sense. We somehow believe politics to be an art based on the invincibility of political leaders, and this expectation...Published: 22 Aug 2016 at 06:20hrs | 1 | by Reason Wafawarova
National flag not a weapon of war
In our flag the youth must find new inspiration for loyalty to Zimbabwe, not the incitement to rebel against our own core values. In our flag the youth must find the inspiration for patriotism based n...Published: 18 Jul 2016 at 06:33hrs | 2 | by Reason Wafawarova
Zanu-PF in opposition to itself
NOW that the opposition monster that rose at the dawn of the 21st Century has in every sense of the word imploded into irreversible self-destruction, it appears Zanu-PF cannot thrive without the once ...Published: 04 Feb 2016 at 05:20hrs | | by Reason Wafawarova
Politics of factionalism
THE pestiferous culture of factionalism makes the concept itself a complex one, and it is not easy to give an easy definition of this inevitable scourge in politics. It is neither true nor fac...Published: 21 Jan 2016 at 05:16hrs | | by Reason Wafawarova
Democracy, revolution are inseparable
Just as an atheist can freely sin without thinking of the consequences, our politicians have over the years hidden behind the rhetoric of either democracy or revolution their shortcomings, chief among...Published: 14 Jan 2016 at 05:08hrs | | by Reason Wafawarova
Zanu-PF: a genuinely nationalist party
IF there are any political parties in Africa known for nationalism today, certainly Zanu-PF will be counted among them. It is a party founded on nationalism, rooted in the liberation legacy that broug...Published: 27 Mar 2015 at 11:03hrs | | by Reason Wafawarova
Zimbabweans are the masters of decoloniality
WHEN some of us write about decoloniality and post-coloniality, there are those that are quick to point out that it makes little sense to write all this stuff "from the comfort of imperialist countrie...Published: 19 Aug 2013 at 05:37hrs | 1 | by Reason Wafawarova
Morgan Tsvangirai - Small man in a big chair
Before Morgan Tsvangirai entered the world of governance he enjoyed a rather stupendous mass of sympathy support, both at home and abroad. This was precisely because opposition politics was merely ab...Published: 17 May 2013 at 05:24hrs | 2 | by Reason Wafawarova
Tsvangirai's political career has been the white man's burden
RECENTLY George W Bush was publicly dressed down by Zambia's Michael Sata in an incident seen by some as a light-hearted exchange, yet viewed as a major diplomatic mishap in some quarters.The ...Published: 16 Jul 2012 at 17:45hrs | | by Reason Wafawarova
Zimbabwe: The rise of spectator democracy
WHEN Woodrow Wilson was elected to the presidency of the United States in 1916 his administration was committed to joining World War I at a time the US population was so pacifist that it saw no reaso...Published: 30 Jun 2012 at 16:14hrs | | by Reason Wafawarova
The bogeyman of white supremacy
The documentary "Mugabe and the White African" is quite unbearable to watch, more for its outrageous propaganda content and much less for the vile and depraved image of Robert Mugabe it vainly attempt...Published: 19 May 2012 at 09:09hrs | | by Reason Wafawarova
Who is Zimbabwe's true revolutionary
This writer was a mere 13-year-old on the eve of Zimbabwe's national independence in April 1980. Then there was an enigmatic political atmosphere pitting the overrated and defeated camp of capitalist-...Published: 11 Feb 2012 at 13:13hrs | 1 | by Reason Wafawarova
The Arab stolen revolution
After Israel and its Western backers defeated Arab nationalism in 1967, a solicitous Nizar Qabbani emotionally called for the rekindling of the Arab fighting spirit.He wrote in a poem:...Published: 09 Jan 2012 at 04:59hrs | 1 | by Reason Wafawarova
The murderous western touch
So now Muammar Gaddafi has died; apparently after being incapacitated by the fire power of US drones and French gunship bombers, and left to face a very primitively ruthless death at the hands of the ...Published: 27 Oct 2011 at 05:24hrs | | by Reason Wafawarova
Democracy: Tyranny of the elected
QUINTIN MCGAREL HOGG, Lord Hailsham of St Marylebone once called the British House of Commons "an elected tyranny," and recent mass protests that were wrongly named in the media as "riots" and describ...Published: 18 Aug 2011 at 04:58hrs | 2 | by Reason Wafawarova
Revolution: Betrayal versus reason
A SLAVE who does not organise his own rebellion deserves no pity for his lot. He alone is responsible for his misfortune, especially if he harbours illusions in the dubious assurances of a master's pr...Published: 28 Jul 2011 at 05:12hrs | | by Reason Wafawarova
Reverence for hatred of democracy
THE truism that characterises US meddling in the political affairs of weaker nations can be the Reaganite "democracy enhancement", the Bush II "democratisation," or the Blairite "democracy promotion,"...Published: 21 Jul 2011 at 04:36hrs | | by Reason Wafawarova
Thwarting independent nationalism
IT is not archaic reasoning and neither is it "Cold War rhetoric" to note that the real enemy of the United States and its Western allies has long been independent nationalism, particularly when it t...Published: 14 Jul 2011 at 03:32hrs | | by Reason Wafawarova
Osama, Obama Hussein in Operation Odyssey
THE West has turned a deaf ear to claims by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi that the so-called protests in Libya are in fact not protests from the people of Libya, but a complex opportunistic ...Published: 31 Mar 2011 at 05:13hrs | 1 | by Reason Wafawarova
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