Columnist / Reginald thabani gola
Africa'second revolution whose time has come: Breaking-away from oppressive partisan poverty politics
The high-sounding and inspirational liberation of the entire of Africa by political parties and liberation movements that lost its cause! The law-abiding citizens that have been reduced to the level o...Published: 05 Sep 2019 at 21:20hrs | 4 | by Reginald Thabani Gola
The Christian attack against the native family and The Native Religion Beyond Jerusalem! Rome and London
"I have travelled across the length and breath of africa and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief such wealth I have seen in this country such high moral values, people of ...Published: 25 Aug 2019 at 22:36hrs | | by Reginald Thabani Gola
Democracy and philanthropism in governance and five of Africa's most rare men in politics
Democracy is a system of governance in which the people choose their leaders by voting for them in elections. ... Philanthropy is free-giving of help or money to those in need. Governance is control o...Published: 25 Aug 2019 at 22:34hrs | 2 | by Reginald Thabani Gola
Botswana! The sinking of Africa's democracy basket
It was difficult to remain as silent when Africa's jewel of democracy took seat and comfort upon an imminent time bomb.The growing conflict between the most recent former president, Lt. Genera...Published: 26 Mar 2019 at 06:58hrs | 2 | by Reginald Thabani Gola
African religion comprises of witches, satanists, spiritualists, spirit mediums
African religion comprises of witches, satanists, spiritualists, spirit mediums, healers, kings and queens. While Christianity remains as that or those institutions preaching, teaching and prophesying...Published: 18 Feb 2019 at 14:50hrs | 13 | by Reginald Thabani Gola
Zimbabwe's ingenious intelligence services and a liability Head of State
That shocking erroneous diagnosis grossly lacking real intelligence! Deliberate or otherwise! The inability to see and act on that daily shimmering hot potato pot since the first of August 2018! ...Published: 04 Feb 2019 at 14:36hrs | | by Reginald Thabani Gola
From Great Zimbabwe to Zimbabwe Ruins with Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa
With great good hope Zimbabweans of all polical affiliation, race, colour and creed poured-out onto the streets, led by Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, to tell Mugabe of The Enough of the journey from Th...Published: 10 Jan 2019 at 12:33hrs | 2 | by Reginald Thabani Gola.
Zimbabwe's impressive cabinet line-up under a severe parliamentary vaccuum
For the first time in history, the new president has made constructive use of the specially elected parliamentarians window.From this window the president has addressed key discrepancies to br...Published: 19 Sep 2018 at 13:35hrs | 1 | by Reginald Thabani Gola.
The retired general Chiwenga siege of the Zimbabwe Nurses Assiciation
Military rule governs more by an iron fist than sanity! Breathes more by the hand than the nostrils! Feels more by the foot than the heart! Relies more on emotional turbo-drive Animal Farm judgment th...Published: 24 Apr 2018 at 23:32hrs | 1 | by Evangelist Reginald Thabani Gola
My hero EDM has gambled-away my enthusiastic vote
Zimbabwe president Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa (EDM) once owned my heart as the world's most powerful man for a fortnight! I am on record as fighting his public battles for a fortnight! The only-one t...Published: 21 Apr 2018 at 21:04hrs | | by Evangelist Reginald Thabani Gola
Mnangagwa's short-lived glory!
President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa (EDM) remains as a most accomplished game-changer history-maker who cheated the local witches in his mother's womb and beyond! The colonial gallows at youth for h...Published: 05 Apr 2018 at 07:01hrs | 1 | by Evangelist Reginald Thabani Gola
How Munangagwa gambled-away opportunity for instant unlocking of international confidence on his leadership!
Zimbabwean president, Emmerson Dambudzo Munangagwa had made an extra-ordinary beginning into power with the people, for the people, by the people and through the people. This was evidenced in both the...Published: 05 Feb 2018 at 07:19hrs | 2 | by Evangelist Reginald Thabani Gola
The unmaking of President Emmerson Mnangagwa's first 100 days in office
This remains as a devastating betrayal of what had passed the mark as a most seasoned and immeasurably impressive start for Zimbabwe's God-given miraculous survivor president, Emmerson Mnangagwa! Back...Published: 22 Jan 2018 at 19:10hrs | | by Reginald Thabani Gola
Mnangagwa must just halt the automobile deal for both Chiefs and Parliamentarians
A most harrowing experience of priorities in the first hundred days of Zimbabwean new President Emnerson Mnangagwa in a most fragile economy that needs real exclusive mid-wifery skills!The pre...Published: 22 Jan 2018 at 19:00hrs | | by Evangelist Reginald Thabani Gola
Mnangagwa's extra-ordinary track-record of escape
A child of the revolution, nurtured on the perennial run, from childhood to the present age of 75. Multiple narrow escapes! Emmerson Munangagwa's multiple escapes remain too extra-ordinary to ...Published: 11 Dec 2017 at 06:24hrs | 1 | by Reginald Thabani Gola
Mugabe's long over-due departure in Zimbabwe was God's will
The stubbornness! Cruelty! Satanic Wisdom! Extreme Greed! Blank Cheque Anointing for corruption! Brave Viciousness! Open Malice! And high desire to dominate by hook or crook moved the hand of God upon...Published: 01 Dec 2017 at 09:53hrs | 1 | by Evangelist Reginald Thabani Gola
Cry the beloved Zimbabwe, as Zanu-PF closes shop
When the gigantic snake repeatedly misses the target and all its venomous blows land upon itself, in the presence of highly mobilised enemies, it surely becomes easy prey even to the oldest and fully ...Published: 06 Oct 2017 at 15:53hrs | 1 | by Reginald Thabani Gola
Grace Mugabe, the least expected to humiliate any woman in a polygamous marriage
When women rise against women! Tear each other apart! Humiliate one another on the street! At funerals! At social clubs and at Comrade Chinx's house hand-over, who then would respect them before they ...Published: 07 May 2017 at 09:45hrs | | by Reginald Thabani Gola
Mind your language Mr Morgan Tsvangirai
Morgan Tsvangirai protocol team needs an urgent reshuffle for over-sleeping on the job leaving the president's loose-tongue unstrategically on the run.Tsvangirai grossly suffers from a devasta...Published: 04 May 2017 at 18:09hrs | | by Reginald Thabani Gola
Mbofana's shallow prophetic gymnastics
Mbofana has, of late emerged with poorly researched loose-cannon wanton-attacks on modern Christianity! On prophets, apostles, pastors, evangelists and teachers in the five-fold domain.Mbofana...Published: 29 Apr 2017 at 13:55hrs | 5 | by Evangelist Reginald Thabani Gola
Worship and Honour revisited: Kneeling-down in the presence of an anointed Man of God
Today's Christians of all-levels have avoided informed familiarity with the sctiptures! They have taken to scriptural quick-fixes! Over-sped, and, in the process, overtaken the real scriptures, and, t...Published: 27 Apr 2017 at 07:55hrs | 1 | by Evangelist Reginald Thabani Gola
When scriptural fraud and spiritual illiteracy dominate at high levels
The current hurried wave of religion sweeping over Africa, driven by "Man of God" of all sorts, has, in some cases, brought more both scriputural and spiritual confusion than emancipation.A fe...Published: 27 Apr 2017 at 07:52hrs | | by Evangelist Reginald Thabani Gola
How Grace Mugabe destroyed Zanu-PF
"Dr" Grace Mugabe and her fellow mostly hired Zanu-PF immigrants invaded the gigantic militant institution and triggered high exodus of key stakeholders. Some, among the migrants, founding fathers...Published: 28 Mar 2017 at 17:36hrs | | by Reginald Thabani Gola
Zimbabwe will not afford another leadership vacuum
Zimbabweans should naturally be clamouring to fill-up its about 10 year leadership vacuum with the evisaged departure of sitting president Robert Gabriel Mugabe by either electoral or natural mean...Published: 15 Mar 2017 at 11:51hrs | 1 | by Reginald Thabani Gola
Pastor Evans Mawarire was ill-advised in the US
It was a sad story to learn that a sober Man of God now aspires for State House through further scatter of the electorate by default. It was most sad that he has failed to acknowledge the oppositi...Published: 15 Mar 2017 at 11:48hrs | | by Reginald Thabani Gola
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