Columnist / Rejoice ngwenya
Hamba Kahle ANC, we won't miss you!
IF you are not following the unfolding electoral drama south of the Limpopo River, you can't be real.When South Africa votes, Zimbabwe catches a proverbial cold. And for good reason.Of...Published: 03 Jun 2024 at 08:16hrs | 30 | by Rejoice Ngwenya
Unpacking Zimbabwe's 'well-educated' myth
The widely acclaimed narrative - correlation fallacy - that Zimbabweans are "well educated" and are some of the highly literate people on this continent is a myth. Myths build egos, not economies; nei...Published: 09 Jun 2023 at 06:47hrs | 80 | by Rejoice Ngwenya
Harare-Mutare Highway urgently needs widening
MUTARE Highway passes through the dormitory town of Ruwa. When the highway was designed, it was meant to also serve Ruwa, Mabvuku-Tafara, Msasa, Greendale, Hillside and Eastlea.Ruwa has since ...Published: 23 Feb 2022 at 05:53hrs | 9 | by Rejoice Ngwenya Ruwa resident
The other side of Rhodesia’s education system
One of, if not the only critical aspect of the Rhodesian educational system was that it was inspired with skills. Of course, there is tons of empirical evidence on the vices of institutionalised racia...Published: 24 May 2019 at 15:39hrs | 74 | by Rejoice Ngwenya
Mugabe gets rare praises
If there is one thing that former Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe is commendable for – and coming from me, such a compliment is a bit of a jaw-dropping, tide turner – was his unwavering comm...Published: 28 Apr 2019 at 14:02hrs | | by Rejoice Ngwenya
Thokozani Khupe's Triple Jeopardy
Life is amazing. If you are lucky, you might just be in the right place at the right time and things turn out great for you. Sometimes you have it all planned, but bang! in a flash of an eye, you miss...Published: 28 Jan 2018 at 11:31hrs | 1 | by Rejoice Ngwenya,
Poverty, Mugabe's evil*tionary trick of subjugating 'educated' Zimbabweans
I cannot recall. Napoleon, Machiavelli, Stalin or Mao - it must be one of these ancient eccentrics who coined a phrase - or more appropriately - whose philosophical predisposition was that if one want...Published: 29 Oct 2017 at 09:56hrs | | by Rejoice Ngwenya
Response to 'Biti's big bite of opposition cake'
Dear Editor I would like to respond briefly to the 'opinion piece' by Herald Political Editor, Tichaona Zindoga which appeared in the ZANU-PF - controlled broadsheet yesterday titled 'Bit...Published: 15 Jan 2016 at 11:23hrs | 1 | by Rejoice Ngwenya
Go Mujuru, I Say Go For It!
Every regular reader of this post - friend and foe - knows that I hardly cough without deliberately spewing generous doses of spittle on ZANU.PF, Robert Mugabe's party.I harbour such hatre...Published: 08 Dec 2014 at 08:48hrs | | by Rejoice Ngwenya
Of Good Whites (Landless) and Bad Blacks (Landfull)
I was born in Shurugwi, Zimbabwe and know a lot about a bad Whiteman called Ian Smith who had land. However, there were three other good whitemen in the same province:Pastor Adams, an amaz...Published: 14 Jul 2014 at 07:08hrs | | by Rejoice Ngwenya
Xtreme Opinion - Sweet life after death (of Zanu-PF)!
In Zimbabwe, it is taboo to discuss one's inevitable death, let alone celebrating prospective demise of another being. Death is so much loathed. Those 'permitted' to predict it are a thrifty few who a...Published: 18 Jul 2012 at 20:04hrs | | by Rejoice Ngwenya
Xtreme Opinion - Tsvangirai's 2013 Electoral Albatross
Iconic film-maker Animal Planet offers valuable lessons on African dictators. Even the largest of all predators, the lion, has its own pound-for-pound adversary â€â€â‰...Published: 20 Apr 2012 at 14:41hrs | 1 | by Rejoice Ngwenya
Blame it all on the Gushungo totem
THE single resolution I made this year is to reclaim my individual liberty, because if one is not free, he or she cannot participate in the liberation of others. But why do I feel enslaved even after ...Published: 11 Apr 2012 at 08:01hrs | 4 | by Rejoice Ngwenya
Xtreme Xperiences - Zimbabwe's Passport Auschwitz
Beneficiaries of Zanu-PF benevolence tend to dismiss such opinions as cruel concoctions by overzealous anti-establishment weirdoes. Yet for millions of Zimbabweans encountering disconcerting treatment...Published: 04 Apr 2012 at 12:10hrs | 2 | by Rejoice Ngwenya
My Next Sabbath Prayer on Zanu-PF
Xtreme Opinion to God This WeekOur Almighty God and Father in Heaven: on this Sabbath Day that thou hast created and sanctifi...Published: 21 Mar 2012 at 16:19hrs | | by Rejoice Ngwenya
The Art of Self-immolation - Zanu-PF style!
In skydiving circles, it is accepted – scientifically proven for that matter - a 'bullet-shape free fall' not secured with a chute may attract terminal velocit...Published: 15 Mar 2012 at 16:45hrs | 1 | by Rejoice Ngwenya
Evans Ndebele 1959 – 2011
Former iconic Zimbabwe Express Airlines boss Evans Ndebele passed on this past Saturday.We were childhood friends, but I will hardly slide into an orgy of uncontrolled mourning.For me,...Published: 21 Jun 2011 at 03:57hrs | 35 | by Rejoice Ngwenya
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