Columnist / Rutendo matinyarare
Whites want South Africa's township economy
South Africa has had Spaza shops controlled by foreigners for the better part of 30 years, and we never had food poisoning. But all of a sudden, now that white foreigners are building malls in the tow...Published: 14 Nov 2024 at 15:16hrs | 917 | by Rutendo Matinyarare
Innscor vs Rutendo Matinyarare takedown order judgement
Yesterday, we finally received the judgment from Judge Makume, following nine days of deliberations on Innscor's court application filed on August 20th, 2024, in which they sought a court order compel...Published: 29 Aug 2024 at 17:54hrs | 1898 | by Rutendo Matinyarare
Zimbabwe will never be ruled by traitors who called for Westerners to punish their people through sanctions
THE problem we have in Zimbabwe is we have a new generation of people who think they are educated and thus they don't acknowledge that Zimbabwe is a sacred country, nyika ine varidzi (a country with a...Published: 17 Nov 2023 at 05:04hrs | 2 | by Rutendo Matinyarare
South African media has failed to bring regime change in Zimbabwe
Over the past 22 years since sanctions were imposed on Zimbabwe, western governments have invested billions of dollars into South African white owned media, with the aim of discrediting Zanu-PF. ...Published: 29 Aug 2023 at 12:34hrs | 2 | by Rutendo Matinyarare
Nevers Mumba's report on Zimbabwe election is invalid
SADC REPORT THAT FAILS TO DENOUNCE THE ILLEGAL SANCTIONS' IMPACT ON ELECTIONS IS INVALID.We acknowledge the SADC report concerning irregularities in the harmonized Zimbabwean elections....Published: 25 Aug 2023 at 23:04hrs | 1 | by Rutendo Matinyarare
Did war vets collapse Zimdollar?
I HEAR many Zimbabweans suggesting that Zimbabwe was driven to bankruptcy and the crash of the dollar by paying war veterans in 1997.However, this perception is wrong because Zimbabwe printed ...Published: 03 Jun 2023 at 08:19hrs | 3 | by Rutendo Matinyarare
How Henrietta Rushwaya sells gold
In 2021, Frontline Marketing, my company, was approached by an Italian client interested in buying gold in Zimbabwe. Upon their inquiry, I contacted #HenriettaRushwaya to inquire about the gol...Published: 24 Mar 2023 at 06:23hrs | 8 | by Rutendo Matinyarare on Twitter @matinyarare
LEST WE FORGET: 'Ndebeles are tribalists, Mthwakazi must fall'
#TribalismMustStop warrior responds to Rutendo Benson's insults on the Ndebele peoplehttps://w...Published: 28 Oct 2017 at 13:49hrs | 3 | by Rutendo Matinyarare
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