Columnist / Sambulo vuma
Reburials and atonement
Jonathan Moyo and Joice Mujuru share much more than the "Js" in the first names and a desire for atonement. Both have been senior ZANU PF officials and have once been thrown out of the party, with Muj...Published: 06 Oct 2016 at 11:10hrs | | by Sambulo Vuma
Compulsive psychosis of Thomas Mapfumo
The recent 71st Session of the UN General Assembly in New York, USA, was not without its fair share of the charade. What with powerful western countries' shameless defiance to efforts aimed at democra...Published: 28 Sep 2016 at 14:36hrs | | by Sambulo Vuma
NERA: Much ado about nothing
There are a number of genuine challenges that Zimbabwe has to grapple with and this requires serious dedication of time and effort. However, sometimes fate intervenes amidst serious introspection in t...Published: 13 Sep 2016 at 14:38hrs | | by Sambulo Vuma
Convicted trio: Truth shall set you free
The conviction pending sentence of Tungamirai Madzokere, Yvonne Musarurwa and Last Maengahama who are MDC-T activists accused of killing Inspector Petros Mutedza came as a relief to some and a shock t...Published: 07 Sep 2016 at 14:43hrs | | by Sambulo Vuma
The lawful offenders in opposition ranks
The opposition forces fronting the regime change agenda have never embraced the tenets of democracy, at the core of which is the need to uphold the constitution so as to facilitate the prevalence of l...Published: 06 Sep 2016 at 11:03hrs | 1 | by Sambulo Vuma
Of Nando's and strawberry desserts
Out there in the open is a cold, desolate and unforgiving environment, especially for lazy layabouts such as petty thieves and common criminals who shudder to contemplate where their next meal will co...Published: 01 Sep 2016 at 09:53hrs | | by Sambulo Vuma
Tomorrow's demo hangs in the balance
There is a growing fear among opposition political parties in general and MDC-T in particular that the demonstration slated for tomorrow may fail to take place owing to court restrictions, MDC-T insid...Published: 25 Aug 2016 at 09:30hrs | 1 | by Sambulo Vuma
Victory in pyrrhic loss
I have been thinking, quite profoundly of late, that in life there may be some battles that one may gladly lose, not because of pyrrhic loss as there is victory but because there may be vindication in...Published: 18 Aug 2016 at 14:44hrs | | by Sambulo Vuma
Tsvangirai's final battle
To the spiritually inclined, no offence intended here, who always hunker for miracles even where common sense ought to prevail and will regress to their respective religions when faced with supposedly...Published: 27 Jul 2016 at 12:11hrs | | by Sambulo Vuma
Zimbabwe shall never close
Zimbabwe is open for business 24/7 and shall never shut down. No amount of propaganda, vilification and demonization can change that fact. Not even by the devil himself. We are a discerning lot. We un...Published: 13 Jul 2016 at 11:41hrs | 1 | by Sambulo Vuma
Tsvangirai health disclosure
One, in health and otherwiseI cannot be taught to hate my country for in so-doing, I invariably learn to accept to hate myself. No truer does the foregoing statement ring than right now when o...Published: 28 Jun 2016 at 13:36hrs | 1 | by Sambulo Vuma
Of gladiator gloves and dimwits
THE lead article, "Mujuru takes off her gloves", as she launches her 2018 election campaign with a star rally in Bulawayo published by a certain private owned daily made interesting reading on two cou...Published: 18 Jun 2016 at 11:11hrs | 1 | by Sambulo Vuma
Patson's complicity in Itai's whereabouts
The stereotype perception that in all battles, as in wars, women seem to bear the brunt of such conflicts is turning out to be true after all if the current dearth of political gamesmanship by opposit...Published: 02 Jun 2016 at 00:45hrs | | by Sambulo Vuma
Mangoma's sorry tale
The MDC in general and the 'T' faction in particular, is an association whose DNA is heavily steeped in violence. It was borne out of violence and currently faces grim prospects of a self-inflicted vi...Published: 04 Feb 2014 at 07:04hrs | 1 | by Sambulo Vuma
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