Columnist / Shephard dube
The End of Robert Mugabe (Part 1)
Since 1980 Robert Mugabe has been at the helm of Zimbabwe, his rule is marred by genocide, countless cases of political violence, brainwashing of the citizenry, economic collapse, corruption and ...Published: 19 Jul 2015 at 18:25hrs | 12 | by Shephard Dube
Its time to dissolve government
The ZANU PF leadership crisis has created one of the rarest constitutional opportunities to overthrow it from government. Sometime in 2007 Jonathan Moyo said "That Mugabe must go is no-longer a sl...Published: 10 Dec 2014 at 08:39hrs | | by Shephard Dube
MDC Youths Speak on Reunification
The MDC Youth Assembly Bulawayo Province would like to congratulate the MDC for successfully leading a reunification drive. The reunification exercise has seen the regrouping of like minded comrad...Published: 26 Nov 2014 at 19:53hrs | | by Shephard Dube
Zimbabwe breaching labor laws by employing a 90 year old man
I wish those that specialize in labor law in Zimbabwe could enlighten me. Is ZANU-PF and the Zimbabwean government not breaching any labor statute by employing a 90 year old man? I am ...Published: 14 Jul 2014 at 18:07hrs | | by Mhlonitshwa Shephard Dube
Calls for GNU 2 intensify from the Welshman Ncube camp
A letter to Patriotic ZimbabweansPart 1 I am Shephard Dube, a prince of restoration, order, progress an...Published: 18 Feb 2014 at 13:21hrs | | by Shephard Dube
The Welshman Ncube led MDC on a rebound
The MDC has been receiving multiple resignations from senior leadership at National and Provincial level. It is encapsulated in the party constitution that if any party member wishes to resign fro...Published: 05 Nov 2013 at 04:40hrs | | by Mhlonitshwa Shephard Dube
Top Reasons Why Welshman Ncube Could Be The Next President Of Zimbabwe
Being in office for seven terms of 5 years each, President Robert Mugabe tenure of being the president is coming to an end shortly before or after the start of 2013 as the election period has been...Published: 04 Jun 2012 at 09:30hrs | 1 | by Shephard Dube
Immortal Ghost of ZAPU 2000
It is true what the Chinese say, "a Ghost is stronger than its human form." It has been more than ten years after ZAPU 2000 a gesticulation of young radicals was disbanded. It was obvious that this mo...Published: 05 May 2012 at 14:54hrs | 1 | by Shephard Dube
Opposition: below par to dislodge Mugabe
Zimbabwe the superb land of our fathers has become personification of poverty, unemployment and HIV/AIDS due to political autocracy of his Excellence the head of state Robert Gabriel Mugabe.In...Published: 12 Oct 2011 at 08:33hrs | | by Shephard Dube
Republic of South Africa: Pseudo Heaven
At age 14, I opened my eyes and all I wanted to see was South Africa a country portrayed as a small heaven in my area of Origin.I was a good example of other 2 million teenagers and youths who...Published: 06 Oct 2011 at 15:49hrs | | by Shephard Dube
Zimbabwe Students Alliance : Model United Nation Conference
Press Statement The Zimbabwe Student Alliance(ZSA) is a Students Organisation whose lifetime commitment is the development of Zimbabwean Students learni...Published: 25 Sep 2011 at 06:25hrs | | by Shephard Dube
COPAC: A waste of money. People Driven Constitution: Impossible
What do they mean by a 'people driven constitution'? "From what I know a constitution is meant to constitute rules about what the structure of government should be and what powers it may and may not ...Published: 31 Jul 2011 at 18:43hrs | | by Shephard Dube
Zimbabwe students body offers condolences to MDC
Zimbabwe Students Alliance Secretary General Offers Condolences on the Passing of MDC South Africa secretary for security and defence.On behalf of the ZIMBABWE STUDENTS ALLIANCE, I wish to con...Published: 06 Jul 2011 at 06:07hrs | | by Shephard Dube
Tsvangirai has no capacity !!!
After so much has been done and said the post ZANU PF era has been drawing closer and closer, slowly but showly. As much as people will say his excellency Sir Professor Robert Mugabe LLD failed dismal...Published: 30 Jun 2011 at 18:39hrs | | by Shephard Dube
Shephard Dube tells us what a good politician is!
The press and public often pay attention to what politicians say, but less to how well they do what they're supposed to do.Shephard Dube asks, "What Makes A Good Politician?" Members of Parli...Published: 15 Jun 2011 at 16:02hrs | | by Shephard Dube
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