Columnist / Siphosami malunga
Nyarota aided and downplayed the Gukurahundi Genocide
When someone dies, their entire life is spotlighted..their greatest attributes as well as their awful weaknesses and terrible vices. Many speak glowingly of Geoff Nyarota's attributes as a jou...Published: 24 Mar 2025 at 13:30hrs | 824 | by Siphosami Malunga
How to fix Zimbabwe's broken politics
Resolving this stalemate is key to moving the nation forward constructively. What can be done to change this? What stands in the way? What are the opportunities?Broken politicsZimbabwe's p...Published: 22 Oct 2023 at 22:08hrs | | by Siphosami Malunga
Dumiso Dabengwa: An epitome of courage, endurance and integrity
HE used to call me at random and odd times; almost always late at night. The last time he did was at 11pm several weeks ago. He wanted to tell me he was in South Africa and was not well. This was the ...Published: 01 Jun 2019 at 15:55hrs | | by Siphosami Malunga
It's never too late for gukurahundi justice
A FEW weeks ago, a coalition of civil society organisations from Matabeleland met President Emmerson Mnangagwa to discuss issues affecting Matabeleland region.One of the issues was Gukurahundi...Published: 12 Apr 2019 at 13:52hrs | | by Siphosami Malunga
Rape allegations must be handled responsibly
As a lawyer, I have handled many rape cases in several countries where I have worked, including in international criminal tribunals. I was a trial attorney in the first "rape as a crime against humani...Published: 04 Feb 2019 at 08:31hrs | | by Siphosami Malunga
Sydney Malunga's son speaks on Army killings
The internet shutdown has constrained the flow of news coming out of Zimbabwe but news is trickling out. There two serious and related matters:For the record I stand with the frustrated and hu...Published: 16 Jan 2019 at 19:06hrs | 3 | by Siphosami Malunga
ZANU PF's culture of impunity chronicled
Impunity is defined as exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action. It is used to refer to people who get away with committing serious crimes but are allowed to e...Published: 19 Dec 2018 at 15:04hrs | 2 | by Siphosami Malunga
How we Squandered Chance for Real Political Change
I am one of those who did not cheer when the military coup happened in Zimbabwe almost a year ago. I was traveling from the DRC as the tanks rolled into the city and in Zimbabwe when Mugabe was finall...Published: 04 Nov 2018 at 12:42hrs | 10 | by Siphosami Malunga
Remembering Sidney Malunga
TWENTY-four years ago on August 28 my father died. It was sudden, unexpected, shocking!BY SIPHOSAMI MALUNGAHe had endured and survived much suffering in his lifetime. He had struggled ...Published: 23 Sep 2018 at 15:47hrs | 2 | by Siphosami Malunga
Spotlight on poll observers
Zimbabwe heads for elections on July 30, eight months after the removal of Mugabe. The African Union (AU) and the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) have a mandate to ensure that the countr...Published: 27 Jul 2018 at 11:22hrs | | by Siphosami Malunga
Why army warning is omnious
Army press conferences are rare and ominous events in Zimbabwe. When the army calls a press conference in Zimbabwe, it is a serious matter and you better sit up and listen. When they did in November l...Published: 15 Jul 2018 at 18:20hrs | | by Siphosami Malunga
Zimbabwe Elections: Six make-or-break issues
With the recent announcement of July 30 2018 as the election date, Zimbabwe is less than two months away from crucial polls that are expected to restore political legitimacy following the military-led...Published: 07 Jun 2018 at 17:27hrs | | by Siphosami Malunga
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